What did Trump and Yanukovych have in common =Manafort.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Need I say more, and Trump let Manafort head his campaign, although he was paid by someone else.
Trump hired a Russian foreign agent. He also was in Crimea. Read Rinat Akhmetov - the Godfather of the Party of Regions,
and now the Republicans just took sanctions off of Oleg Deripaska. Read about Bob Dole, etc.
If you do not think Trump is beholden to Russia, you are dearly wrong.

In 2006, Manafort was behind demonstrations in Crimea against NATO, the Times reported. Viktor Yanukovych's pro-Russian Party of Regions led the protests. Russia is known to stand against NATO, an alliance it is not a member of.

The memo from the prosecutor said: "It was his political effort to raise the prestige of Yanukovych and his party — the confrontation and division of society on ethnic and linguistic grounds is his trick from the time of the elections in Angola and the Philippines. While I was in the Crimea I constantly saw evidence suggesting that Paul Manafort considered autonomy [from Ukraine] as a tool to enhance the reputation of Yanukovych and win over the local electorate."

In the past, Republicans have supported arming Ukrainians to fight Russian forces trying to move in on parts of the country. But since Trump became the Republican nominee for president, language in the party platform that referenced supporting Ukrainian nationalists was removed.

People within the party blamed Manafort, who worked as a consultant for Yanukovych's government.

Manafort has also been accused of accepting payments from the Yanukovych regime without disclosing them to the US government, which would be illegal.


Trump himself seems to have been influenced by Manafort's loyalties. He suggested in an interview last month that he supported Russia's invasion of Crimea.

"You know, the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were," he said in an interview.

Ukrainian prosecutor alleges Trump campaign chair encouraged Russia's annexation of Crimea

US lifts sanctions on Rusal and other firms linked to Russian oligarch Deripaska
Prior to entering Ukrainian politics, Manafort had run in Republican Party circles for years in Washington. He was close to Bob Dole, the former senator who was the Senate Republican leader in the 1980s and '90s, and he managed the Republican Party convention in 1996 when Dole was the party’s presidential candidate.

Manafort was brought onto Ukraine’s political scene as the country was still dealing with the fallout from the 2004 Orange Revolution. Yanukovych faced Yushchenko in the presidential vote that year, but suspicions of election fraud prompted weeks of street protests.

Yanukovych’s initial victory was later undone by the courts, handing Yushchenko the presidency.

During the campaign, Yushchenko fell deathly ill and was treated at an Austrian clinic for what officials later said was dioxin poisoning.


His political party, the Party of the Regions, featured many of Ukraine’s most powerful and wealthiest businessman, who sought a way to return the party's candidates to power. Among those oligarchs was Rinat Akhmetov, a billionaire industrialist from the eastern city of Donetsk who is widely considered to be Ukraine's richest man. Akhmetov introduced Yanukovych to Manafort.

On June 9, 2005, Manafort wrote a 35-page memo to Akhmetov in which he criticized Yanukovych, analyzed his election loss, and laid out a road map for future election victories.

On The Eve Of His Trial, A Deeper Look Into How Paul Manafort Elected Ukraine’s President
Since you're so good at listing.
Care to list all the sanctions Trump has put on Russia
Do you due diligence, because you have not read my articles.

He has to look like he is against Russia, but in reality he is not, he is beholden to them.
Today The Gateway Pundit is one of the top political websites. The Gateway Pundit has 15 million visits each month (Stat Counter – Google Analytics). It is consistently ranked as one of the top political blogs in the nation. TGP has been cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX Nation and by several international news organizations.
now you know why I do not put any stock in the rag blog.

Well, at least Mz Penelope Pitstop has the nerve to come on here as a laughingstock, lol. Most of the rest of them have headed for the hills.

All we can conclude is one of two things----------> Mz Pitstop has actually been brainwashed enough to believe her own nonsense while everything they tried to push is collapsing around her...……...or...…...she just doesn't pay attention, and is going on the energy of what she perceives as the way to victory in the past.

I will not go so far as to say------->feel sorry for her...……….but I will suggest that you might contemplate sending her some LEGAL anti depression pills. She will no doubt require them, for the next 6 and 1/2 years at the very least-)

Well, at least Mz Penelope Pitstop has the nerve to come on here as a laughingstock, lol. Most of the rest of them have headed for the hills.

All we can conclude is one of two things----------> Mz Pitstop has actually been brainwashed enough to believe her own nonsense while everything they tried to push is collapsing around her...……...or...…...she just doesn't pay attention, and is going on the energy of what she perceives as the way to victory in the past.

I will not go so far as to say------->feel sorry for her...……….but I will suggest that you might contemplate sending her some LEGAL anti depression pills. She will no doubt require them, for the next 6 and 1/2 years at the very least-)

Don't need any pills. He will never last that long, he is beholden to foreign governments. Clinton is a small fry compared to mob boss Trump.
Manafort is depending on Trump, and Trump loves his world as Mob Boss. Who will give in first? Manafort? AS we can tell Trump is not going to pardon Manafort!

Case in point, Trump will say Mueller made a liar out of Manafort, when he deals with Mueller and smart people wont believe a word of it, because Trump is a manipulative chronic liar.

I know the Trumpers love and adore Trump, so I'm not writing to you, I'm writing to the never Trumpers. Like Trump said, he can shoot someone and the trumpers would still adore him.
Donald Trump: 'I could shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters'

US Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is so confident in his support base that he said he could stand on New York’s Fifth Avenue “and shoot somebody” and still not lose voters.
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Well, at least Mz Penelope Pitstop has the nerve to come on here as a laughingstock, lol. Most of the rest of them have headed for the hills.

All we can conclude is one of two things----------> Mz Pitstop has actually been brainwashed enough to believe her own nonsense while everything they tried to push is collapsing around her...……...or...…...she just doesn't pay attention, and is going on the energy of what she perceives as the way to victory in the past.

I will not go so far as to say------->feel sorry for her...……….but I will suggest that you might contemplate sending her some LEGAL anti depression pills. She will no doubt require them, for the next 6 and 1/2 years at the very least-)

Don't need any pills. He will never last that long, he is beholden to foreign governments. Clinton is a small fry compared to mob boss Trump.

Congrats, I always believed that Leftists were just liars. You have proven to be that is not always the case, some are delusional-)

You carry on, can't debate with someone what is actually going on when they see green men on every corner!

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