What do you conservatives say about those of us who are thinking of ditching Politics?

They will be happy to read your report. The more that give up, the tougher the fight left for those who remain fighting.
are u saying Congress (12% approval rating at one time) want to read my report on how things are? Well, thanks for the encouragement bc now they are going to hear from me.. (Maybe I had to take abreak and come to General to get to the point of actually venturing to do such...). I think all of us who visit Politics should get together and write a joint letter and... BTW.. Is there a way to send an email to ALL Congresspersons, all 538, at one time? That's what we should do.. right? Sounds good to me.. All this bitching and moaning shouldn't go to waste.. :)

Anyway, you are so right, that the more I give up, the tougher the fight is for those left fighting.. and maybe I should just re-focus.. focus on something within my grasp (of changing)... not sure what that may be...

I am worn out from all the frustration.. You follow issues and realize what is going on and try to do something about it (even if it is only bitching and whining) and

in the end, what the hell difference does any of it make?

"They" are going to do what THEY have been doing for decades, if not centuries in this country

"They" do not care whether we like their sick agenda or not... couldn't care less. So even were we to write to them and tell them all that we say here (which we likely never or rarely do), I don't think it would do any good so... yeh... Why get your mind and heart into a tizzy when .. things are hopeless?


Instead of trying to fix things from the top down, and fighting everyone in America doing that ...
Fix things that matter to you from the bottom up, start in your communities, school boards, local elections.

Tell the Establishment to take a hike, stop voting for cheesy bastards that just plug the lines.
Cultivate real candidates that understand it isn't a game, and actually want to serve their communities.

As they grow, advance them on to State positions, but keep that lease and choke chain tight.
Foster support for them, through networking in your communities.
Don't make them reliant on the dark money from the Establishment and Special Interests.

It's a hard battle, and you will suffer losses along the way.
You are nothing to the Assclowns in the Banana Republic on Capitol Hill ...
But you are going to have to start fighting your fight street to street, person to person, until you win their hearts and minds.

Don't get frustrated because you cannot accomplish what you couldn't accomplish anyway ...
Simply because the People are too stupid to stop granting their Power to the Establishment
because they are lazy and couldn't handle or accomplish anything they want on their own.

Buckle Up

maybe. But what if your sanity is at stake?

Then you are being FAR to invested :D

No reason to dig in that deep, there are FAR more important considerations that effect your life far more than any idiots in Washington will. Family, work, hobbies. All materially effect your life MUCH more and that is even ignoring how they spiritually effect your life, which politics should have ZERO influence on.

Which is why I said: define 'ditching.' If it means disengagement I suggest not going there. That is the real world instantiation of 'the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.' If it means scaling back it's importance to something that is practical and more realistic then good on you. It is not realistic, IMHO, to let something that has the importance of politics to effect your sanity. There is just WAY to many things that are FAR more important.
thanks. You make me feel like.. what I think actually matters to someone.. don't feel that way often bc my family is.. uh... basically a bunch of .... Ok, never mind.. I'm not sure Jesus would approve of what I was about to say, although I know He'd approve of the TRUTH of it... just not the malice which had accompanied said Truth.. I have forgiven them, need to re-forgive.

Anyway, i think you have good advice... give myself a break but don't chuck it all... I was actually surprised about an hour ago when i did indeed feel like chucking it all... I mean, that is just NOT ME! What the heck happend? I don't know.. You get to a breaking point..

The breaking point was... hearing the same old same old about how awful things in our capitol are and yet... All the people who could do something about it.. likely WILL NOT!

Yeh, that is just something I can't take anymore..............

So where are you in the political realm? Conservative?
For sure the naysayers, trolls, people who don't have a clue about much of anything but just parrot the same, tired assigned talking points, slogans, propaganda, insults, memes, and especially those who post in packs in an effort to start a food fight or derail the discussion do make us wonder why bother after awhile.

Even more frustrating are those who agree with the truth of the matter, the right policy, the constructive point of view but who won't get involved, won't back up the person who is being attacked, won't stick their necks out and let their opinion be heard. We have a plethora of those on social media, message boards, and also elected to office and sometimes I just want to shake some sense into them.

But every once in awhile, somebody actually says something worthwhile listening to, puts a verifiable truth out there, makes a reasoned logical argument that is helpful and/or at least encourages us to seek out good information.

