What do you conservatives say about those of us who are thinking of ditching Politics?

I have had the same thought, namely that both parties "throw out those balls" for us to run after so we will not turn on them.. I'm sure we are not the only ones to htink that either..

But again... what the heck is any of us going to do about the worst of the worst problems? I had the suggestion that we all get together and write to congress..

maybe i should make a thread of it? I mean, other than that, i don't know wht to do...

Our worst problem is our lack of Power because we keep waiting for the government to solve the problems and giving them all our Power.

I have given you numerous suggestions of where to start, and what to do.
None of it is easy ... But if you want me to make it simpler for you to understand, then I can give that a shot.

Take the idea of a Balanced Budget Amendment (or whatever) to your neighbors, throughout your community and have them sign a petition.
Send the petition to your Representative with a clear and strongly worded letter,
telling them that if they don't come up with the Legislation themselves, and find others to help them in sponsoring it ...
Their ass will be back to selling used cars after the next election cycle.

They don't even have to get it passed if they do what you require, and add the stipulation that if too much crap is added to it ...
You expect them to vote against it ... And let them know in all certainty that you are not playing games.

Demand clear, concise and worthy Legislation that actually respects the Constitution instead of trying to circumvent it.
Promise them that you will do everything you can to send them packing if they ever vote to support a single piece of garbage just for the sake of their party.

Tell them you don't care what the Democrat or Republican Establishment may want ...
One vote from them, one single vote they make for anything other than what you can agree is reasonable to a certain degree ...
Can send them packing, and they work for you ... Not the party, themselves, or any other fool up there on Capitol Hill.

Are you starting to see where I am going with this ... :auiqs.jpg:

I am sure I don't have all the answers ... And don't even get me started about changing the rules to a Supermajority vote ...
Ensuring that anything passed draws more support from a greater portion of the electorate ... Or it just doesn't make it out of Congress.

I am not looking to make their lives or job any easier ... I am looking to enforce the idea they better stop playing games,
and sending us nothing but a bunch of convoluted garbage and handouts masquerading as responsible Legislation.

It doesn't matter if I like them or not ... I will do my best to send them home if they don't stop screwing around.

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Democrats are in a bind. No matter what they do it seems to backfire on them because they didn't count on Americans being informed and pissed and it looks like they are going to have a bad election day. Along comes a post like this that tries to convince people to lose interest in politics and maybe stay home on election day. Nice try..
there are more important things than our whole country falling apart and demons taking over?


like what?

Like family.

Like your friends.

Like your occupation.

You assume that the country is 'falling apart.' The news and talking heads will tell you that but they have been saying that for decades. I was told Clinton was the end of the country. 'I was told Bush was going to start WWIII. I was told Obama was going to turn us into a communist nation and the brown shirts would come get me. I was told that Trump was the end of the nation. I am being told that the nation will not outlast Biden.

So, again, it appears you are just in to deep. Step back, take a breath and realize that the end of the world is ALWAYS just around the corner. Realize that this has always been nothing more than a method used to control your thought.

If you think that politics is more important than any of the three things listed you have VASTLY overestimated the impact these bobble heads have on your life.

Our worst problem is our lack of Power because we keep waiting for the government to solve the problems and giving them all our Power.

I have given you numerous suggestions of where to start, and what to do.
None of it is easy ... But if you want me to make it simpler for you to understand, then I can give that a shot.

Take the idea of a Balanced Budget Amendment (or whatever) to your neighbors, throughout your community and have them sign a petition.
Send the petition to your Representative with a clear and strongly worded letter,
telling them that if they don't come up with the Legislation themselves, and find others to help them in sponsoring it ...
Their ass will be back to selling used cars after the next election cycle.

They don't even have to get it passed if they do what you require, and add the stipulation that if too much crap is added to it ...
You expect them to vote against it ... And let them know in all certainty that you are not playing games.

