What about Keith Ellison?

It's a real shame the pseudocons no longer have a moral leg to stand on, thanks to their admiration and defense of Trump.

Now all their whining and gnashing of teeth is for nothing.

Karma's a bitch.
I’ve seen tape and read the “victim’s” statements and those of the witness. He pulled her roughly off the bed. That’s hardly “abuse”. It was a very tough emotional moment which could have gone bad but didn’t.

That’s hardly comparable to a drunken sexual assault.
VAWA requires all victims of rape be given free access to an evidence collection kit, better known as a rape kit. it consists of sterile swabs, small containers, plastic bags, microscope slides, and other things to collect semen, blood, saliva, hair, and clothing fibers that will be used as evidence in a criminal trial. for most victims, submitting to the procedure is a tremendously humiliating experience.

its like being raped all over again. you have to stand completely naked on a white sheet and let a nurse brush your entire body to collect evidence that might contain Kavanaugh's DNA. The most private areas are probed, combed, swabbed, photographed, and intensely scrutinized by a nurse. the whole process is incredibly traumatic.
Another woman steps up to accuse DNC co-chair Keith Ellison of abuse but the Left and their media IGNORE it to focus on Trump noise

Why should the co-chair of the DNC, who has been accused of abusing women, be ignored by most of the media and the DNC?

We have several women saying he abuses women and a witness, yet we should only believe the accuser of Kavanaugh why?

What about him, it's his time in the barrel, too. He probably won't be around much longer.

He purportedly yelled at her. And pulled her off the bed. He didn’t hit her or hurt her.

She wanted nothing said. Because it wasn’t that big a deal to her.

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