What do we owe to our young people?


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2016
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?
You don't owe them anything, except maybe moral support. IMHO, you should take care of yourself first and foremost.
Those who came before me helped blaze the trail and never stopped with assistance. I in turn gave assistance back. I guess the chain is broken! I am leaning toward your way of dealing with it! Thank you for your input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?
Save your energy and your money, they will not change.
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?
Save your energy and your money, they will not change.
Thank you for your input! Are you experiencing the same?
Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
You see this is what I strugle with. It seems selfless and right to continue to help. It also feels as though I am enabling this behavior by continuing to offer assistance when it is noit recipricated. Is it right to continue to sacrafice for people who are eveidently void of virtue. Will they in turn treat their kids this way? Will I end up having to take care of their children? I do not think I have the energy to be a parent any more! Children deserve parents with energy! Do I perpetuater selfishness by not punishing it? Am I a sucker because I can bear to watch my children suffer? Are they suffering because I did not teach this lesson correctly?
Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
You see this is what I strugle with. It seems selfless and right to continue to help. It also feels as though I am enabling this behavior by continuing to offer assistance when it is noit recipricated. Is it right to continue to sacrafice for people who are eveidently void of virtue. Will they in turn treat their kids this way? Will I end up having to take care of their children? I do not think I have the energy to be a parent any more! Children deserve parents with energy! Do I perpetuater selfishness by not punishing it? Am I a sucker because I can bear to watch my children suffer? Are they suffering because I did not teach this lesson correctly?
Virtues stand on their own merit, they cant be forced onto folks via cynacism and judgment. Thats religiousity.

Lead by example. People look toward role models for answers in dealing with life's harder questions and circumstances.

The folks who find wisdom in your virtues will take your example. The folks who dont, wont.....

but at the end of the day, if you yourself dont abide by them...then you dont actually consider them virtues to begin with.
Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
You see this is what I strugle with. It seems selfless and right to continue to help. It also feels as though I am enabling this behavior by continuing to offer assistance when it is noit recipricated. Is it right to continue to sacrafice for people who are eveidently void of virtue. Will they in turn treat their kids this way? Will I end up having to take care of their children? I do not think I have the energy to be a parent any more! Children deserve parents with energy! Do I perpetuater selfishness by not punishing it? Am I a sucker because I can bear to watch my children suffer? Are they suffering because I did not teach this lesson correctly?
Virtues stand on their own merit, they cant be forced onto folks via cynacism and judgment. Thats religiousity.

Lead by example. People look toward role models for answers in dealing with life's harder questions and circumstances.

The folks who find wisdom in your virtues will take your example. The folks who dont, wont.....

but at the end of the day, if you yourself dont abide by them...then you dont actually consider them virtues to begin with.
You remind me of Father Ray! He would have given similar advice!
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Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
You see this is what I strugle with. It seems selfless and right to continue to help. It also feels as though I am enabling this behavior by continuing to offer assistance when it is noit recipricated. Is it right to continue to sacrafice for people who are eveidently void of virtue. Will they in turn treat their kids this way? Will I end up having to take care of their children? I do not think I have the energy to be a parent any more! Children deserve parents with energy! Do I perpetuater selfishness by not punishing it? Am I a sucker because I can bear to watch my children suffer? Are they suffering because I did not teach this lesson correctly?
Virtues stand on their own merit, they cant be forced onto folks via cynacism and judgment. Thats religiousity.

Lead by example. People look toward role models for answers in dealing with life's harder questions and circumstances.

The folks who find wisdom in your virtues will take your example. The folks who dont, wont.....

but at the end of the day, if you yourself dont abide by them...then you dont actually consider them virtues to begin with.
You remind me of Father Ray! He would have given similar advice!
Thanks, if he's a cool dude :)

Ive faced quite a bit of adversity.... and my way through was always a belief in myself.

Belief I can be right. Belief I can be wrong. Belief that I'll eventually recognize when each has occurred.

