What does it take to be truly American?

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
What makes an American an American? Is it the accent, the clothing, the fact that you can speak the English language, or is it the fact that you were born on American soil?
Here's what people said:

So, bigger part or respondents said being Christian was important for being truly American. But being Christian by birth and participle (I mean keep the good Christian way of life) and believe in God are really different things. According this statement I can hardly say that there are truly americans around me, watching what is going on in this country.
My great grandparents were apparently devout Catholics, but they weren't born here, may not have been legal citizens at all, and never learned to speak English. That said, they were law abiding, tax paying, productive citizens who spent the rest of their lives after escaping the war in Europe just farming and raising their children. Would you consider them to have been true Americans?
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I thought it's necessary to love America first. And of course to know English.
My great grandparents were apparently devout Catholics, but they weren't born here, may not have been legal citizens at all, and never learned to speak English. That said, they were law abiding, tax paying, productive citizens who spent the rest of their lives after escaping the war in Europe just farming and raising their children. Would you consider them to have been true Americans?
Because they were law abiding and tax paying people, yes, I would consider them to be true Americans. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If they were still here, the only thing that I would have asked for is that they learn English. Once they knew it well enough, to be fair, I would let them teach me at least some of their language. Can I ask what their language was? :) :) :)

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