CDZ One positive from this election.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
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Deep in the heart of Texas.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.
Your thoughts coincide with mine posted during the Primaries. This is the best America has to offer? Where have the decent American pols, gone? Where is the Mr. Smith goes to the Washington of today? Exactly what has the American society of today, become? Far more progressive, for sure and apparently far less trustworthy. If American society is driving this trend, I want no part of it. Thankfully, if that is the case, I am more than pleased to be 76 years old and will be limited to the effects of that cancer. I had no idea the Hippie, do your thing attitude had this much intended damage as it appears to have had. Why would GOD bless this nation? Assuming one believes, that is! Kudo's on the "frightening beyond words" comment.
Your thoughts coincide with mine posted during the Primaries. This is the best America has to offer? Where have the decent American pols, gone? Where is the Mr. Smith goes to the Washington of today? Exactly what has the American society of today, become? Far more progressive, for sure and apparently far less trustworthy. If American society is driving this trend, I want no part of it. Thankfully, if that is the case, I am more than pleased to be 76 years old and will be limited to the effects of that cancer. I had no idea the Hippie, do your thing attitude had this much intended damage as it appears to have had. Why would GOD bless this nation? Assuming one believes, that is! Kudo's on the "frightening beyond words" comment.

This is the thing.....the Republicans in office did not do what they said they would what were Republicans supposed to democrats, and simply keep voting them power.......that they use to their own the Republicans voted out the establishment in order to create change...

the democrats...want power....and no matter how criminal hilary's behavior is...they will protect her and keep her safe..because she brings power and money to them...even though blacks and hispanics suffer, as well as Haitians.....and women when they were attacked by bill clinton.....

The Republicans sent a message that politicians need to stop being corrupt...the democrats sent a message, that as long as the democrats give out scraps..they can be as corrupt as they want...
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That's an incredibly cynical "positive" to take from the observations of this Presidential election cycle.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That Trump won’t be president is a positive outcome of this election.

That our democratic process is such that the likes of Trump wouldn’t become president is also a positive.

And the voters are in no position to complain about the ‘quality’ of the presidential candidates since they’re solely responsible for those candidates – not ‘the establishment,’ not ‘the elites,’ not the ‘MSM’ – the American people alone, no one else.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That's an incredibly cynical "positive" to take from the observations of this Presidential election cycle.

I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That Trump won’t be president is a positive outcome of this election.

That our democratic process is such that the likes of Trump wouldn’t become president is also a positive.

And the voters are in no position to complain about the ‘quality’ of the presidential candidates since they’re solely responsible for those candidates – not ‘the establishment,’ not ‘the elites,’ not the ‘MSM’ – the American people alone, no one else.
Spoken like a true partisan I suspect if by some miracle Trump was to win the Presidency you will be one of the first ones singing a very different tune than the one you are now. Those of us who had enough sense not to support either of these ass holes are in the perfect position to complain about the quality of the Presidential candidates and have every right to do so.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That's an incredibly cynical "positive" to take from the observations of this Presidential election cycle.
You call it cynical I call it honest it's all in the eye of the beholder.
Those of us who had enough sense not to support either of these ass holes are in the perfect position to complain about the quality of the Presidential candidates and have every right to do so.

IMO, everyone who votes is in a fine position to laud or deride any candidate.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That's an incredibly cynical "positive" to take from the observations of this Presidential election cycle.
You call it cynical I call it honest it's all in the eye of the beholder.

It has nothing to do with what I want to call it. I recognize cynicism when I see it. Perhaps you didn't intend your remark to be cynical, but the way you expressed your thoughts is nothing but cynical.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That Trump won’t be president is a positive outcome of this election.

That our democratic process is such that the likes of Trump wouldn’t become president is also a positive.

And the voters are in no position to complain about the ‘quality’ of the presidential candidates since they’re solely responsible for those candidates – not ‘the establishment,’ not ‘the elites,’ not the ‘MSM’ – the American people alone, no one else.

Yeah...except for the part where the democrat national committee cheated and interferred against Bernie mean except for that...right?
Right, wrong or indifferent, America is in for another long four year period, however the election goes. Combine that with the previous 16..... With Trump who knows? With Clinton, well simply look at her 24 years of preparation for the job. "And the beat goes on". :ack-1:
He is the change agent candidate. He will win if after all he has went tntrough, and all Hillary,s advantages...she can't shake him by now?....Hmmmm
He is the change agent candidate. He will win if after all he has went tntrough, and all Hillary,s advantages...she can't shake him by now?....Hmmmm[

Makes sense to me?
And the voters are in no position to complain about the ‘quality’ of the presidential candidates since they’re solely responsible for those candidates – not ‘the establishment,’ not ‘the elites,’ not the ‘MSM’ – the American people alone, no one else.
I agree.
We live in a sociological sewer because the American people are terminally stupid, uneducated and brainwashed.

Save your John Birch Society membership cards, folks --- American hysteria will rise again.
I have been trying to find one positive thing to take from this election as difficult as it has been I believe I have found it the poor quality of candidates could not possibile get any worse than these two if we have not hit rock bottom with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton we are in beyond serious trouble the thought of what could go lower than them is frightening beyond words.

That Trump won’t be president is a positive outcome of this election.

That our democratic process is such that the likes of Trump wouldn’t become president is also a positive.

And the voters are in no position to complain about the ‘quality’ of the presidential candidates since they’re solely responsible for those candidates – not ‘the establishment,’ not ‘the elites,’ not the ‘MSM’ – the American people alone, no one else.
Yes, congressional approval ratings hover in the low teens yet 90% get reelected. We the people are to blame.
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