What Americans Were.....sigh....

[Shrug.] You know your opponent has lost when he has nothing left to offer but childish insults.

Your surrender is graciously accepted.
True. One only need consider the source, as well.

Support for civil rights is out of touch?

Well, that explains a lot about you.

Of course, you didn't even read it.

The republican ‘support’ of civil rights is inconsistent at best.

The sections on abortion and homosexuality, for instance, are classic examples of conservative authoritarianism and the right’s efforts to stifle dissent.
:lol: Utter nonsense.

Meanwhile, I notice you're STILL too stupid to know how the quote function works.

And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.

You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

Which is an argument to many fall for. Conservatives don't make "contributions" in the form of positives that you can count up because that is exactly what we don't want.

The SCOTUS under FDR stood their ground until he came up with his court packing scheme. I consider their efforts to be a contribution. They were keeping the fed out of peoples lives. They were protecting the constitution.

GWB was not a conservative. He crapped out NCLB. They should shove it back up his ass (and they should dig up Ted Kennedy and shove it up his too).

Anyway.....they don't make contributions...they keep others from making unwanted contributions......if they are conservatives.

Thanks for playing.
That government is best which governs least.

-- Henry David Thoreau

The left is utterly incapable of understanding this simple concept.
And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.

You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society
Only to have you mindlessly screech "Nuh-UHH!!" and fling poo, you dishonest slug?

Why should I bother? :lol:

You will now predictably claim that I can't think of any, and wet your pants in glee.

So feel free to eat shit. I heard you really like Obama's. You'll have to arm wrestle Synthia for it, though.

I know.....it was a trick question
But I had to ask it. Everyone knows that conservatives have contributed nothing to our society

In each generation, when problems arose.........Conservatives replied "Go fuck yourself"
Liberals at the federal level are not for the common person.

There aren't many liberals at the federal level. Let's see if you can name any of them.
Yeah, they're mostly far-left leftists.

Not too many reasonable liberals in the bunch.

Oh, wait, this is where you pretend your misinterpretation of the word "liberal" is the only possible definition, isn't it?

It would be nice if you idiots didn't keep redefining words when you're losing arguments. Of course, that's about the only way you can pretend you win.
You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

The Bill of Rights.

Standard Disclaimer: It's part of that constitution that you work so hard to get rid of...

No, actually conservatives were not allowed to sign it

They were still loyal to the king just like they are loyal to the one percent today

Conservatives do love their kings don't they?
It ain't conservatives deifying Obama, schmuck.

Face it, liarwinger: You would have informed on the revolutionaries to King George. In a heartbeat.

Remember, it's your side that came up with [email protected] and www.attackwatch.com to encourage people to inform on their anti-Obama neighbors.

Now go polish your jackboots, you little Brown Shirt.
Even though most are not allowed in the country club, they are satisfied that they are at least allowed to park cars

You leftist prefer keeping them on work farms.


RW's vision for America.
Putting political opponents in camps is one of the left's go-to solutions.
The Bill of Rights.

Standard Disclaimer: It's part of that constitution that you work so hard to get rid of...

No, actually conservatives were not allowed to sign it

They were still loyal to the king just like they are loyal to the one percent today

Conservatives do love their kings don't they?
It ain't conservatives deifying Obama, schmuck.

Face it, liarwinger: You would have informed on the revolutionaries to King George. In a heartbeat.

Remember, it's your side that came up with [email protected] and AttackWatch to encourage people to inform on their anti-Obama neighbors.

Now go polish your jackboots, you little Brown Shirt.

Is that really the best you got?

No wonder you have sunk to being a Political Chick toady

"Yea.......you are right PC......can I lick your feet?"
Another accomplished conservative:

"As one of the most influential black men of his time, Washington was not without his critics. Many charged that his conservative approach undermined the quest for racial equality. "In all things purely social we can be as separate as the fingers," he proposed to a biracial audience in his 1895 Atlanta Compromise address, "yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress."

Booker T. Washington Biography from Boycottliberalism.com
Booker T was conservative?

Obviously, he wasn't black enough.

Right, white USMB liberals?
There aren't many liberals at the federal level. Let's see if you can name any of them.

That's my point......

If I say Harry Ried...you say he's not a liberal.....but he looks and smells like one.

Well, no, actually he doesn't. I can name three off the top of my head, although one of them will be leaving Congress at the end of this year. The three are Nancy Pelosi, Dennis Kucinich, and Bernie Sanders. I'm sure there are a few more, but most Democrats are not liberals, and as best I can tell at this point no Republicans are liberals. Most politicians of both parties are too beholden to corporate interests to be liberals.
Your political compass desperately need re-calibration, kid. Bernie Sanders is no liberal, he's an out-and-out socialist.

You're so far to the left you make Marx look like Teddy Kennedy with a beard.

And if anyone needed further reason, all your posts may now be safely dismissed as utterly ridiculous.
And this is what makes you such a hypocrite (or drug smoker).

You don't get to parse the qualifications of a "true liberal" all the while calling most anything you don't like conservative.

Conservatives don't care about their kings (like Obama). They care who is mayor (or should).

Please stop making me laugh.

Conservatives believe the rights of the individual are preeminent. Whether that individual is rich or poor, they are the master of their fate, fortune and mind.

