What are the common denominators among deep blue cities...is it the number foreigners?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is it the number of people living on top of one another in poverty and despair?
The number of homeless?
Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the number of elitists playing puppet master with the citizenry?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
Is it the poor education due to the number of children to teacher ratio?

Are these the very things that drive folks to learn to despise the American Way?
Do said folks then gravitate toward the Democrat Party, the party that ‘kinda’ evokes displeasure with the American Way?
Are we sure this dynamic / cycle is good for the future of America?
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Is it the number of people living on top of one another in poverty and despair?
The number of homeless?
Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the number of elitists playing puppet master with the citizenry?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
Is it the poor education due to the number of children to teacher ratio?

Are these the very things that drive folks to learn to despise the American Way?
Do said folks then gravitate toward the Democrat Party, the party that ‘kinda’ evokes displeasure with the American Way?
Are we sure this dynamic / cycle is good for the future of America?

Many legacy democrat run cities are plugged into United Nations initiatives and/or Chinese Confucius Institutes. Beyond that, frankly, many of these cities are run by black American politicians who have been preying on their impoverished black constituents for decades, fleecing them out of their tax dollars and exploiting them for political power and to grow their own personal fortunes. Poor inner city blacks are treated in these places like herds of cattle grown for the meat market. And above all of that radical leftist ideology rules the universities in these areas and bleeds down into the public school systems. All of these problems are easily solved . . . with the application of enough force.
Is it the number of people living on top of one another in poverty and despair?
The number of homeless?
Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the number of elitists playing puppet master with the citizenry?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
Is it the poor education due to the number of children to teacher ratio?

Are these the very things that drive folks to learn to despise the American Way?
Do said folks then gravitate toward the Democrat Party, the party that ‘kinda’ evokes displeasure with the American Way?
Are we sure this dynamic / cycle is good for the future of America?

This is easy.....it is the policies of the democrat party........they create chaos, crime, poverty, violence and hate.....and democrats have no interest in improving lives.....people who are poor, suffering, uneducated and desparate are the perfect feeding ground for democrat politicians.
Is it the number of people living on top of one another in poverty and despair?
The number of homeless?
Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the number of elitists playing puppet master with the citizenry?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
Is it the poor education due to the number of children to teacher ratio?

Are these the very things that drive folks to learn to despise the American Way?
Do said folks then gravitate toward the Democrat Party, the party that ‘kinda’ evokes displeasure with the American Way?
Are we sure this dynamic / cycle is good for the future of America?

The common denominator between all red states is ignorance. Plenty of ignorance.
Common Denominators of Blue States

Large incomes
Highly educated
Care about the health and well being of their citizens
Just look at all that wealth, education and caring in action!! It almost brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it.

Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
The wage ceiling enforced by the labor cártel is below the rent floor enforced by the real estate cártel, and you wonder why people are homeless or forced to move out of town while Democrat shit remains?
Just look at all that wealth, education and caring in action!! It almost brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it.
The problem is, that you're killer, and you've bought yourself a pile of grief, if isn't a bullet to the head or a long prison sentence.
How Republicans distribute paper towels
That's right. Paper towels are wasteful and harmful to the environment, and since Democrats are entitled to make that choice for us, they are empowered to seize paper towels from Republicans. Besides that, cleaning is a service offered by Democrat laborers, which they can charge more money for if they deprive Republicans of the rights to possess paper towels.
Common Denominators of Blue States

Large incomes
Highly educated
Care about the health and well being of their citizens
It seems educated has come to be a relative term. Educated with useful knowledge to make contributions to society and mankind as a whole or simply brainwashed like your stupid self.
Is it the number of people living on top of one another in poverty and despair?
The number of homeless?
Is it the high rents for tiny filthy shitholes?
Is it the number of elitists playing puppet master with the citizenry?
Is it the competitive job markets / over population that hold wages down?
Is it the poor education due to the number of children to teacher ratio?

Are these the very things that drive folks to learn to despise the American Way?
Do said folks then gravitate toward the Democrat Party, the party that ‘kinda’ evokes displeasure with the American Way?
Are we sure this dynamic / cycle is good for the future of America?

The number of foreigners is definitely a denominator in the deep blue cities, since they generally tend to gravitate toward the Democrat Garbage Party.
What the fuck is a "blue city"?

Bluefield Kentucky? Blue Ball Pennsylvania?
Basically any shithole over run with homeless deadbeats who piss and shit in the streets with high crime and little to no law and order that has run amok under democratic rule.

"democratic rule"? So you mean (horrors) people vote for their mayors and city council?

Or was that supposed to say "Democratic rule"?

You DO know that most municipalities don't even LIST political parties in their elections --- right?

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