What do you think about Russian soldiers?

Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.

I’ve given my reasons for supporting Ukraine more than once. Let me reiterate them again.

1) Defending the territory of a sovereign people intent on self rule. The Ukrainians are not perfect. But that is irrelevant. They are a sovereign people who have had a recognized nation for long enough of a time to accept it as recognized fact. We aren’t talking about a situation like Panama where someone financed the revolt for political or strategic purposes. We are talking about a nation that was recognized as independent by the nation now invading them.

2) I have an instinctive resistance to Bully’s. And you can’t argue that in every measurable way Russia is a bully. Using force and intimidation to achieve their goals.

3) I am a student of history. Russian desire to place Eastern Europe is a threat to world peace. We have seen this sort of thing many times. History is replete with examples from the earliest recorded history. It always results in widespread pain and suffering of people.

People like to play what if games. What if we went back in time and stopped something horrible. What if we told the Navy that their fleet would be decimated the next morning on December 6, 1941? What if we killed Hitler before he became a force of unimaginable evil? What if.

I don’t want the next ten generations playing that game for what is happening today.

I’ve said many times I believe that Russia will eventually win. But my hope is that the victory is so expensive, so awful, so costly in lives and treasure, that they look at the map and see only doom looking back as they contemplate their next moves to dominate Europe and the World.

4) I want to avoid another World War. Historians generally agree that had the world stood up early then the Second World War might have been avoided. They say probably. I’ll hedge that bet with might, or maybe.

If we do nothing now as we did nothing regarding Georgia, or Chechen independence, and allow Russia a bloodless and easy victory. We know what happens. It happened before in history hasn’t it?

Eventually the dictators find a line they are told is the last one. After that is war. But they never believe the warning. After each previous line is crossed with no consequences they don’t believe you when you give them what you say is the last warning.

As expensive and awful as this war in Ukraine is. It would be ten or fifty times as expensive if the conflict enveloped all of Europe. It would cost many more lives and a hell of a lot more treasure.

Lastly. Weapons testing. Many of our top of the line latest developments are being tested in actual combat conditions. And shortcomings are being identified and addressed. You really don’t know what a system is going to do in battle until you are there. What seemed a good idea is theory and field testing often fails the test when metal meets the flesh.

We have already learned that the British Anti tank missile is every bit as good as ours, only a lot simpler and cheaper. Speaking as a Veteran, I can tell you that KISS is important to a soldier. Keep It Simple Stupid.

If we are smart we will look at getting the British design. We have already identified several areas we need work on. Including munitions production.
So basically you're saying that Putin belongs in Washington, D.C. with all the American autocrat liars (like Biden) who sensor or arrest journalists (think Julian Assange) or the J6 political prisoners.
Amazing, so many lies in so few words. None of that is remotely true.
The Ukranian military is not exactly the most disciplined either at times. Lots of volunteers who simply don't understand military discipline or logic.

Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.
All soldiers are people.

The Ukrainian soldiers are “regular guys” too who like sports and are orthodox Christian, just like the Russians.

Key difference is the Ukrainians are defending their land from a foreign invader. Important distinction and not one the Russians can say about themselves.
Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.

Its not about Russian soldiers.

Its about Democrats saving / preserving one of their most lucrative, self-enriching, corrupt influence-peddling, pockey-lining ponzi scheme 'investment opportunity' locations in the world.

As with the exposed ponzi scheme, if they can mot save it they can at least try to.delay its fall until they can milk ever last foreign and US tax dollar rhey can out of it.

If they can manage to have the war end with at least even part of Ukraine stoll free they will then make millions on reconstruction contracts to rebuild whatever is left.
The folks voting for Biden, Bush, Clinton, Obama, other Bush are most certainly Swamp Creatures.
I'm guessing you don't consider yourself a swamp creature. If that is true, what have you done to drain the swamp?

(If you say 'I voted for Trump' please explain what he did to make DC better, not what he promised to do.)
I'm guessing you don't consider yourself a swamp creature. If that is true, what have you done to drain the swamp?

(If you say 'I voted for Trump' please explain what he did to make DC better, not what he promised to do.)
I do the only things someone at my level can do:

1) I vote for true conservatives and nobody else. I do NOT vote for "the lesser of two evils."
2) I share my ideas and ideals on social sites like this on. When possible, I counter asinine statements with facts and/or links to where facts can be found.

If I had the power to fire the Swamp Creatures ... D.C. would be nearly empty and we'd start with a clean slate.
I do the only things someone at my level can do:

1) I vote for true conservatives and nobody else. I do NOT vote for "the lesser of two evils."
2) I share my ideas and ideals on social sites like this on. When possible, I counter asinine statements with facts and/or links to where facts can be found.

If I had the power to fire the Swamp Creatures ... D.C. would be nearly empty and we'd start with a clean slate.
Do you consider Trump a 'true conservative'?
I'm guessing you don't consider yourself a swamp creature. If that is true, what have you done to drain the swamp?

(If you say 'I voted for Trump' please explain what he did to make DC better, not what he promised to do.)
The Ruby-Red Rubicon

Trump was sabotaged by his false friends in the Republican Party. He was also frustrated by all the restrictions the ruling class's Constitution put on him. Frankly, only a dictator can get us out of this sticky swamp.
We can start with Mexico in the 1840’s, move on to to the acquisition of Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines in the late 1800’s. Much of Europe and Pacific Islands remain vassal states after WWII
Okay how about since I've been alive ya old fart! or, How many land conquests have we had since the end of WWII?
Frankly, only a dictator can get us out of this sticky swamp.


No. Just no.

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