What about the FACTS disclosed by Jack Teixeira that prove we have been lied to for years, major lies? I don't give a tinker's dam who, how or why!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
What about the FACTS disclosed by Jack Teixeira that prove we have been lied to for years, major lies? I don't give a tinker's dam who, how, or why!


Leaked Pentagon documents: What are the major takeaways?

The US, UK and France are among Western countries with special forces deployed in Ukraine, according to leaked intelligence documents.
12 Apr 2023
12 Apr 2023
11:35 AM (GMT)
According to the leaked documents, Latvia – a country with a population of fewer than two million people – had 17 personnel, the second highest number of special forces deployed in Ukraine out of the NATO countries. The US and France had 14 and 15 special forces personnel respectively in Ukraine, while the Netherlands has one.
(my highlights above)


Leaked secret Pentagon documents lift the lid on U.S. spying on Russia’s war in Ukraine

NBC News obtained more than 50 of the leaked documents, many of them labeled “Top Secret."
April 9, 2023, 8:47 PM EDT
By Dan De Luce, Kevin Collier, Phil McCausland and Ken Dilanian

Dozens of leaked Defense Department classified documents posted online reveal details of U.S. spying on Russia’s war machine in Ukraine and secret assessments of Ukraine’s combat power, as well as intelligence gathering on America’s allies, including South Korea and Israel.


Here are some of the highlights from the documents:
  • Russia’s private mercenary outfit, the Wagner Group, has sought to purchase weapons from NATO member Turkey, as well as from Mali. The group is also considering recruiting more convicts for the war in Ukraine, according to the documents, citing signals intelligence.
  • Some documents include satellite images of damage to various targets from Ukrainian strikes in February. A strike on an “assembly area” caused “severe damage” and was carried out with the help of U.S. intelligence, a document said.
  • The battle for Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is most likely headed for a “stalemate” through 2023, exhausting Russian units and frustrating Moscow’s war aims, according to an assessment based on signals intelligence and National Reconnaissance Office satellite and commercial satellite imagery, a document said.
  • A document marked “secret” examines why Ukrainian bombs equipped with U.S.-made guidance systems, known as Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMs, have failed recently. It speculates that bomb fuses are not being armed correctly and that GPS signal issues — potentially caused by Russian jamming efforts — could be at play.
  • A Feb. 28 document assesses “pathways” for Israel to provide “lethal aid” to Ukraine, providing hypothetical situations that might drive Israel from its balancing act between Kyiv and Moscow. Marked “secret,” the document also suggests what Israeli weapons could be transferred to Ukraine, such as Israel’s Javelin equivalent and other missile systems. The analysis says the “most plausible” scenario is that Jerusalem adopts a Turkish model under U.S. pressure. Like Ankara, it would mean that Israel “sells lethal defense systems or provides them through third-party entities” while openly advocating for peace and “offering to host mediation efforts.” Alternative scenarios consider how Moscow’s support of Iran’s military programs or proxy efforts in Syria could drive Israel to provide Ukraine with “lethal aid.”
  • South Korea has concerns about providing artillery shells to the U.S. to replenish America’s supplies, as officials worried that the ammunition would end with Ukraine’s military, according to documents citing signals intelligence.
  • The leadership of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence service encouraged its staff to take part in anti-government protests that have swept Israel, according to one document. Israel issued a statement vehemently denying the assertion when it was first reported.

This proves we have been lied to for the past 3 years. Not little white lies either.
There are lies and then there are lies. I agree they lie to us about so many things it's ridiculous. But in the case of the war in Ukraine, I would expect some secrecy. Loose lips sink ships. As far as the handful of special ops guys we might have over there, I'm actually relieved to hear it: how else can we be sure those arms and ammo are getting into the right hands?

It's too bad the morons in our congress couldn't see fit to put an oversight controller on all the cash we've sent over like we wanted. It looks like everyone's warnings about misappropriation were right: Seymour Hersh Reveals Massive Skimming of US Aid in Ukraine and Claims CIA Knows All About It
What about the FACTS disclosed by Jack Teixeira that prove we have been lied to for years, major lies? I don't give a tinker's dam who, how, or why!


Leaked Pentagon documents: What are the major takeaways?

