What Afghanis are Saying About in Their Country


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is a side of the war we never hear about – the tens of thousands of people ousted from their homes by the ravage of war. Homes destroyed and civilians killed.

How can we expect to win there when we are doing everything to turn the people against us?

The Helmand refugees claim their Taliban preference is based on experience, not ideology. “When the Russians were here, I fought them,” one man tells me. “Since the Karzai and the Americans came to Afghanistan I’ve never touched a gun or had one in my home. What is my crime? I’ve lost my family, they destroyed whole villages. They bombed my home, my mother died, my son died, all for no reason.”

When asked if he could say anything to the American public, he pleads with me. “Please tell the military to never bomb and kill civilians,” he says. “Any goals you have, we don’t know the political side, please do it. But don’t put us in sorrow. You destroyed our country, our homeland.”

Many displaced Helmandis think the solution to their plight lies in compromise and dialogue. “It is impossible for the government to kill every Taliban, and it is impossible for the Taliban to kill everyone in the government,” one tells me. “We want them to come together and have a common goal that will stop killing us. We believe it’s easy for Americans to bring peace, but you can’t bring peace through war.”

Full story @ Afghan Refugees Tell Us What They Really Think About US Forces
Invading and destroying the entire country of Afghanistan looking for 1 man was idiotic. .... :cuckoo:

the entire country of Afghanistan was not destroyed------nor was the objective in fighting the jihadi dogs
of Afghanistan ------the finding of one man. Most of the actual destruction of Afghanistan was the result
of the actions of the Jihadist dogs-----those from Pakistan called "TALIBAN"--- and some others from
various other shariah shit holes and a few the children of sharia shit adherents. The same population
continues "pleasing allah" by brutal murder

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