What Da' Cuomo Dillio???


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The Wehrmacht....er, Democrats, take care of their own.
Case in point.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.
Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

2. Even when the state media admitted him to be a rapist...he remained a godfather to the Evil Party..

Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times
The Atlantic
"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. Now.....NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo.....as ideological, as Liberal, as obnoxious as any Democrat could be.....he went after Trump just like the others.....did everything one could expect for his sort.......

Yet now the long knives are out for his scalp......why?
Prison and criminal charges and indictments are reserved for Republicans.....Dinesh D'souza, Scooter Libby.

4. "...Cuomo is facing a firestorm stemming from serious allegations: that he exhibited harassing and sexually inappropriate behavior toward two of his former aides, including one instance of forcible kissing. Lindsey Boylan first came forward to say Cuomo “sexually harassed [her] for years” via Twitter in December but did not go into detail about what transpired. (A representative for Cuomo said there was “simply no truth to these claims” at the time.) The accusations snowballed this month after New York State assemblyman Ron Kim accused Cuomo of calling him at home, berating him, and telling him he would “destroy him” in response to statements Kim gave to the press. Multiple reports have quoted anonymous and on-the-record government officials stating Cuomo has long managed via intimidation and bullying tactics. "

Cuomo.....but ignore the Tara Reade charges against Biden?????

5. The Democrat NYS Attorney General, Letitia James is the point of the spear aimed at Cuomo.....
"Really left.

No, no. People put me in that space, but I’m sort of – not really moderate, but reasonable. What’s so interesting is I travel all over the state. A lot of people are of that impression. And a lot of people during the campaign were like, “No, we can’t support you because you’re radical.” And then after they talked to me, it’s like, “You’re pretty normal. And pretty moderate.” I was like, “Yeah, it’s the media that paints me as this radical left nut.”

Yeah....she is as radical as they come......she's a Democrat, and they lie about everything.

6. When the worst mayor in NYC history was inaugurated, Letitia James was there lighting the torch:

"But it was the city's new public advocate, Letitia James, who delivered the harshest attack, a fiery speech that read like a wholesale repudiation of the Bloomberg era.
"The growing gap between the haves and the have-nots undermines our city and tears at the fabric of our democracy," James said.
She went on to describe "a gilded age of inequality" where "decrepit" housing developments stand in the shadows of multimillion-dollar condos and "stop-and-frisk abuses" "have been touted as 'success stories' as if crime can only be reduced by infringing on the civil liberties of people of color."

7. So the question is......what do the Fascists.....the Democrats, who are ready to burn Cuomo at the stake, have in mind???

What's the plan????

Remember.......they never aim to put a more moderate in place of Cuomo......and Soleimani and Karl Marx are dead........ and Stacey Abrams is governor of Georgia......

Soooooo.....what da' dillio??????
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1. The Wehrmacht....er, Democrats, take care of their own.
Case in point.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.
Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

2. Even when the state media admitted him to be a rapist...he remained a godfather to the Evil Party..

Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times
The Atlantic
"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. Now.....NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo.....as ideological, as Liberal, as obnoxious as any Democrat could be.....he went after Trump just like the others.....did everything one could expect for his sort.......

Yet now the long knives are out for his scalp......why?
Prison and criminal charges and indictments are reserved for Republicans.....Dinesh D'souza, Scooter Libby.

4. "...Cuomo is facing a firestorm stemming from serious allegations: that he exhibited harassing and sexually inappropriate behavior toward two of his former aides, including one instance of forcible kissing. Lindsey Boylan first came forward to say Cuomo “sexually harassed [her] for years” via Twitter in December but did not go into detail about what transpired. (A representative for Cuomo said there was “simply no truth to these claims” at the time.) The accusations snowballed this month after New York State assemblyman Ron Kim accused Cuomo of calling him at home, berating him, and telling him he would “destroy him” in response to statements Kim gave to the press. Multiple reports have quoted anonymous and on-the-record government officials stating Cuomo has long managed via intimidation and bullying tactics. "

Cuomo.....but ignore the Tara Reade charges against Biden?????

5. The Democrat NYS Attorney General, Letitia James is the point of the spear aimed at Cuomo.....
"Really left.

No, no. People put me in that space, but I’m sort of – not really moderate, but reasonable. What’s so interesting is I travel all over the state. A lot of people are of that impression. And a lot of people during the campaign were like, “No, we can’t support you because you’re radical.” And then after they talked to me, it’s like, “You’re pretty normal. And pretty moderate.” I was like, “Yeah, it’s the media that paints me as this radical left nut.”