Demand clear, concise and worthy Legislation that actually respects the Constitution instead of trying to circumvent it.
Promise them that you will do everything you can to send them packing if they ever vote to support a single piece of garbage just for the sake of their party.

Tell them you don't care what the Democrat or Republican Establishment may want ...
One vote from them, one single vote they make for anything other than what you can agree is reasonable to a certain degree ...
Can send them packing, and they work for you ... Not the party, themselves, or any other fool up there on Capitol Hill.

Are you starting to see where I am going with this ... :auiqs.jpg:

I am sure I don't have all the answers ... And don't even get me started about changing the rules to a Supermajority vote ...
Ensuring that anything passed draws more support from a greater portion of the electorate ... Or it just doesn't make it out of Congress.

I am not looking to make their lives or job any easier ... I am looking to enforce the idea they better stop playing games,
and sending us nothing but a bunch of convoluted garbage and handouts masquerading as responsible Legislation.

It doesn't matter if I like them or not ... I will do my best to send them home if they don't stop screwing around.

well, that sounds great

problem is, most people have children to care for, homes to care for.. maybe even grandparents to care for.. True, everyone has SOME time available for this kind of thing.. but

well.. hate to be all negative and stuff.. but the Newsome recall failed and the Gascon one did also..
well, that sounds great

problem is, most people have children to care for, homes to care for.. maybe even grandparents to care for.. True, everyone has SOME time available for this kind of thing.. but

well.. hate to be all negative and stuff.. but the Newsome recall failed and the Gascon one did also..

I said there would be failures, and I never suggested any of it would be easy.

The only question is whether or not one can step up and go above and beyond ...
Other than that, you get what nothing provides you with in Governance.

Someone can care for their family, their home and their parents ...
But what difference will any of that make if the foundation of it all is eroded way into garbage because they didn't care about tomorrow?

The reason the People are fighting about the issues they are today ...
Is because they have refused to take back their power, been lazy and sent everything up to Capitol Hill ...
And got the garbage they asked for back in return.

There's plenty of excuses ... And we are well into the Age of Immediate Gratification.
Doesn't seem to be working out that well to me ... But what do I know?

I got to get back to the yardwork anyways.

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Democrats are in a bind. No matter what they do it seems to backfire on them because they didn't count on Americans being informed and pissed and it looks like they are going to have a bad election day. Along comes a post like this that tries to convince people to lose interest in politics and maybe stay home on election day. Nice try..
Are you out of your mind?

Can you really read even a fraction of my posts/threads and conclude I want people to stay home and not vote?

Geez... the first part of your post, the first sentence or 2 was right on... the rest is... whatever

I said there would be failures, and I never suggested any of it would be easy.

The only question is whether or not one can step up and go above and beyond ...
Other than that, you get what nothing provides you with in Governance.

Someone can care for their family, their home and their parents ...
But what difference will any of that make if the foundation of it all is eroded way into garbage because they didn't care about tomorrow?

The reason the People are fighting about the issues they are today ...
Is because they have refused to take back their power, been lazy and sent everything up to Capitol Hill ...
And got the garbage they asked for back in return.

There's plenty of excuses ... And we are well into the Age of Immediate Gratification.
Doesn't seem to be working out that well to me ... But what do I know?

I got to get back to the yardwork anyways.

i agree that people are... apathetic and/or don't want to sacrifice

But really, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do... I can't do anything all by myself.. I notice no one wants to take me up on that idea of writing to Congress..

I need (we all need) to work within a group of some sort... Where I am at now in life, I don't have that... Maybe some day.. i don't know..
i agree that people are... apathetic and/or don't want to sacrifice

But really, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do... I can't do anything all by myself.. I notice no one wants to take me up on that idea of writing to Congress..

I need (we all need) to work within a group of some sort... Where I am at now in life, I don't have that... Maybe some day.. i don't know..

Don't write Congress ... Write your Representatives in Congress.

Don't talk to them about the garbage you may want them to do in regard to other Members of Congress, or their Party.
Talk to them about what they should do to make you happy, and work on the thing you think they need to be working on.

