...what cost Ukraine? Money? Grieving families? ...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Other threads on this venue have addressed Ukranian casualties from this conflict.
Other threads on this venue have addressed the financial cost to the U.S., to the UK, to Germany, to NATO.
But there's not been much coverage of Russia's payments....in blood.

But today's New York Times does offer us some peek into the price tag. Albeit, the Times does a little CYA with the disclaimer that in war....casualty figures are always a challenge to measure, either by third parties (like news organizations, or NGO's) or by the opposing side.

Nonetheless, there ARE serious-minded, educated, experienced professionals who do deep dive analysis of reports and photos to come up with 'best practices' estimates of dead guys, injured guys, destroyed stuff, etc.

So the Times this morning says this:


Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics

Moscow is sending poorly trained recruits, including convicts, to the front lines in eastern Ukraine to pave the way for more seasoned fighters, U.S. and allied officials say.

WASHINGTON — The number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, a stark symbol of just how badly President Vladimir V. Putin’s invasion has gone, according to American and other Western officials.
While the officials caution that casualties are notoriously difficult to estimate, particularly because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, they say the slaughter from fighting in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut and the town of Soledar has ballooned what was already a heavy toll.
With Moscow desperate for a major battlefield victory and viewing Bakhmut as the key to seizing the entire eastern Donbas area, the Russian military has sent poorly trained recruits and former convicts to the front lines, straight into the path of Ukrainian shelling and machine guns. The result, American officials say, has been hundreds of troops killed or injured a day.
Russia analysts say that the loss of life is unlikely to be a deterrent to Mr. Putin’s war aims. He has no political opposition at home and has framed the war as the kind of struggle the country faced in World War II, when more than 8 million Soviet troops died. U.S. officials have said that they believe that Mr. Putin can sustain hundreds of thousands of casualties in Ukraine, although higher numbers could cut into his political support.

Ukraine’s casualty figures are also difficult to ascertain, given Kyiv’s reluctance to disclose its own wartime losses.


That's just a taster. If you want the whole enchilada....here's the link:

Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics
If Putin wants to kill off Russians that's on him.

The stupid fuck should have recognized reality by now

Time to knock the king over Vlad.
I am sympathetic toward Russians killing off as many Nazi Ukeys as they can find .

This will lead to outpourings of even more sympathy from those who need to make huge virtue signals and tell the world how caring they are .

A double victory and act of goodness from Moscow .

Though Africa , India etc will have to wait a bit longer.

No time for them when you can save a lovely Nazi sympathiser .
Other threads on this venue have addressed Ukranian casualties from this conflict.
Other threads on this venue have addressed the financial cost to the U.S., to the UK, to Germany, to NATO.
But there's not been much coverage of Russia's payments....in blood.

But today's New York Times does offer us some peek into the price tag. Albeit, the Times does a little CYA with the disclaimer that in war....casualty figures are always a challenge to measure, either by third parties (like news organizations, or NGO's) or by the opposing side.

Nonetheless, there ARE serious-minded, educated, experienced professionals who do deep dive analysis of reports and photos to come up with 'best practices' estimates of dead guys, injured guys, destroyed stuff, etc.

So the Times this morning says this:


Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics

Moscow is sending poorly trained recruits, including convicts, to the front lines in eastern Ukraine to pave the way for more seasoned fighters, U.S. and allied officials say.

WASHINGTON — The number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, a stark symbol of just how badly President Vladimir V. Putin’s invasion has gone, according to American and other Western officials.
While the officials caution that casualties are notoriously difficult to estimate, particularly because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, they say the slaughter from fighting in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut and the town of Soledar has ballooned what was already a heavy toll.
With Moscow desperate for a major battlefield victory and viewing Bakhmut as the key to seizing the entire eastern Donbas area, the Russian military has sent poorly trained recruits and former convicts to the front lines, straight into the path of Ukrainian shelling and machine guns. The result, American officials say, has been hundreds of troops killed or injured a day.
Russia analysts say that the loss of life is unlikely to be a deterrent to Mr. Putin’s war aims. He has no political opposition at home and has framed the war as the kind of struggle the country faced in World War II, when more than 8 million Soviet troops died. U.S. officials have said that they believe that Mr. Putin can sustain hundreds of thousands of casualties in Ukraine, although higher numbers could cut into his political support.

Ukraine’s casualty figures are also difficult to ascertain, given Kyiv’s reluctance to disclose its own wartime losses.


That's just a taster. If you want the whole enchilada....here's the link:

Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics
You must know after all these years, the NYT’s is a CIA front organization and entirely untrustworthy.

Colonel Macgregor establishments Russian dead at 20-30k. Double that wounded.
You must know after all these years, the NYT’s is a CIA front organization and entirely untrustworthy.

No, in fact, I don't know that.
I have no way of knowing whether it is true, in whole or in part.
However, I am skeptical of what you have provided here.
And tend to trust a bit more the Time's reportage.

