What action should Trump take

Trump should publicly issue a 'RED LINE' and dare Iran to cross it. If / WHEN they do, he can back down and claim it was not his 'Red Line' that was violated but was instead the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'.

He just did, his tweet was a red line. How should he back it up? Or do you think he is as empty as Obama?

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OK, that I agree with. I think the mods were .... overly heavy handed there with sarcasm, but that post clearly stated the issue.

Trump drew a methaphorical redline. What should he do if (and when) iran steps over it. But if that is the OP, then RESPECTFULLY it is based on a misapprehension.

Nothing Iran can do will stop Trump from tweeting "THEY WENT OVER THE LINE" That is, with Trump it really is all message and no substance other then how he can affect opinion.
Definitions, please:

WHAT EXACTLY / SPECIFICALLY did Trump declare Iran had to do to 'cross his Red Line'?

If it is to attack the United States, the President should do what Barry did not when he backed down in front of the whole world to al-Assad - militarily respond.


Seems pretty clear, if they threaten the US again then they crossed the red line.

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Trump should publicly issue a 'RED LINE' and dare Iran to cross it. If / WHEN they do, he can back down and claim it was not his 'Red Line' that was violated but was instead the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'.

He just did, his tweet was a red line. How should he back it up? Or do you think he is as empty as Obama?

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OK, that I agree with. I think the mods were .... overly heavy handed there with sarcasm, but that post clearly stated the issue.

Trump drew a methaphorical redline. What should he do if (and when) iran steps over it. But if that is the OP, then RESPECTFULLY it is based on a misapprehension.

Nothing Iran can do will stop Trump from tweeting "THEY WENT OVER THE LINE" That is, with Trump it really is all message and no substance other then how he can affect opinion.
Definitions, please:

WHAT EXACTLY / SPECIFICALLY did Trump declare Iran had to do to 'cross his Red Line'?

If it is to attack the United States, the President should do what Barry did not when he backed down in front of the whole world to al-Assad - militarily respond.


Seems pretty clear, if they threaten the US again then they crossed the red line.

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Not to defend Obama ... but he's not Trump. LOL

Obama said "military action." The funny thing is Assad got past that by giving the chemical to Putin ... which as it turned out wasn't so great, because Putin is all in for using gas on civilians

Obama said the red line was using chemical weapons or seeing them go to potential terrorists. But Obama didn't use force in the end because Congress wouldn't authorize it. Whether that excuses Obama's not using force .... that can be something people can debate. Personally, imo, so long as the US wasn't attacked by parties from Syria, or Syria wasn't giving gas to terrorists who would attack other countries ... I don't see the use of US force.

Trump just said "don't ever threaten us."
And we both he's a tiny dick who cannot militarily attack Iran for some vague language and if he tries there will be consequences. But unlike Obama, Trump is not warning or threatening for some specific action. Iran will bluster when the economic sanctions return in about two weeks.

Trump's trying to show how tough he as after giving the entire Russian govt blowjobs.

You notice only one of the sheep think that Trump should follow through on his threat, the rest want him to be just like Obama...talk shit and do nothing

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Seems pretty clear, if they threaten the US again then they crossed the red line.
Militarily threaten? Diplomatically threaten? Or 'in any way'?

Well, his tweet was in response to a verbal threat, so it seems that is the standard that he set.

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Oh I agree, and a verbal threat can be just about anything .... or nothing at all. But for what it's worth, Obama wasn't just saying shit that had no substance to inflame his base and distract from the fact that he just played Putin's jail house punch for a week. Obama failed in Syria, but perhaps there was no other end that could play out. Syria and the Assads were always Russian vassals set up to guard their southern border from Muslims
Not to defend Obama ... but he's not Trump. LOL
Obama said "military action." The funny thing is Assad got past that by giving the chemical to Putin ... which as it turned out wasn't so great, because Putin is all in for using gas on civilians

Putin played Obama...again and again and again. His promise to pull all chemical / biological weapons out of Syria was proven to be a lie on the world stage. I think Putin either lied and knew they were still there but had no intention of using them or al-Assad played / lied to Putin . Putin values his own reputation on the world stage to intentionally using bio/chem weapons after he had already declared to the world he would pull them out of Syria.

Obama - and hopefully everyone else - learned a valuable lesson from the 'Red Line' debacle: Never, EVER bluff - If you have no intention of going all the way if called on it, don't say it.

IMO, one of Trump's weaknesses is to react fiercely without thinking. Obama had the same problem at times, too. (His 'Red Line' is proof)
The next time Iran threatens the United States. Now that he has laid down the law via all CAPS on twitter he has to respond to the next threat in a manner few in the history of the world have every seen.

So, what should his response to the next threat be, what is there that few in the history of the world have seen?

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Blow the crap out of their next missile test. It is shame Obama gave them billions to advance their missile systems and fund their terror groups.
The next time Iran threatens the United States. Now that he has laid down the law via all CAPS on twitter he has to respond to the next threat in a manner few in the history of the world have every seen.

