What Democrats Think Of The People


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
This is old news but I think it represents the arrogance and pomposity of the Democrat Party.

Smelly tourists

"Praising the opening of the Capitol Visitor Center in 2008, Reid said the new building would help minimize the smell of tourists visiting the Capitol. "My staff has always said, 'Don't say this,' but I'm going to say it again because it's so descriptive because it's true," Reid said at a dedication ceremony for the long-delayed visitor center adjacent to the Capitol. "In the summertime, because [of] the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

This is what your Washington D.C., Democrat representatives think of you. Biden is no different he sees all of US as scared, diseased people who will all die of we vote for Trump. I mean, what kind of crap is that? It's more like some dark fairy-tale stirred up in a cauldron. Slo-Joe is spending too much time hallucinating in his basement. He needs to get out into the real world......Like Trump has been doing every day.
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This is old news but I think it represents the arrogance and pomposity of the Democrat Party.

Smelly tourists

"Praising the opening of the Capitol Visitor Center in 2008, Reid said the new building would help minimize the smell of tourists visiting the Capitol. "My staff has always said, 'Don't say this,' but I'm going to say it again because it's so descriptive because it's true," Reid said at a dedication ceremony for the long-delayed visitor center adjacent to the Capitol. "In the summertime, because [of] the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol.Biden showed this arrogance and pomposity at the debate when he talked about 'dark winter' and empty chairs at the table. He doesn't know squat about the science but sincerely believes he does and you also better believe him. What a fucking fool.
A link might help for perspecitve.

And another.

And then you mention Biden in your comment to link this to the latest debate. This is the most silliest shit ever.
Lets get on the current political bandwagon: Economic lockdown is justified. Over a rather minor virus that kills less than the common flu: where is the sense in that? Sorry, not buying it any more, its bullshit. Any of the rest of you buying this con job?
The Left is comprised of authoritarians who are filled with deep hatred. They express that hatred openly and foreshadow the tyranny they will impose on those who disagree with them should they ever get power. As always, they view themselves uncritically and with expansive tolerance, while examining their political foes with a proctoscope.

In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama expressed his hatred this way: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” Even Hillary Clinton expressed disapprobation at his comments.

By 2016, eternally frustrated Hillary Clinton gave up the pretense of respecting all Americans by referring to followers of her political opponent as “deplorable.”

Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok, while conspiring with his lover to undermine the Trump campaign in 2016, referred to Republicans as shoppers at Wal-Mart (that’s an insult?) who stink.

The most recent expression by the establishment elite of the Left comes from Keith Olbermann, a former sports analyst turned political commentator. He refers to Trump supporters as “maggots.” But name calling is not enough for Olbermann, in his best Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, or Joseph Stalin, he calls for the extermination of opponents of his enlightened view.

Olbermann uses the language of violent autocrats everywhere when he attacks the president’s “supporters.” He then sets forth his initial hit list: Mike Lee, William Barr, Sean Hannity, Mike Pence, Rudy Giuliani, Kyle Rittenhouse and Amy Coney Barrett. And, anyone he thinks is like them.

He wants them “prosecuted, convicted, and removed from our society,” which seems odd since he doesn’t accuse them of violating any law.
For the far Left, from Obama to Clinton, from Strzok to Olbermann, and thousands of Leftists in between, anyone who disagrees with them on political matters are simply subhuman. And that’s a dangerous attitude from people in power and from people who are societal influencers.

It is an idea born of hatred that brings about the end of civil society and freedom.

You see it all the time. Joe wants to be the uniter, right? I think he just wants votes and will say anything to get them.
Lets get on the current political bandwagon: Economic lockdown is justified. Over a rather minor virus that kills less than the common flu: where is the sense in that? Sorry, not buying it any more, its bullshit. Any of the rest of you buying this con job?
What do sweaty tourists in DC, in 2008 have to do with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020? Let's see if you can figure it out yourself.

What do sweaty tourists in DC, in 2008 have to do with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020? Let's see if you can figure it out yourself.
It goes to how D.C. Democrats really hate the people that come to take a tour of their own place.
This is old news but I think it represents the arrogance and pomposity of the Democrat Party.

Smelly tourists

"Praising the opening of the Capitol Visitor Center in 2008, Reid said the new building would help minimize the smell of tourists visiting the Capitol. "My staff has always said, 'Don't say this,' but I'm going to say it again because it's so descriptive because it's true," Reid said at a dedication ceremony for the long-delayed visitor center adjacent to the Capitol. "In the summertime, because [of] the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

This is what your Washington D.C., Democrat representatives think of you. Biden is no different he sees all of US as scared, diseased people who will all die of we vote for Trump. I mean, what kind of crap is that? It's more like some dark fairy-tale stirred up in a cauldron. Slo-Joe is spending too much time hallucinating in his basement. He needs to get out into the real world......Like Trump has been doing every day.
Nice link you got there lenny. Trolling garbage. Take a look at this.

What do sweaty tourists in DC, in 2008 have to do with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020? Let's see if you can figure it out yourself.
It goes to how D.C. Democrats really hate the people that come to take a tour of their own place.
Doesn't show a damn thing except for lack of AC and BO. Get a fucking grip.

Again, I ask you. What do sweaty tourists in DC, in 2008 have to do with Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020?
This is old news but I think it represents the arrogance and pomposity of the Democrat Party.

Smelly tourists

"Praising the opening of the Capitol Visitor Center in 2008, Reid said the new building would help minimize the smell of tourists visiting the Capitol. "My staff has always said, 'Don't say this,' but I'm going to say it again because it's so descriptive because it's true," Reid said at a dedication ceremony for the long-delayed visitor center adjacent to the Capitol. "In the summertime, because [of] the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

This is what your Washington D.C., Democrat representatives think of you. Biden is no different he sees all of US as scared, diseased people who will all die of we vote for Trump. I mean, what kind of crap is that? It's more like some dark fairy-tale stirred up in a cauldron. Slo-Joe is spending too much time hallucinating in his basement. He needs to get out into the real world......Like Trump has been doing every day.

Yet if you go beyond the first sentence you see the correct context of his joke

He referenced House Minority Leader John Boehner's comments about the long lines of tourists that stream into the Capitol complex, and said: "In the summertime, because (of) the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

So it was a repub who actually said it first and it was a joke to jab at the comment made by the minority leader. who actually made the comment of smell

Whereas Reid just talked about the improved ventilation reference the comment the repub minority leader said about the smell

Fox got the story right but selective reading is a little distorted.
Again.... Reid said at a dedication ceremony for the long-delayed visitor center adjacent to the Capitol. "In the summertime, because [of] the high humidity and how hot it gets here, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol."

Remember too, Reid is a proven liar when he lied about Romney's taxes and then boldly admitted it......

"Romney didn't win, did he?" Reid said in response to Bash's question of whether he regretted what he had said about Romney."

Brain dead Democrat liberals have no shame whatsoever. They absolutely hate The People and hate anyone who is religious. Meanwhile they peddle their 'racist' and 'climate change' religion.

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