Leftists believe that the group is preeminent. The individual must bow and submit to the group. Fortune and fate belong to the group, to be doled out to those the group views most worthy. The individual must subdue their mind to the views and attitudes of the group.

A king cannot exist in a conservative system. Wealthy men may ply others with cash, but they have no power above any other man. In a conservative society, they have no standing in the law above any other.

The left yearns for a ruler, they look to Obama, Castro, Pol Pot, etc. to rule them. They see the strong-man as the shepherd who guides the flock. It is the same desire that led to monarchs. The belief that rulers are better suited to dictate the details of a person's life than the person themselves.

A march to the left is always a march to dictatorship.
That's why I look down on leftists. They want to be subjects, not citizens.

Utterly spineless weaklings.
Most leftists fantasize that everybody else will be subjects, and they will enjoy the privileges of the tyrannical elite. I have no idea why they think they're entitled but they do.
Yes we do need a good Federalists program and law like the Alien Sedetion act of 1798, get real or get to the loom my darling
Ahhh, the Alien and Sedition Act -- Obamabots would love this.

It would criminalize any criticism of The Boy King.

Tell me again how you idiots support the freedom of speech? That one never gets old. :rofl:
U.S. troops marching into Sacramento would not be an act of war, either. In fact, U.S. troops go through Sacramento frequently. I see them in San Jose, too. Most definitely U.S. troops at Beale Air Force Base in California do not constitute an act of war.

However, that's really neither here nor there. Lincoln, for his time, was a liberal. He was a liberal on the slavery issue, and on the rights of labor, too. So was Theodore Roosevelt, another Republican and the nation's first "progressive" president in the modern sense. Party is one thing, ideology is another.

Once again, you prove me right: The basis for your "thinking" is

Conservative = bad.

Liberal = good.

Now go ahead and type 500 words denying what I claim but actually proving me correct -- you know, like you did last time. :lol:
You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society
Only to have you mindlessly screech "Nuh-UHH!!" and fling poo, you dishonest slug?

Why should I bother? :lol:

You will now predictably claim that I can't think of any, and wet your pants in glee.

So feel free to eat shit. I heard you really like Obama's. You'll have to arm wrestle Synthia for it, though.

I know.....it was a trick question
But I had to ask it. Everyone knows that conservatives have contributed nothing to our society

In each generation, when problems arose.........Conservatives replied "Go fuck yourself"
Yep. I called it. You dance to my tune.

How does it feel to know that you're so utterly simple-minded and predictable? Somehow, it seems you've convinced yourself that it's the superior way to be.

Normal people laugh at you. :lol:
No, actually conservatives were not allowed to sign it

They were still loyal to the king just like they are loyal to the one percent today

Conservatives do love their kings don't they?
It ain't conservatives deifying Obama, schmuck.

Face it, liarwinger: You would have informed on the revolutionaries to King George. In a heartbeat.

Remember, it's your side that came up with [email protected] and AttackWatch to encourage people to inform on their anti-Obama neighbors.

Now go polish your jackboots, you little Brown Shirt.

Is that really the best you got?

No wonder you have sunk to being a Political Chick toady

"Yea.......you are right PC......can I lick your feet?"
I'm sorry, I can't understand you when your head is up Dragon's ass.

Meanwhile, the fact remains that leftism is authoritarian. You simple-minded fools need a Daddy to take care of you.

Currently, your Daddy is Obama. That's why you tell on the big mean conservatives who frighten you so badly.

When you report me to ATTACK WATCH!!, make sure you spell my username right, осведомитель. Your masters will be pleased with you.
It ain't conservatives deifying Obama, schmuck.

Face it, liarwinger: You would have informed on the revolutionaries to King George. In a heartbeat.

Remember, it's your side that came up with [email protected] and AttackWatch to encourage people to inform on their anti-Obama neighbors.

Now go polish your jackboots, you little Brown Shirt.

Is that really the best you got?

No wonder you have sunk to being a Political Chick toady

"Yea.......you are right PC......can I lick your feet?"
I'm sorry, I can't understand you when your head is up Dragon's ass.

Meanwhile, the fact remains that leftism is authoritarian. You simple-minded fools need a Daddy to take care of you.

Currently, your Daddy is Obama. That's why you tell on the big mean conservatives who frighten you so badly.

When you report me to ATTACK WATCH!!, make sure you spell my username right, осведомитель. Your masters will be pleased with you.

As daveman replies....

I know you are, but what am I?

You can't make this stuff up......he really writes this stuff
You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

Which is an argument to many fall for. Conservatives don't make "contributions" in the form of positives that you can count up because that is exactly what we don't want.

The SCOTUS under FDR stood their ground until he came up with his court packing scheme. I consider their efforts to be a contribution. They were keeping the fed out of peoples lives. They were protecting the constitution.

GWB was not a conservative. He crapped out NCLB. They should shove it back up his ass (and they should dig up Ted Kennedy and shove it up his too).

Anyway.....they don't make contributions...they keep others from making unwanted contributions......if they are conservatives.

Thanks for playing.


Conservatives are the party of "Go fuck yourself"

In your case that is certainly true. So get to it.

When it comes to others, conservatives tend to believe there are better ways help people than to first steal their liberties.

Have a good time. I am sure you will enjoy it.

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