Yeah....she is as radical as they come......she's a Democrat, and they lie about everything.

6. When the worst mayor in NYC history was inaugurated, Letitia James was there lighting the torch:

"But it was the city's new public advocate, Letitia James, who delivered the harshest attack, a fiery speech that read like a wholesale repudiation of the Bloomberg era.
"The growing gap between the haves and the have-nots undermines our city and tears at the fabric of our democracy," James said.
She went on to describe "a gilded age of inequality" where "decrepit" housing developments stand in the shadows of multimillion-dollar condos and "stop-and-frisk abuses" "have been touted as 'success stories' as if crime can only be reduced by infringing on the civil liberties of people of color."

7. So the question is......what do the Fascists.....the Democrats who are ready to burn Cuomo at the stake have in mind???

What's the plan????

Remember.......they never aim to put a more moderate in place of Cuomo......and Soleimani and Karl Marx are dead........ and Stacey Abrams is governor of Georgia......

Soooooo.....what da' dillio??????
They're just knocking him down a notch or two to keep him in his lane.
Nothing's going to happen to him.
1. The Wehrmacht....er, Democrats, take care of their own.
Case in point.....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.
Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

2. Even when the state media admitted him to be a rapist...he remained a godfather to the Evil Party..

Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times
The Atlantic
"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. Now.....NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo.....as ideological, as Liberal, as obnoxious as any Democrat could be.....he went after Trump just like the others.....did everything one could expect for his sort.......

Yet now the long knives are out for his scalp......why?
Prison and criminal charges and indictments are reserved for Republicans.....Dinesh D'souza, Scooter Libby.

4. "...Cuomo is facing a firestorm stemming from serious allegations: that he exhibited harassing and sexually inappropriate behavior toward two of his former aides, including one instance of forcible kissing. Lindsey Boylan first came forward to say Cuomo “sexually harassed [her] for years” via Twitter in December but did not go into detail about what transpired. (A representative for Cuomo said there was “simply no truth to these claims” at the time.) The accusations snowballed this month after New York State assemblyman Ron Kim accused Cuomo of calling him at home, berating him, and telling him he would “destroy him” in response to statements Kim gave to the press. Multiple reports have quoted anonymous and on-the-record government officials stating Cuomo has long managed via intimidation and bullying tactics. "

Cuomo.....but ignore the Tara Reade charges against Biden?????

5. The Democrat NYS Attorney General, Letitia James is the point of the spear aimed at Cuomo.....
"Really left.

No, no. People put me in that space, but I’m sort of – not really moderate, but reasonable. What’s so interesting is I travel all over the state. A lot of people are of that impression. And a lot of people during the campaign were like, “No, we can’t support you because you’re radical.” And then after they talked to me, it’s like, “You’re pretty normal. And pretty moderate.” I was like, “Yeah, it’s the media that paints me as this radical left nut.”

Yeah....she is as radical as they come......she's a Democrat, and they lie about everything.

6. When the worst mayor in NYC history was inaugurated, Letitia James was there lighting the torch:

"But it was the city's new public advocate, Letitia James, who delivered the harshest attack, a fiery speech that read like a wholesale repudiation of the Bloomberg era.
"The growing gap between the haves and the have-nots undermines our city and tears at the fabric of our democracy," James said.
She went on to describe "a gilded age of inequality" where "decrepit" housing developments stand in the shadows of multimillion-dollar condos and "stop-and-frisk abuses" "have been touted as 'success stories' as if crime can only be reduced by infringing on the civil liberties of people of color."

7. So the question is......what do the Fascists.....the Democrats who are ready to burn Cuomo at the stake have in mind???

What's the plan????

Remember.......they never aim to put a more moderate in place of Cuomo......and Soleimani and Karl Marx are dead........ and Stacey Abrams is governor of Georgia......

Soooooo.....what da' dillio??????
They're just knocking him down a notch or two to keep him in his lane.
Nothing's going to happen to him.

I totally agree. He's almost as corrupt as Bi-Dung, not quite as much, and Joe was installed as Prez!
Nothing they do is designed to improve the lot of America or Americans.

We should have a healthy suspicion about any plan that appears to be so.
Nothing they do is designed to improve the lot of America or Americans.