Don't chase the balls they throw down the street or play the game they want to play.
And As I have already mentioned ... Gather support, have people sign it, and don't stand alone in your demands.

Don't make everyone write Congress ... They will never read all that crap.
One initiative ... For your community and get as many people as you can to sign their name to it before you take it to your Representative.

Make them listen ... Exert your Power ...
Because neither I nor your Representative care what you cannot or are unwilling to do.


Don't write Congress ... Write your Representatives in Congress.

Don't talk to them about the garbage you may want them to do in regard to other Members of Congress, or their Party.
Talk to them about what they should do to make you happy, and work on the thing you think they need to be working on.

Don't chase the balls they throw down the street or play the game they want to play.
And As I have already mentioned ... Gather support, have people sign it, and don't stand alone in your demands.

Don't make everyone write Congress ... They will never read all that crap.
One initiative ... For your community and get as many people as you can to sign their name to it before you take it to your Representative.

Make them listen ... Exert your Power ...
Because neither I nor your Representative care what you cannot or are unwilling to do.

Well, what should I write to my rep about?

What I would like to say is I am getting damn fed up with dimrats getting away with murder (of the US) and the Rs just stand around wringing their hands or yapping their mouths on some talk show. They are the ones who have the power and they are not doing anything w/ it, at least not enough of them..
Well, what should I write to my rep about?

What I would like to say is I am getting damn fed up with dimrats getting away with murder (of the US) and the Rs just stand around wringing their hands or yapping their mouths on some talk show. They are the ones who have the power and they are not doing anything w/ it, at least not enough of them..

Why are you asking me ... You don't live in my district, and I don't know what you want your Representative to do.

Stop with the Democrat-Republican thing ... They are all the Establishment and you know that by now.
They are all playing the game ... And you keep telling me in every way that you already know that.
You decide what you want your Representative to do ... You gather support for the idea.

Stop bitching and complaining about what the Democrats and the Republicans are doing ...
And let your Representatives know they work for you ... Not anyone else on Capitol Hill.

It will be a struggle ... It will make your Representatives struggle ...
But it is about time they start doing something more than playing games and chasing cameras ...
Pretending their empty talk and flat out lies are going to cut it any longer.

The reason we are circling the drain is because everyone in the Establishment is heading in the same direction ...
Some are just getting there faster than others ... We need to turn them around and business as usual isn't ever going to do that.

You assume that the country is 'falling apart.' The news and talking heads will tell you that but they have been saying that for decades.
Thanks for insulting my intelligence. For your information, I say the world is falling apart not bc someone tells me that

but because I... surprise surprise!

have EYES of my own

Why are you asking me ... You don't live in my district, and I don't know what you want your Representative to do.

Stop with the Democrat-Republican thing ... They are all the Establishment and you know that by now.
They are all playing the game ... And you keep telling me in every way that you already know that.
You decide what you want your Representative to do ... You gather support for the idea.

Stop bitching and complaining about what the Democrats and the Republicans are doing ...
And let your Representatives know they work for you ... Not anyone else on Capitol Hill.

It will be a struggle ... It will make your Representatives struggle ...
But it is about time they start doing something more than playing games and chasing cameras ...
Pretending their empty talk and flat out lies are going to cut it any longer.

The reason we are circling the drain is because everyone in the Establishment is heading in the same direction ...
Some are just getting there faster than others ... We need to turn them around and business as usual isn't ever going to do that.

well, I don't disagree w/ this but eveyrone has his own God given talents and circumstances and one has to work within those.. so I will do what I can but it is not much because I am not in some group. I think peple should do things in a group.. more effective.. and I am exploring what group to be involved with..
I'm not ditching politics (assuming politics is defined as: following people running for office and commenting on what they say/do when they want to win and may not keep their word... trying toget others to vote as you'd like etc)

so yeh, I'm not ditching politics, it's just that

it seems politics is ditching me..

(to paraphrase Reagan RE the dim party)

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