So, what should his response to the next threat be, what is there that few in the history of the world have seen?

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He should do absolutely nothing. His aides should throw his cell phone in the toilet and distract him by turning on fox and friends.
If he backs it up, he is a war mongering psychopath if he doesnt, he is a pussy Either way, he is a complete fucking moron.
Well we agree he is a moron no matter what.
Trump could end world hunger, create world peace, cure every disease known to man, and butt-hurt snowflakes would still hold the same opinion of him.


I guess you would rather have a President like Barry who kisses or enemies' asses and gives them whatever they want..... Sorry, Barry is in seclusion, attempting to keep from being dragged into his Conspiracy against Trump that's being exposed, and Hillary is on another 'This Is Who I Blame For Losing' tour while wearing a shower curtain.


If he could do any of those things he or anyone else would be a genius. Oh there you go bbbbbbuuuuutttt Obama, bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton. Change the channel, Rump is a maroon no matter what.
Iran was a tiger locked in a cage...not a very strong cage but a cage just the same. Obama let them out of that cage. He fed the tiger opened the door, and let it loose. Getting it back in the cage is going to be hard as hell...and he made the Middle East so much less safe. He has, in essence, started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Saudi is already pursuing nuclear weapons as are reportedly several other nations.

I myself am not worried about the official state of Iran having nuclear weapons as I am about the leading exporter of terrorism (Iran) in the ME building and putting a dirty bomb into the hands of its surrogate supported terrorist groups.
The next time Iran threatens the United States. Now that he has laid down the law via all CAPS on twitter he has to respond to the next threat in a manner few in the history of the world have every seen.

So, what should his response to the next threat be, what is there that few in the history of the world have seen?

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Apparently Trump thinks the leader of Iran subscribes to his Twitter account.

Or...Trump was blustering for the sake of his True Bleevers who eat that shit up.

Trump has been throwing tantrums all weekend. The fat bastard's blood sugar is probably all over the place. He probably needs medication.
He’ll have to do something lest He’ll look like a loud mouth pussy.
Maybe he should give them 20% of our remaining supply of uranium.... That changed Russia and made them our 'buddies'... :p
Not to defend Obama ... but he's not Trump. LOL
Obama said "military action." The funny thing is Assad got past that by giving the chemical to Putin ... which as it turned out wasn't so great, because Putin is all in for using gas on civilians

Putin played Obama...again and again and again. His promise to pull all chemical / biological weapons out of Syria was proven to be a lie on the world stage. I think Putin either lied and knew they were still there but had no intention of using them or al-Assad played / lied to Putin . Putin values his own reputation on the world stage to intentionally using bio/chem weapons after he had already declared to the world he would pull them out of Syria.

Obama - and hopefully everyone else - learned a valuable lesson from the 'Red Line' debacle: Never, EVER bluff - If you have no intention of going all the way if called on it, don't say it.

IMO, one of Trump's weaknesses is to react fiercely without thinking. Obama had the same problem at times, too. (His 'Red Line' is proof)

I'm trying to figure out how this statement is incorrect, i.e. shows wasn't thinking.'CONSEQUENCES FEW HAVE SUFFERED'
Are you guessing Trump hasn't been briefed by the military as to ALL the options the USA that could provide "consequences" to the Iranians?
You think Trump who accumulated Billions of dollars, built a multi-countries business did so by "not thinking"? Not having information at his disposal?
See you are responding like many in the MSM who look literally at the words but don't comprehend the depth of the statements.

Trump truly is more nuanced than you people believe and he's showing it constantly but the majority of never-thumpers have hatred as their motivation rather than logic. That's all right. We "deplorables" will continue to take care of people that respond viscerally rather than logically.
Does it sound to you like Trump is making a well-thought-out, detailed warning to Iran or more like a threat one might say in the heat of the moment...much like Barry's 'Red Line' BLUFF?

Personally, IMO, Trump pulled an 'Obama', but of course we have yet to see what Trump will do if Iran calls his bluff.

I 1st thought I was more worried about what Trump would do that I was about Obama...but then again the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

No one can control the President's comments or tweets so far, but he has listened to his Generals so far for the most part.
This might be why Trump threatened Iran, now they are getting from both Trump and Putin.
Maybe this is one of the things that him and Putin talked about [/QUOTE]

If Trump did talk to Putin and tell him to do something to reign Iran in, then good on him! Way to go, President Trump!

That would mean President Trump actually succeeding in something Obama failed to do - get Putin to withdraw troops / forces from another country's borders. :p lol
Does it sound to you like Trump is making a well-thought-out, detailed warning to Iran or more like a threat one might say in the heat of the moment...much like Barry's 'Red Line' BLUFF?

Personally, IMO, Trump pulled an 'Obama', but of course we have yet to see what Trump will do if Iran calls his bluff.

I 1st thought I was more worried about what Trump would do that I was about Obama...but then again the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval.

No one can control the President's comments or tweets so far, but he has listened to his Generals so far for the most part.

Which two wars was that?

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