The US, UK and France are among Western countries with special forces deployed in Ukraine, according to leaked intelligence documents.
12 Apr 2023
12 Apr 2023
11:35 AM (GMT)
According to the leaked documents, Latvia – a country with a population of fewer than two million people – had 17 personnel, the second highest number of special forces deployed in Ukraine out of the NATO countries. The US and France had 14 and 15 special forces personnel respectively in Ukraine, while the Netherlands has one.
(my highlights above)


Leaked secret Pentagon documents lift the lid on U.S. spying on Russia’s war in Ukraine

NBC News obtained more than 50 of the leaked documents, many of them labeled “Top Secret."
April 9, 2023, 8:47 PM EDT
By Dan De Luce, Kevin Collier, Phil McCausland and Ken Dilanian

Dozens of leaked Defense Department classified documents posted online reveal details of U.S. spying on Russia’s war machine in Ukraine and secret assessments of Ukraine’s combat power, as well as intelligence gathering on America’s allies, including South Korea and Israel.


Here are some of the highlights from the documents:
  • Russia’s private mercenary outfit, the Wagner Group, has sought to purchase weapons from NATO member Turkey, as well as from Mali. The group is also considering recruiting more convicts for the war in Ukraine, according to the documents, citing signals intelligence.
  • Some documents include satellite images of damage to various targets from Ukrainian strikes in February. A strike on an “assembly area” caused “severe damage” and was carried out with the help of U.S. intelligence, a document said.
  • The battle for Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is most likely headed for a “stalemate” through 2023, exhausting Russian units and frustrating Moscow’s war aims, according to an assessment based on signals intelligence and National Reconnaissance Office satellite and commercial satellite imagery, a document said.
  • A document marked “secret” examines why Ukrainian bombs equipped with U.S.-made guidance systems, known as Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMs, have failed recently. It speculates that bomb fuses are not being armed correctly and that GPS signal issues — potentially caused by Russian jamming efforts — could be at play.
  • A Feb. 28 document assesses “pathways” for Israel to provide “lethal aid” to Ukraine, providing hypothetical situations that might drive Israel from its balancing act between Kyiv and Moscow. Marked “secret,” the document also suggests what Israeli weapons could be transferred to Ukraine, such as Israel’s Javelin equivalent and other missile systems. The analysis says the “most plausible” scenario is that Jerusalem adopts a Turkish model under U.S. pressure. Like Ankara, it would mean that Israel “sells lethal defense systems or provides them through third-party entities” while openly advocating for peace and “offering to host mediation efforts.” Alternative scenarios consider how Moscow’s support of Iran’s military programs or proxy efforts in Syria could drive Israel to provide Ukraine with “lethal aid.”
  • South Korea has concerns about providing artillery shells to the U.S. to replenish America’s supplies, as officials worried that the ammunition would end with Ukraine’s military, according to documents citing signals intelligence.
  • The leadership of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence service encouraged its staff to take part in anti-government protests that have swept Israel, according to one document. Israel issued a statement vehemently denying the assertion when it was first reported.

This proves we have been lied to for the past 3 years. Not little white lies either.
Careful .
We need to be 100% sure first that this is not Fake , total or part .
With NYT and WaPo being so prominent I am highly suspicious, and at least two of the investigating writers are ex Bellingcat which is a huge red flag -- MI6 assets .
As for the alleged baby perp , it is initially difficult to believe a word of that narrative .
It would only have been a surprise to learn that no "special" or other foreign forces were in the Ukraine. The surprise, in fact, is that there are so few.
If it is not a LIE, the Democrats would not support it...

Global Warming
the Steal
reasons for war with Iraq and Afghan
It would only have been a surprise to learn that no "special" or other foreign forces were in the Ukraine. The surprise, in fact, is that there are so few.
Seriously, this is a nothing burger. We have 15 troops in the Ukraine. Special Ops. Let me know when there is something more serious, like the next time Biden sniffs hair or Trump takes a shit.
What about the FACTS disclosed by Jack Teixeira that prove we have been lied to for years, major lies? I don't give a tinker's dam who, how, or why!


Leaked Pentagon documents: What are the major takeaways?