I'm agnostic, and so my guiding light has always been curiousity and intrigue. The wonders of the world are there for everyone to percieve in their own way...and the one that never fails is belief in yourself to such a degree that you'll make sacrifices on principle. Thats what seperates your legacy from everyone else's. And living that way has allowed me to develop belief in others, as well....which gives me some sense of fulfillment.
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?

I had a 30 year career turning old timers into soylent green , all we had to do is report them as incapable of caring for themselves. It could have been anything as subtle as early dimetia ,to obvious incontinence.

Frequent flyers would assume an extranious documention over time, all engineered towards the final roundup.....the families (if they had them) were read their rights and given choices. As Walton mountain only exists on Nickelodian now, that choice was usually off the table.

The most prevelant ,if not pushed choice was to first introduce visiting nurses, then form a good argument for 24/7 care.

Of course this would only occur should said targeted old timer actually have assets .either liquid or that which could be liquidated. Those that did not died of hyperthermia in a puddle of their own piss ,because the fell and couldn't get up.

That point , where the 'system' confront the patients, is predicated forever and a day on THIER economic viablity ,than that of any given patients moral or spiritual well being

Consider, you've been condemned as an unviable human, and are now going to endure a medicaid spend down to pay for your demise....
What is Medicaid Spend-Down & How Does It Work?

Your too old and infirm to fight back , and anything you say or do is construed as inane ramblings of the aged. meanwhile you'll watch the entire life you built to PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT

B*tch enough, and they'll load you up with enough dope to keep you drooling happily ,when the kiids finally come by to see how you're doin....

You se, there's no sense seeking virtue in a society that worships mammon above all else

What's in your wallet 1969?

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Rise above the negative energy, make real sacrifices for virtues that you actually believe in and let the cards fall where they may.
You see this is what I strugle with. It seems selfless and right to continue to help. It also feels as though I am enabling this behavior by continuing to offer assistance when it is noit recipricated. Is it right to continue to sacrafice for people who are eveidently void of virtue. Will they in turn treat their kids this way? Will I end up having to take care of their children? I do not think I have the energy to be a parent any more! Children deserve parents with energy! Do I perpetuater selfishness by not punishing it? Am I a sucker because I can bear to watch my children suffer? Are they suffering because I did not teach this lesson correctly?
Virtues stand on their own merit, they cant be forced onto folks via cynacism and judgment. Thats religiousity.

Lead by example. People look toward role models for answers in dealing with life's harder questions and circumstances.

The folks who find wisdom in your virtues will take your example. The folks who dont, wont.....

but at the end of the day, if you yourself dont abide by them...then you dont actually consider them virtues to begin with.
You remind me of Father Ray! He would have given similar advice!
Thanks, if he's a cool dude :)

Ive faced quite a bit of adversity.... and my way through was always a belief in myself.

Belief I can be right. Belief I can be wrong. Belief that I'll eventually recognize when each has occurred.

I'm agnostic, and so my guiding light has always been curiousity and intrigue. The wonders of the world are there for everyone to percieve in their own way...and the one that never fails is belief in yourself to such a degree that you'll make sacrifices on principle. Thats what seperates your legacy from everyone else's. And living that way has allowed me to develop belief in others, as well....which gives me some sense of fulfillment.
Father Ray was the official historian at the MariaStein Convent. He spoke seven languages and was considered a great man by those who knew him. He was a large influence on my life through out my childhood and young adulthood. While I am not sure I buy any of mans religion, god sure loved Father Ray when we went bass fishing. The rate at which he caught fish made me wonder if he did not have a little help from some where! I loved the guy even if he scolded me about how many times my name came up during confession. I guess I jus knew to many of his pretty parishoners. It did not help so many of them were blond haired and blue eyed with wonderfull curves. I would say Father Ray, I guess I just love to much!!!!!!
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?

I had a 30 year career turning old timers into soylent green , all we had to do is report them as incapable of caring for themselves. It could have been anything as subtle as early dimetia ,to obvious incontinence.

Frequent flyers would assume an extranious documention over time, all engineered towards the final roundup.....the families (if they had them) were read their rights and given choices. As Walton mountain only exists on Nickelodian now, that choice was usually off the table.