We should have a healthy suspicion about any plan that appears to be so.

The dipshits already deny there is a soon-to-be border crisis as they have plans to build 10 more illegal tyke detainment centers. But they are moving them thru fast into the fabric of America.
"Rep. Nunes: Govs. Cuomo and Newsom 'Are Expendable Now,' Because 'They're a Threat' to Kamala Harris

(CNSNews.com) - It's no accident that Democrat Governors Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo are under fire, even from Democrats, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

They need to be eliminated as competitors for president-in-waiting Kamala Harris, Nunes said:

Well, I think it's real easy. The Democratic Party is really a socialist party with a politburo system. It's how it runs out in California.

And I have said this on your show before. Kamala Harris never really had to run for anything. And when she did run from something, she couldn't even get 1 percent in the Democratic primary. She had to drop out after blowing through $100 million.

So, what they're doing here, what I believe they're doing here is, is that Cuomo and Newsom are expendable now. They're a threat. They're a threat to the politburo system.

They're a threat to Harris, as -- because, before -- all this stuff about Cuomo was known for a long time. This isn't new information…So, this is all about eliminating -- eliminating the opposition. Eliminate the opposition, so that she has a free run in 2024 and isn't challenged by one -- prominent governors from two of the biggest states, New York or California."

Hmm......Nunes could be right.
A preemptive attack by the Radical Melaninistas of the Wehrmacht.......er, Democrats.

They ran on anti-white racism.....and this explanation fits.

Their aim.....a nation where the work is done by white slaves.
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016 - Find & Share on GIPHY

Tell the class why she refused to repeat her lie under oath to the FBI. Make it good!

Similar to this method of governance.....

The Moscow Trials were a series of show trials held in the Soviet Union at the instigation of Joseph Stalin between 1936 and 1938 against Trotskyists and members of Right Opposition of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Moscow Trials - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Moscow_Trials


Stalin’s “Remove the man, remove the problem”

Earlier Democrats 'purifying' the party.
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016 - Find & Share on GIPHY

Tell the class why she refused to repeat her lie under oath to the FBI. Make it good!

She Changed Her Story:

In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did notassault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she was raped. Eventually, Broaddrick described the rape for several major news organizations.

Clinton Is Innocent: Broaddrick is either a liar or has an unreliable memory.

Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

She Told Friends:

Five people say Broaddrick told them about the rape immediately after it occurred.
A friend and co-worker named Norma Kelsey says that, 21 years ago, she found a dazed Broaddrick with bloodied lip and torn pantyhose in their shared hotel room and Broaddrick explained that Clinton had just raped her. (Clinton is supposed to have bitten her on the lip just before raping her.) Her current husband--then her lover--says Broaddrick told him about the rape within a few days of the event. Broaddrick was, at the time, married to another man, whom she didn't tell about the assault. And three of Broaddrick's friends--one of whom is Kelsey's sister--say she told them about the rape shortly after it supposedly occurred.

Clinton Is Innocent: The friends' testimony isn't trustworthy. Kelsey and her sister have a grudge against Clinton because, as governor, he commuted the life sentence of the man who murdered their father. Broaddrick's current husband might lie on her behalf. Moreover, even if the friends are telling the truth, Broaddrick might have been lying 21 years ago. There is limited evidence that her first husband was abusive, so maybe she cooked up the story to explain a bloody lip he had given her. And if she wasraped, why didn't she tell her own husband?

Clinton Is Guilty: If five friends say her story hasn't changed over 21 years, we can conclude that either that she's an unusually consistent liar or that her memory is reliable.

In your face, boooooyyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did notassault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she was raped.
So she's a daffy liar who can't decide on which lie to tell. Got it.

Wanna see real lies????

1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did notassault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she was raped.
So she's a daffy liar who can't decide on which lie to tell. Got it.

Just like today's Dimm's do!

First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....

...and this week, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.
They lie about everything......
In 1997, Broaddrick filed an affadavit with Paula Jones' lawyers saying Clinton did notassault her. In 1998, Broaddrick told Kenneth Starr's FBI investigators that she was raped.
So she's a daffy liar who can't decide on which lie to tell. Got it.

Just like today's Dimm's do!

First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....

...and this week, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol.
They lie about everything......
Yes, you're so concerned about lies! :auiqs.jpg:

Sit down, dope.

Washington Post counts 30,573 false or misleading claims in four years by Trump | TheHill

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