That's what keeps me doing this. But I do have to walk away and regroup now and then because the haters are legion and however destructive they are, they don't give up.
I am worn out from all the frustration.. You follow issues and realize what is going on and try to do something about it (even if it is only bitching and whining) and

in the end, what the hell difference does any of it make?

"They" are going to do what THEY have been doing for decades, if not centuries in this country

"They" do not care whether we like their sick agenda or not... couldn't care less. So even were we to write to them and tell them all that we say here (which we likely never or rarely do), I don't think it would do any good so... yeh... Why get your mind and heart into a tizzy when .. things are hopeless?


Try to focus on your own backyard and the immediate needs of your family and yourself—day to day living stuff. All the while, keep an eye to sky, an ear to the ground and a finger to the wind. Dwelling 24/7 on the collapse of civilization will drive you mad.
Which is why I said: define 'ditching.' If it means disengagement I suggest not going there.

I have to agree because I have tried that.
Created a strong, sustainable, defensive posture, far enough away from the clutter and insulated from some of the minutia.

But even that way ... Your only option is to sit there and watch this Nation crumble.
You're not helping it, others, or even yourself with that approach.

It's comfortable, pleasant even, and you can tailor your life without the complications of constant struggle against the government.
But ... You will be sitting there in peace, and that gives you time to think, and sooner or later you cannot stop thinking about what you aren't doing.

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I think all of us who visit Politics should get together and write a joint letter and... BTW.. Is there a way to send an email to ALL Congresspersons, all 538, at one time? That's what we should do.. right?


That only works if you still think the one in office are worth the trouble of dealing with.

OK, thanks for re-phrasing; now I get it.

so you're saying that even if i quit the Politics section of the forum..

People will still know what I value... when they see 10 Trump stickers and 10 Jesus stickers on my car?

(don't really have that many but some day...) LOL
Right. The way that you live your life is what will be your stance on whatever you do or don't have any interest in and you're welcome. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


That only works if you still think the one in office are worth the trouble of dealing with.


and we can always just shove them aside and replace them with our uncle Bob or cousin Jimmy who love Trump, can't we?

I mean, who needs elections?

Wow. If we just send it to the ones worth the trouble of dealing with, i.e. the ones who might care what we think, that really narrows the list down.

At first glance, people often think I am jaded and just think every politician on Capitol Hill is corrupt ...
When that's not the whole truth of the matter.

I think the Establishment and current existing process on Capitol Hill is corrupt ...
And for lack of a better way of putting it, the politicians are corrupted by that.

Legislation that barely resembles its title, jammed full of garbage, and peddled out piece by piece to reward the votes of Representatives.
The same way they buy votes at the ballot box ... And they won't see anything wrong with it because it is how things get done.

Eventually, everything is reduced to a bunch of garbage, and the melted down the most ridiculous crap to fight about.
Then the politicians trot out on television, talk to the dumbest people in the room, and drag the rest of the electorate along for the ride.

We the People are as much of the problem, because we have surrendered our power to the Establishment.
We ask them to do things that could be handled at the State or Local level ...
Things that barely reflect the enumerated Powers in the Constitution, if they reflect them at all ...
And for no other reason than to leverage the opinions of people elsewhere, who really don't care about us.

Right. The way that you live your life is what will be your stance on whatever you do or don't have any interest in and you're welcome. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

well, I have heard this b4. What I htink is.. living your life.. that is a subjective thing.. meaning HOW well you live your life is subjective. Some think that if you don't share the Gospel (for example) that is not lving your life well. Me... I share the gospel (when not raking dimrats over the coals at the forum) in my own way. It's a long story what my way involves, but my point is that only God knows how you are living for Him.. and peple can only judge (and DO judge) what you actually do every day, which hardly tells the whole story, to say the least..

So since people can't see what all you are doing/thinking/praying... well, I guess I am back to the 10 Trump and 10 Jesus stickers (not that those 2 are as equal as those figures imply!)

anyway, am I making sense here?

it's been a long day..
and we can always just shove them aside and replace them with our uncle Bob or cousin Jimmy who love Trump, can't we?
I mean, who needs elections?


I am not really sure how that would help anything ... Please explain your proposal in more detail.
Feel free to justify your reasoning ... I am open to suggestions and the free sharing of ideas.


I am not really sure how that would help anything ... Please explain your proposal in more detail.
Feel free to justify your reasoning ... I am open to suggestions and the free sharing of ideas.

