Gold Member
If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?
Just myself in general
To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming
550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!
Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.
Just myself in general
To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming
550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!
Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.