The most prevelant ,if not pushed choice was to first introduce visiting nurses, then form a good argument for 24/7 care.

Of course this would only occur should said targeted old timer actually have assets .either liquid or that which could be liquidated. Those that did not died of hyperthermia in a puddle of their own piss ,because the fell and couldn't get up.

That point , where the 'system' confront the patients, is predicated forever and a day on THIER economic viablity ,than that of any given patients moral or spiritual well being

Consider, you've been condemned as an unviable human, and are now going to endure a medicaid spend down to pay for your demise....
What is Medicaid Spend-Down & How Does It Work?

Your too old and infirm to fight back , and anything you say or do is construed as inane ramblings of the aged. meanwhile you'll watch the entire life you built to PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT

B*tch enough, and they'll load you up with enough dope to keep you drooling happily ,when the kiids finally come by to see how you're doin....

You se, there's no sense seeking virtue in a society that worships mammon above all else

What's in your wallet 1969?


I will not go sitting in my own pee! I have thought about this as I do not belieive I will recieve help! My current plan is to take matters in my own hands when some certain conditions are met. Have you seen the shootist with John Wayne? The good news is I still have time, I could meet better people. I am hoping for a some what slow decline in which I have the time to make these decisions. A stroke or some other ailments that rob us of mental capacity does not allow us this type of control, but slow declines give us options on how we want to go out! I will just put my self in situations with bad odds untill they catch up with me.
sage advice '69

As i'm no spring chicken myself , i could have easily written a similar response

so what did i learn all those years witness to all those fellow citizens confronting thier mortality?

this country sucks to get old or sick in

predators and vultures is all they got

peace out
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?

I had a 30 year career turning old timers into soylent green , all we had to do is report them as incapable of caring for themselves. It could have been anything as subtle as early dimetia ,to obvious incontinence.

Frequent flyers would assume an extranious documention over time, all engineered towards the final roundup.....the families (if they had them) were read their rights and given choices. As Walton mountain only exists on Nickelodian now, that choice was usually off the table.

The most prevelant ,if not pushed choice was to first introduce visiting nurses, then form a good argument for 24/7 care.

Of course this would only occur should said targeted old timer actually have assets .either liquid or that which could be liquidated. Those that did not died of hyperthermia in a puddle of their own piss ,because the fell and couldn't get up.

That point , where the 'system' confront the patients, is predicated forever and a day on THIER economic viablity ,than that of any given patients moral or spiritual well being

Consider, you've been condemned as an unviable human, and are now going to endure a medicaid spend down to pay for your demise....
What is Medicaid Spend-Down & How Does It Work?

Your too old and infirm to fight back , and anything you say or do is construed as inane ramblings of the aged. meanwhile you'll watch the entire life you built to PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT

B*tch enough, and they'll load you up with enough dope to keep you drooling happily ,when the kiids finally come by to see how you're doin....

You se, there's no sense seeking virtue in a society that worships mammon above all else

What's in your wallet 1969?


I will not go sitting in my own pee! I have thought about this as I do not belieive I will recieve help! My current plan is to take matters in my own hands when some certain conditions are met. Have you seen the shootist with John Wayne? The good news is I still have time, I could meet better people. I am hoping for a some what slow decline in which I have the time to make these decisions. A stroke or some other ailments that rob us of mental capacity does not allow us this type of control, but slow declines give us options on how we want to go out! I will just put my self in situations with bad odds untill they catch up with me.

As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?

I had a 30 year career turning old timers into soylent green , all we had to do is report them as incapable of caring for themselves. It could have been anything as subtle as early dimetia ,to obvious incontinence.

Frequent flyers would assume an extranious documention over time, all engineered towards the final roundup.....the families (if they had them) were read their rights and given choices. As Walton mountain only exists on Nickelodian now, that choice was usually off the table.

The most prevelant ,if not pushed choice was to first introduce visiting nurses, then form a good argument for 24/7 care.