I was being a little sarcastic. What I meant was... hold on

I have to go back and look @ the comments again.. back in a few

Ok you said this which prompted my sarcastic response, which I apologize for if you.. well, I just apologize regardless..

so you said this

That only works if you still think the one in office are worth the trouble of dealing with.

My non-sarcastic comment or the meaning thereof is:

We may not like what we've been given, Rep or Senate-wise but that's what we have..

I wish we could install our staunch R relatives or friends.. but we can't.. They are worth dealing with because our country is literally going to Hell..
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We may not like what we've been given, Rep or Senate-wise but that's what we have..

That is something I have covered repetitively in this thread ...
We (the People) aren't "given" anything we don't ask for and surrender to.

Nothing will change until We the People address that.

I also expressed how we can approach addressing it.
I also expressed, that changes need to be made in the fundamental expectations we apply to our Representatives.

You can be sarcastic and have fun ... But I am wondering when you are going to wake up and become a statesman ...
Someone who is actually interested in figuring out what we need to do, why it is necessary, and where We the People have failed our duty.

There is not a single Assclown on Capitol Hill that wants to straighten things out, and in our current condition, they couldn't do it if they tried.
We the People are going to have to figure out how to make them do it.

Stop fighting with each other ... Chasing the balls they throw down the street ...
Empower yourself, embrace your freedom and let's start taking them to task.

Start with the ones you voted for and that are responsible to you ...
Set your expectations high, and don't tolerate their nonsense when it comes to anything.
If they cannot perform at the level you require ... Do everything you can to replace them at the next opportunity.

Don't worry about the People you have no power over, or let your Representatives play those games or use them as an excuse ...
because that won't accomplish anything but feeding the nonsense.

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Then you are being FAR to invested :D

No reason to dig in that deep, there are FAR more important considerations that effect your life far more than any idiots in Washington will. Family, work, hobbies. All materially effect your life MUCH more and that is even ignoring how they spiritually effect your life, which politics should have ZERO influence on.

Which is why I said: define 'ditching.' If it means disengagement I suggest not going there. That is the real world instantiation of 'the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.' If it means scaling back it's importance to something that is practical and more realistic then good on you. It is not realistic, IMHO, to let something that has the importance of politics to effect your sanity. There is just WAY to many things that are FAR more important.
there are more important things than our whole country falling apart and demons taking over?


like what?


That is something I have covered repetitively in this thread ...
We (the People) aren't "given" anything we don't ask for and surrender to.

Nothing will change until We the People address that.

I also expressed how we can approach addressing it.
I also expressed, that changes need to be made in the fundamental expectations we apply to our Representatives.

You can be sarcastic and have fun ... But I am wondering when you are going to wake up and become a statesman ...
Someone who is actually interested in figuring out what we need to do, why it is necessary, and where We the People have failed our duty.

There is not a single Assclown on Capitol Hill that wants to straighten things out, and in our current condition, they couldn't do it if they tried.
We the People are going to have to figure out how to make them do it.

Stop fighting with each other ... Chasing the balls they throw down the street ...
Empower yourself, embrace your freedom and let's start taking them to task.

and just how are we going to do that... something I have been wanting for a long time.. and yeh... good mental picture there.. balls being thrown down the street and we run after them..

and yet.. those balls represent some seriously troubling anti-american issues...
and just how are we going to do that... something I have been wanting for a long time.. and yeh... good mental picture there.. balls being thrown down the street and we run after them..

and yet.. those balls represent some seriously troubling anti-american issues...

They are only serious and troubling issues because they are the balls they keep throwing ...
To keep you fighting each other, instead of turning on them.

You see it ...It's right there in front of you and you still cannot figure it out ...
What the heck do you think I have been saying ... :auiqs.jpg:

The most serious and troubling issue is that you still want to play their game.

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They are only serious and troubling issues because they are the balls they keep throwing ...
To keep you fighting each other, instead of turning on them.

You see it ...It's right there in front of you and you still cannot figure it out ...
What the heck do you think I have been saying ... :auiqs.jpg:

The most serious and troubling issue is that you still want to play their game.

I have had the same thought, namely that both parties "throw out those balls" for us to run after so we will not turn on them.. I'm sure we are not the only ones to htink that either..

But again... what the heck is any of us going to do about the worst of the worst problems? I had the suggestion that we all get together and write to congress..

maybe i should make a thread of it? I mean, other than that, i don't know wht to do...

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