The US, UK and France are among Western countries with special forces deployed in Ukraine, according to leaked intelligence documents.
12 Apr 2023
12 Apr 2023
11:35 AM (GMT)
According to the leaked documents, Latvia – a country with a population of fewer than two million people – had 17 personnel, the second highest number of special forces deployed in Ukraine out of the NATO countries. The US and France had 14 and 15 special forces personnel respectively in Ukraine, while the Netherlands has one.
(my highlights above)


Leaked secret Pentagon documents lift the lid on U.S. spying on Russia’s war in Ukraine

NBC News obtained more than 50 of the leaked documents, many of them labeled “Top Secret."
April 9, 2023, 8:47 PM EDT
By Dan De Luce, Kevin Collier, Phil McCausland and Ken Dilanian

Dozens of leaked Defense Department classified documents posted online reveal details of U.S. spying on Russia’s war machine in Ukraine and secret assessments of Ukraine’s combat power, as well as intelligence gathering on America’s allies, including South Korea and Israel.


Here are some of the highlights from the documents:
  • Russia’s private mercenary outfit, the Wagner Group, has sought to purchase weapons from NATO member Turkey, as well as from Mali. The group is also considering recruiting more convicts for the war in Ukraine, according to the documents, citing signals intelligence.
  • Some documents include satellite images of damage to various targets from Ukrainian strikes in February. A strike on an “assembly area” caused “severe damage” and was carried out with the help of U.S. intelligence, a document said.
  • The battle for Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region is most likely headed for a “stalemate” through 2023, exhausting Russian units and frustrating Moscow’s war aims, according to an assessment based on signals intelligence and National Reconnaissance Office satellite and commercial satellite imagery, a document said.
  • A document marked “secret” examines why Ukrainian bombs equipped with U.S.-made guidance systems, known as Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMs, have failed recently. It speculates that bomb fuses are not being armed correctly and that GPS signal issues — potentially caused by Russian jamming efforts — could be at play.
  • A Feb. 28 document assesses “pathways” for Israel to provide “lethal aid” to Ukraine, providing hypothetical situations that might drive Israel from its balancing act between Kyiv and Moscow. Marked “secret,” the document also suggests what Israeli weapons could be transferred to Ukraine, such as Israel’s Javelin equivalent and other missile systems. The analysis says the “most plausible” scenario is that Jerusalem adopts a Turkish model under U.S. pressure. Like Ankara, it would mean that Israel “sells lethal defense systems or provides them through third-party entities” while openly advocating for peace and “offering to host mediation efforts.” Alternative scenarios consider how Moscow’s support of Iran’s military programs or proxy efforts in Syria could drive Israel to provide Ukraine with “lethal aid.”
  • South Korea has concerns about providing artillery shells to the U.S. to replenish America’s supplies, as officials worried that the ammunition would end with Ukraine’s military, according to documents citing signals intelligence.
  • The leadership of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence service encouraged its staff to take part in anti-government protests that have swept Israel, according to one document. Israel issued a statement vehemently denying the assertion when it was first reported.

This proves we have been lied to for the past 3 years. Not little white lies either.
And how much of what you posted did the ANG traitor change by him?
Maybe you, OP, as a lay person do not need to know everything going on in Ukraine. I know, I know, terms like “transparency” and such cause some of us to get a case of the tingles running down our legs. But, there is more to it that just getting the warm and fuzzies.

First, what are you going to do with such info, exactly? There are many reasons we may have special forces on the ground in Ukraine. I would have been surprised if we didn’t. I think we, the west, ought to let Ukraine go. The longer we meddle in its affairs the more likely it is that we will become inextricably entangled.

But my point is that even if you are privy to certain Intel, you have no idea how to properly evaluate it. You will just bitch and moan over the most superficial parts.

Second, releasing Intel can get people killed and compromise our interests. Why? So people like you will have something to bitch about the next day over the water cooler?

Third, we are always putting small groups of spec ops people on the ground in troubled areas around the world to gain Intel and assist. It is not quite the same thing as inserting a fighting force. We are well advised to do this so that we can know what is going on in theater and shape the outcome to our liking. It’s SOP.

My problem with what is going on is that we are spending huge amounts of money on Ukraine while expecting no real return on our investment. Maybe if in exchange for our assistance we were going to be given exclusivity in grain purchases from Ukraine, then (1) we would have skin in the game and (2) we would have something tangible to show for it.

Our large spending on this conflict with no anticipated return AND the ongoing entanglement it implies is BAD POLICY. It shows clearly that Biden’s people in his cabinet, military, and especially the State Department have no idea what they are doing. They making it up as it goes, and brain dead Biden is signing off on whatever they want to do.

However, this does not mean that I need to know who is on the ground and what they are doing. Obviously, Biden’s sleazy people do not want an escalation. They want to focus on politics and 2024. Though, it cannot be overstated that they could bumblefuck us into it deeper because they don’t know shit about managing situations like this.

