Whacky Wingnuts on the Right Attempt To Throw Chris Christie Under The Bus

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Whacky Wingnuts on the Right Attempt To Throw Chris Christie Under The Bus

Problem is, Christie is too large and no bus is big enough, for him to fit under it. Also, it would take all registered Republicans and 47% of registered Independents in New Jersey to actually attempt a credible throw of Christie.


All joking aside, we are all used to the Right Wing throwing people under the bus. We had David Stockman, President Reagan's very own Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981–1985). Stockman was a Supply Sider's Supply Sider before reality bit him in the arse... and along the way there were far too many others to list...and here we find ourselves: Governor Chris Christie does what an American politician does while governing...he's governing and leaving politics aside. This upsets the GOP base.

Let me lay it all out for you here: This is no thread like others on Christie's actions. This is a thread on the actions of the whacky right wing, the lunatic fringe on the right, the dis-ease that brought out the Tea Party.

How unAmerican is it to demand political attacks during a terrorist attack on America and during a natural disaster of epic proportions? What is wrong with some of our fellow Americans?

Propaganda. Propaganda and hate. Propaganda, hate, and a plan to keep a segment of America alarmed and paranoid.


That's what you do when it's all you've got.

And all both men care about right now is being as effective as possible in dealing with this emergency.

It doesn't really matter if they're doing it for political purpose as well as to do the right thing.... As long as the right thing gets done.

But the loons know that this will damage mitt next week. And that is why they're having a nervous breakdown.

They'd trade lives and public well-being for a win.
That's what you do when it's all you've got.

And all both men care about right now is being as effective as possible in dealing with this emergency.

It doesn't really matter if they're doing it for political purpose as well as to do the right thing.... As long as the right thing gets done.

But the loons know that this will damage mitt next week. And that is why they're having a nervous breakdown.

They'd trade lives and public well-being for a win.

They would trade their loved ones and souls to beat President Obama. and why?

because they have been trained to.

Right Wing World Warriors are more like these seals...


than these seals...

How unAmerican is it to demand political attacks during a terrorist attack on America and during a natural disaster of epic proportions? What is wrong with some of our fellow Americans?

Propaganda. Propaganda and hate. Propaganda, hate, and a plan to keep a segment of America alarmed and paranoid.




NORMAL people (those who aren't afflicted with chronic hypocrisy and left wing-nuttiness) asked these SAME QUESTIONS and made these SAME OBSERVATIONS after 9/11 and after Hurricane Katrina!
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