Can you offer the forum some vetting on your own suggestion?
"Colonel Macgregor establishments Russian dead at 20-30k. Double that wounded"

I know little about MacGregor; however, am willing to read authoritative reportage on his assertion of only "20-30k" dead.

Is that a recent estimate by MacGregor?
And does he offer us his own vetting of that number?
Some sourcing? After all, he cannot be on the front lines counting the DOA's, nor analyzing top-shelf arial photos. I don't think.

So, what do you think MacGregor has for recent numbers? And how reliable are they?
Other threads on this venue have addressed Ukranian casualties from this conflict.
Other threads on this venue have addressed the financial cost to the U.S., to the UK, to Germany, to NATO.
But there's not been much coverage of Russia's payments....in blood.

But today's New York Times does offer us some peek into the price tag. Albeit, the Times does a little CYA with the disclaimer that in war....casualty figures are always a challenge to measure, either by third parties (like news organizations, or NGO's) or by the opposing side.

Nonetheless, there ARE serious-minded, educated, experienced professionals who do deep dive analysis of reports and photos to come up with 'best practices' estimates of dead guys, injured guys, destroyed stuff, etc.

So the Times this morning says this:


Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics

Moscow is sending poorly trained recruits, including convicts, to the front lines in eastern Ukraine to pave the way for more seasoned fighters, U.S. and allied officials say.

WASHINGTON — The number of Russian troops killed and wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, a stark symbol of just how badly President Vladimir V. Putin’s invasion has gone, according to American and other Western officials.
While the officials caution that casualties are notoriously difficult to estimate, particularly because Moscow is believed to routinely undercount its war dead and injured, they say the slaughter from fighting in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut and the town of Soledar has ballooned what was already a heavy toll.
With Moscow desperate for a major battlefield victory and viewing Bakhmut as the key to seizing the entire eastern Donbas area, the Russian military has sent poorly trained recruits and former convicts to the front lines, straight into the path of Ukrainian shelling and machine guns. The result, American officials say, has been hundreds of troops killed or injured a day.
Russia analysts say that the loss of life is unlikely to be a deterrent to Mr. Putin’s war aims. He has no political opposition at home and has framed the war as the kind of struggle the country faced in World War II, when more than 8 million Soviet troops died. U.S. officials have said that they believe that Mr. Putin can sustain hundreds of thousands of casualties in Ukraine, although higher numbers could cut into his political support.

Ukraine’s casualty figures are also difficult to ascertain, given Kyiv’s reluctance to disclose its own wartime losses.


That's just a taster. If you want the whole enchilada....here's the link:

Soaring Death Toll Gives Grim Insight Into Russian Tactics
Sending prisoners to the front, that's not a bad idea....
I am sympathetic toward Russians killing off as many Nazi Ukeys as they can find .
This will lead to outpourings of even more sympathy from those who need to make huge virtue signals and tell the world how caring they are .
A double victory and act of goodness from Moscow .
Though Africa , India etc will have to wait a bit longer.
No time for them when you can save a lovely Nazi sympathiser .
You missed the OP. Its the Ukes killing off the Russians, duh.

As for being a Nazi, look no further than Putin. Who invaded who?
I know little about MacGregor; however, am willing to read authoritative reportage on his assertion of only "20-30k" dead.

Is that a recent estimate by MacGregor?
And does he offer us his own vetting of that number?
Some sourcing? After all, he cannot be on the front lines counting the DOA's, nor analyzing top-shelf arial photos. I don't think.

So, what do you think MacGregor has for recent numbers? And how reliable are they?

At the 16 minute mark….Listening to him describe the situation in Ukraine is horrifying. He states 157,000 dead Ukrainians and 300,000 to 400,000 wounded. Hospitals overflowing.

He states Russia has 15k-20k dead and 40k wounded. He says it’s too late for Ukraine.

Post in thread 'Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?'
Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?
You'd give orders to armed criminals? Yeah, okay.

They'd shoot you and run away, duh.

If Putin wants to kill off Russians that's on him.

The stupid fuck should have recognized reality by now

Time to knock the king over Vlad.

You missed the OP. Its the Ukes killing off the Russians, duh.

As for being a Nazi, look no further than Putin. Who invaded who?

None of your posts never actually say anything. It's just some closed ended off the cuff over simplified response with no actual individuality, closed ended, intelligence, wit, or savvy.

Don't you ever have anything to actually add to the conversation or further a topic? You don't even have any examples to back up your comments and accusations ever.
None of your posts never actually say anything. It's just some closed ended off the cuff over simplified response with no actual individuality, closed ended, intelligence, wit, or savvy.

Don't you ever have anything to actually add to the conversation or further a topic? You don't even have any examples to back up your comments and accusations ever.
A brief summary of points for those with reading comprehension issues:

1. So you think using criminal prisoners as soldiers is a good idea? I don't.
2. The OP notes that the Russians are getting slaughtered in Ukraine. I blame those deaths on Putin.
3. I believe Putin is more of a Nazi than the Ukes.

You want to debate? Disagree with one.

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