CDZ What difference does it make?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
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Okay, anyone who was wondering is now sure of what kind of guy Trump is.

The question is, Does it really matter?

Is the election of a President supposed to be primarily a decision about what direction our country will take for the next four years? Or should it be a moral contest based on a candidate's private behavior?

It's not as if Trump's behavior is unusual. His victims didn't find it rose to the level of suing or having him arrested at the time. No one died. No one bled. Any woman reading this has probably had similar situations; I know I have. A landlord, a stepfather, a housemate's father and any number of first dates turned wrestling match. Shit happens.

Then the other side, which is easy for me to take since I was not a Trump supporter to begin with, ala Michelle Obama's rip roaring speech saying we cannot elect a man with such an offensive attitude toward women. We cannot hold him up as a role model for our children and as our representative, the "face of America" to the world. Not knowing what we know.

If possible, I'd like it if we could leave the bumper stickers and partisan talking points at the door on this thread and address the simple question, should Trump's behavior, in and of itself, be a deal breaker?
The finer points of policy and who's worse than whom can be discussed elsewhere. I'm just curious if anyone else wonders, should this be the one thing that turns voters off? Is the attitude toward women really that important?
Both lead candidates are polarizing, so any hope of uniting America is gone. Donald does less damage to the Constitution and economy, so he is the lesser of two definite evils.
Given the choice between Hillary Clinton (and what I knew and what's coming out in WikiLeaks) I'm voting Trump. I'm skeptical of all the sudden women suddenly crawling out of the woodwork right before the election
So for you two, the answer is clearly No. It is not a deal breaker.
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I think the media has convinced itself Hillary is the clear winner. Of course the liberal British media thought the same with Brexit.
To me, personal behavior is irrelevant as a qualifier for President. For example Hillary's horrible treatment of staff and Secret Service is well documented but it is not relevant to her being President. So no, even if the Trump allegations of groping were true they are not a deal breaker. What is relevant is the candidate's stance on the important issues we face: foreign policy, health care, immigration, Supreme Court, taxes, trade, education etc.
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.
To me, personal behavior is irrelevant as a qualifier for President. For example Hillary's horrible treatment of staff and Secret Service is well documented but it is not relevant to her being President. So no, even if the Trump allegations of groping were true they are not a deal breaker. What is relevant is the candidate's stance on the important issues we face: foreign policy, health care, immigration, Supreme Court, taxes, trade, education etc.
The groping and the objectifying and the disrespect is true, Mike. So respecting women is not an important issue in our society?
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?

SCOTUS is reason enough not to vote for the old hag
To me, personal behavior is irrelevant as a qualifier for President. For example Hillary's horrible treatment of staff and Secret Service is well documented but it is not relevant to her being President. So no, even if the Trump allegations of groping were true they are not a deal breaker. What is relevant is the candidate's stance on the important issues we face: foreign policy, health care, immigration, Supreme Court, taxes, trade, education etc.
The groping and the objectifying and the disrespect is true, Mike. So respecting women is not an important issue in our society?

So respecting women is not an important issue in our society?

Did you feel the same way when Clinton was in office, and Hillary was bashing the women he had affairs with?
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?

SCOTUS is reason enough not to vote for the old hag

Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?
I'd appreciate saving that argument for a different thread, Will. Not many people are actually addressing the central question, yet. You want to give it a go?
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?

SCOTUS is reason enough not to vote for the old hag
Can this go to a different thread? If you've said all you plan to on the OP, that is.
I don't care who says what, old lady.

Neither have what it takes for the office.

Would I prefer they stick to policy instead of mudslinging?

of course

but it won't happen til we get rid of pubs and dems
Yes respecting women is an important issue. It is not important enough IMO to be elevated to the number one issue in selecting a President. There are many more important issues which I listed that we should be focusing on and analyzing to determine our best choice for leader. Trump has been clear about what he would do addressing those issues. Hillary has not been clear on the issues since her campaign is exclusively focused on denigrating Trump and his supporters.
Okay, anyone who was wondering is now sure of what kind of guy Trump is.

The question is, Does it really matter?

Is the election of a President supposed to be primarily a decision about what direction our country will take for the next four years? Or should it be a moral contest based on a candidate's private behavior?

It's not as if Trump's behavior is unusual. His victims didn't find it rose to the level of suing or having him arrested at the time. No one died. No one bled. Any woman reading this has probably had similar situations; I know I have. A landlord, a stepfather, a housemate's father and any number of first dates turned wrestling match. Shit happens.

Then the other side, which is easy for me to take since I was not a Trump supporter to begin with, ala Michelle Obama's rip roaring speech saying we cannot elect a man with such an offensive attitude toward women. We cannot hold him up as a role model for our children and as our representative, the "face of America" to the world. Not knowing what we know.

If possible, I'd like it if we could leave the bumper stickers and partisan talking points at the door on this thread and address the simple question, should Trump's behavior, in and of itself, be a deal breaker?
The finer points of policy and who's worse than whom can be discussed elsewhere. I'm just curious if anyone else wonders, should this be the one thing that turns voters off? Is the attitude toward women really that important?

I'm pretty certain that Trump is EQUALLY arrogant and abusive with BOTH men and women. So I'd discuss your premise from that standpoint. Wouldn't matter except for his vindictiveness, reliance on breaking folks with legal suits and public humilation and such.

So I HESITATE to hand over the keys to the IRS, SEC, OSHA, FTC, FCC, NSA, and the nuclear football to that type of individual. Do I have to EXPLAIN the ramifications of that further to anyone? :biggrin:
Yeah, anyone paying attention sees the Wikileaks are destroying her, add that to the baggage she already had and a group of women with dubious tales isn't swaying me
I'm not thinking of the women so much as what Trump himself said. I tend to think, based on his bragging on the tape and his life-long attitude objectifying women, some of these women are telling the truth. You saw through Clinton a long time ago. I saw through Trump a long time ago. If I really liked his policies and thought he could follow through on what he promises, I'd be having some trouble deciding right now.

You really think Hillary is going to follow through with her promises?

SCOTUS is reason enough not to vote for the old hag
Can this go to a different thread? If you've said all you plan to on the OP, that is.

It goes to why it doesn't make a difference to me what Trump said. He made locker room talk then magically women come out of the woodwork claiming this and that and their stories are full of holes and misinformation. I'm skeptical of it all and there are far bigger issues to worry about, SCOTUS and it's view of the Constitution is one of those issues.
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