What Did You Do Today For Exercise or Workout


Gold Member
Jul 19, 2016
On a site I was on we would report on a thread what we did to improve our health with exercise, it seemed to help motivate us because we knew others were watching or working out too.
Even one in a wheelchair who said they couldn't get into some sort of movement. I know I danced with a man in a wheelchair years ago at a club. He was moving in his chair, so I ask him if he wanted to dance, he did and had that wheelchair going on the dance floor. He smiled a lot.
Did our daily three mile walk.

Thats great! Mine is not a third of that. But I do move a lot working and dancing. I want to make some more trails in the woods then I can walk further. I cut out a few already over the last couple years with manual tools. Hubby stays busy on autos, animals and chain saw work on fallen trees. I'd go nuts if it weren't for vines I've grown to be obsessed with.
Here is one that he used a pole saw on, but most I cut with loppers, I've been cutting these vines for a couple decades now.

On a site I was on we would report on a thread what we did to improve our health with exercise, it seemed to help motivate us because we knew others were watching or working out too.
Even one in a wheelchair who said they couldn't get into some sort of movement. I know I danced with a man in a wheelchair years ago at a club. He was moving in his chair, so I ask him if he wanted to dance, he did and had that wheelchair going on the dance floor. He smiled a lot.
The Biden administration has a new exercise video they are having children use at school.

I chased James' cat around to get the pair of my socks back before she could throw them in her water dish as she always does.

I lost the race, but it was close.
I chased James' cat around to get the pair of my socks back before she could throw them in her water dish as she always does.

I lost the race, but it was close.

Oh my animals do have their synchronicity's, huh? I miss our cats.
I put a half cord of wood in the garage wood rack....Cut-up enough kindling to last a couple months.....Got the snow blower out, gassed it, air-up-ed the tires, started it and let it run for about 10 minutes....Got out and positioned the snow shovels.

Then I got a call to come and look at some handguns and brought two of those home....Squared those away and took a nap.

It was a productive day. ;)
Thats great! Mine is not a third of that. But I do move a lot working and dancing. I want to make some more trails in the woods then I can walk further. I cut out a few already over the last couple years with manual tools. Hubby stays busy on autos, animals and chain saw work on fallen trees. I'd go nuts if it weren't for vines I've grown to be obsessed with.
Here is one that he used a pole saw on, but most I cut with loppers, I've been cutting these vines for a couple decades now.

You would have a field day on the neighbor's property.....They have wild grape vines as big around as my damn arm.....I'm talkin' Tarzan-level vines.

It used to aggravate me but they provide food for the wildlife so meh.
Moved snow in -10 degree weather for about four hours and sanded 1/4 mile of driveway by hand. I should have listened to the other half when she said "Baby, its cold outside." LOL, The work's done and now it's time for a bbq pulled pork sammich and a cold IPA. Life is good!
You would have a field day on the neighbor's property.....They have wild grape vines as big around as my damn arm.....I'm talkin' Tarzan-level vines.

It used to aggravate me but they provide food for the wildlife so meh.

Wildlife is important once they go so do we. I try to keep our little forest for whats left here. But most are gone. We had a few panthers, lots of fox, black bears and other wildlife that is gone, now we see a few deer and squirrel's and snakes. Hubby caught a rat snake a couple months ago with his Snake Grabber and took it to the woods,

Moved snow in -10 degree weather for about four hours and sanded 1/4 mile of driveway by hand. I should have listened to the other half when she said "Baby, its cold outside." LOL, The work's done and now it's time for a bbq pulled pork sammich and a cold IPA. Life is good!
Not that it would help much in -10 weather but my first home had Northern exposure and the fuckin' snow would sit there and turn to ice.

When I built my current home I chose a site where the driveways would have Southern exposure. I don't even bother with less than 3" because as long as it's around +25 with the sun out it's gone by 1400 which is usually the case with Virginia snow.
Not that it would help much in -10 weather but my first home had Northern exposure and the fuckin' snow would sit there and turn to ice.

When I built my current home I chose a site where the driveways would have Southern exposure. I don't even bother with less than 3" because as long as it's around +25 with the sun out it's gone by 1400 which is usually the case with Virginia snow.
We have a steep north facing driveway and most of the time it is fine with a thin layer of snow, but inevitably--at some point, it warms and we get rain. When that happens, you have water on ice and NO traction, so sanding is necessary. The sand freezes in the snow and gives us traction. The snow will be on the ground this year until March or April. With as cold as it is right now, the skiing is phenomenal.
My usual regimen involves right arm curls where I fill a vessel with amber liquid and hoist it repeatedly which results in gradually diminishing weight, whereupon I replenish the vessel and repeat the process.

This evening, I added to my exercise by searching valiantly, but unsuccessfully for added weight so I could extend my work out to the next level.

I'm heading to the store right now so I will be unable to report on my progress for several minutes.
My usual regimen involves right arm curls where I fill a vessel with amber liquid and hoist it repeatedly which results in gradually diminishing weight, whereupon I replenish the vessel and repeat the process.

This evening, I added to my exercise by searching valiantly, but unsuccessfully for added weight so I could extend my work out to the next level.

I'm heading to the store right now so I will be unable to report on my progress for several minutes.
I've been doing that same regimen for many years. We call it Turningbeerintopiss curls.
I'll be taking my walk in a couple hours then lift my baby Weights' lol. This morning I'll put on some music and dance around off and on a few minutes as I post to y'all.
Shoveled snow.
Had coffee.
Shoveled snow.
Had breakfast.
Shoveled snow.
Brought the trash cans in.
Shoveled snow.
Going to bed.
Will shovel more snow tomorrow.

If you are a coke addict there is no need to be shy and guilty .
Using euphemisms will not hide your secret .

Snow indeed . Chortle .Sniff , sniff .


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