What About Mexico's Election Interference?

They are lying to you. The part they aren't telling you is they are only considered better for two reasons.
1. They work cheaper.
2. They kiss ass (aka work harder) out of fear of losing the job or being reported.

I think you have no idea what you are talking about.
Not my fault simple math eludes you. They work their ass off for a specific reason. CAN YOU FIGURE IT OUT? I'll give you multiple hints...

Pays better than Mexico
Threat of being reported makes them compliant
Being illegal means cutting corners in other areas is a clear winner for the boss (owner)
10 of them live in one residence rendering low pay irrelevant


What the contractors tell me is this:

The Mexican workers are more productive and do better work where I live than the American workers.

Multiple contractors.

I have no reason to disbelieve them.

I don’t care about anything else.
And you are discounting all the facts I just gave you. If those illegals were that valuable they wouldn't be illegals in another country. Wake up


All I care about is who does the best job.

You would make a great employer to hire illegals then. There is more to life than the bottom line.
Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk
Progressives are all about hypocrisy
And Tank is all about brown skin.

Y'all embarrass yourselves associating with him.

Hopefully his ************* sucked a big dark one. THAT would be justice

Meh...while tank is an over the top white rights advocate you cant deny when he hits the nail on the head.
I don't need an advocate. Do you? I am completely capable on my own.

Tank is a RACICT PIECE OF SHIT that tars to GOP.

Ps. DEPORT the dreamers
The dreamers are more productive than you will ever be. The dreamers should stay. Deport the uneducated DEPLORABLES .
You're as ignorant as the op. I've employed and trained about 2 or 300 AMERICANS over the years.

Gullible democrats and stupid gopers are feasting material

Where I live, the contractors tell me that Mexicans are generally more productive than Americans.

Where I live there are no white people working construction to compare the two.
They've been forced out by the low wage immigrant.
Why does the Left get away with it?

1). They have the media on their side (all but Fox, sometimes)
2). They have no problem taking to the streets and demanding their way.....the Right is a quiet, docile bunch

Squeaky wheel gets the grease....and the attention

That said, this really is a HUGE deal that's been swept under the table by the Left and mostly ignored by the Right.

Thanks for bringing it up.

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