Of course this would only occur should said targeted old timer actually have assets .either liquid or that which could be liquidated. Those that did not died of hyperthermia in a puddle of their own piss ,because the fell and couldn't get up.

That point , where the 'system' confront the patients, is predicated forever and a day on THIER economic viablity ,than that of any given patients moral or spiritual well being

Consider, you've been condemned as an unviable human, and are now going to endure a medicaid spend down to pay for your demise....
What is Medicaid Spend-Down & How Does It Work?

Your too old and infirm to fight back , and anything you say or do is construed as inane ramblings of the aged. meanwhile you'll watch the entire life you built to PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT

B*tch enough, and they'll load you up with enough dope to keep you drooling happily ,when the kiids finally come by to see how you're doin....

You se, there's no sense seeking virtue in a society that worships mammon above all else

What's in your wallet 1969?


I will not go sitting in my own pee! I have thought about this as I do not belieive I will recieve help! My current plan is to take matters in my own hands when some certain conditions are met. Have you seen the shootist with John Wayne? The good news is I still have time, I could meet better people. I am hoping for a some what slow decline in which I have the time to make these decisions. A stroke or some other ailments that rob us of mental capacity does not allow us this type of control, but slow declines give us options on how we want to go out! I will just put my self in situations with bad odds untill they catch up with me.


I take it trying to control end of life is disturbing to you! We are all going to die sooner or later, I want some say in it if I can! I do not want to starve or sit in my own pee. I will do what ever it takes to prevent this!!! I am not going to off myself today! I will when certain medical conditions exist. I am sorry but there becomes an age where you start to think about this!
As I am aging, I have found that I now need help doing things I could once do alone. When I ask those I have supported and loved for this help, it has become very clear that I will be on my own in the later years. Should I continue to help as I have in the past in hopes they will finally see what is right or should I pull back on that help and resrve that energy and economic power to care for my self in my later years?

I had a 30 year career turning old timers into soylent green , all we had to do is report them as incapable of caring for themselves. It could have been anything as subtle as early dimetia ,to obvious incontinence.

Frequent flyers would assume an extranious documention over time, all engineered towards the final roundup.....the families (if they had them) were read their rights and given choices. As Walton mountain only exists on Nickelodian now, that choice was usually off the table.

The most prevelant ,if not pushed choice was to first introduce visiting nurses, then form a good argument for 24/7 care.

Of course this would only occur should said targeted old timer actually have assets .either liquid or that which could be liquidated. Those that did not died of hyperthermia in a puddle of their own piss ,because the fell and couldn't get up.

That point , where the 'system' confront the patients, is predicated forever and a day on THIER economic viablity ,than that of any given patients moral or spiritual well being

Consider, you've been condemned as an unviable human, and are now going to endure a medicaid spend down to pay for your demise....
What is Medicaid Spend-Down & How Does It Work?

Your too old and infirm to fight back , and anything you say or do is construed as inane ramblings of the aged. meanwhile you'll watch the entire life you built to PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTT

B*tch enough, and they'll load you up with enough dope to keep you drooling happily ,when the kiids finally come by to see how you're doin....

You se, there's no sense seeking virtue in a society that worships mammon above all else

What's in your wallet 1969?


I will not go sitting in my own pee! I have thought about this as I do not belieive I will recieve help! My current plan is to take matters in my own hands when some certain conditions are met. Have you seen the shootist with John Wayne? The good news is I still have time, I could meet better people. I am hoping for a some what slow decline in which I have the time to make these decisions. A stroke or some other ailments that rob us of mental capacity does not allow us this type of control, but slow declines give us options on how we want to go out! I will just put my self in situations with bad odds untill they catch up with me.


I take it trying to control end of life is disturbing to you! We are all going to die sooner or later, I want some say in it if I can! I do not want to starve or sit in my own pee. I will do what ever it takes to prevent this!!! I am not going to off myself today! I will when certain medical conditions exist. I am sorry but there becomes an age where you start to think about this!

You got all that from a simple wtf post? lol

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