Leave the nuts and bolts to the professionals. You would not know what to do with that info anyway.
Trump has been doing the same thing.

FBI arrests 21-year-old Air National Guardsman suspected of leaking classified documents

FBI agents took Jack Teixeira into custody Thursday afternoon “without incident,” Attorney General Merrick Garland announced.

WASHINGTON — Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, was arrested by federal authorities Thursday in connection with their investigation into classified documents that were leaked on the internet.

FBI arrests 21-year-old Air National Guardsman suspected of leaking classified documents

This is a lead up to Trump’s arrest for doing the same thing.
Maybe you, OP, as a lay person do not need to know everything going on in Ukraine. I know, I know, terms like “transparency” and such cause some of us to get a case of the tingles running down our legs. But, there is more to it that just getting the warm and fuzzies.

First, what are you going to do with such info, exactly? There are many reasons we may have special forces on the ground in Ukraine. I would have been surprised if we didn’t. I think we, the west, ought to let Ukraine go. The longer we meddle in its affairs the more likely it is that we will become inextricably entangled.

But my point is that even if you are privy to certain Intel, you have no idea how to properly evaluate it. You will just bitch and moan over the most superficial parts.

Second, releasing Intel can get people killed and compromise our interests. Why? So people like you will have something to bitch about the next day over the water cooler?

Third, we are always putting small groups of spec ops people on the ground in troubled areas around the world to gain Intel and assist. It is not quite the same thing as inserting a fighting force. We are well advised to do this so that we can know what is going on in theater and shape the outcome to our liking. It’s SOP.

My problem with what is going on is that we are spending huge amounts of money on Ukraine while expecting no real return on our investment. Maybe if in exchange for our assistance we were going to be given exclusivity in grain purchases from Ukraine, then (1) we would have skin in the game and (2) we would have something tangible to show for it.

Our large spending on this conflict with no anticipated return AND the ongoing entanglement it implies is BAD POLICY. It shows clearly that Biden’s people in his cabinet, military, and especially the State Department have no idea what they are doing. They making it up as it goes, and brain dead Biden is signing off on whatever they want to do.

However, this does not mean that I need to know who is on the ground and what they are doing. Obviously, Biden’s sleazy people do not want an escalation. They want to focus on politics and 2024. Though, it cannot be overstated that they could bumblefuck us into it deeper because they don’t know shit about managing situations like this.

Leave the nuts and bolts to the professionals. You would not know what to do with that info anyway.
Curious, you are trivializing the biggest security breach in our country in at least a decade. Our relations with various countries are in danger along with many of our assets in foreign countries, Russia, China, and others are now in dire danger.

Hard copies of President Biden's itinerary were found laying in the street of Ireland. How can any country trust our ability to keep its secrets?

I didn't blame President Biden for this horrendous breach of our intelligence. Why do yu defend this breach of our intelligence? How is it good for America?
Curious, you are trivializing the biggest security breach in our country in at least a decade. Our relations with various countries are in danger along with many of our assets in foreign countries, Russia, China, and others are now in dire danger.

Hard copies of President Biden's itinerary were found laying in the street of Ireland. How can any country trust our ability to keep its secrets?

I didn't blame President Biden for this horrendous breach of our intelligence. Why do yu defend this breach of our intelligence? How is it good for America?
LOL!! I am trivializing nothing. Go back and re-read what I wrote and don't waste my fucking time with stupid rebuttals.
My problem with what is going on is that we are spending huge amounts of money on Ukraine while expecting no real return on our investment.
No real return--?

Putin wants to bring back the great Soviet Union which includes but not limited to Ukraine and Poland but other neighboring countries as well..
If Putin is not stopped now, WW3 comes next.

LOL!! I am trivializing nothing. Go back and re-read what I wrote and don't waste my fucking time with stupid rebuttals.

"Other intelligence detailed qualms among South Korean officials about a US request for Seoul to send ammunition that Washington would then send on to Kyiv."

"South Korea, also an American ally, has a policy against arming foreign nations at war."

"The documents also highlighted America’s effort to get Israel to help Ukraine, despite the country remaining officially neutral in the conflict."

"The files suggested America could push Israel to sell weapons to a third-party that would arm Ukrainian forces, allowing the Jewish state to maintain the appearance of advocating for peace."


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