We've got it Obama, so thanks but no thanks.

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
Gee I wish we could get a handle on this voting thing....

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a United Nations partner on democratization and human rights projects, will deploy 44 observers around the county on Election Day to monitor an array of activities, including potential disputes at polling places.

This is the same organization that thinks Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a duly elected official and allows him podium time to call for the destruction of the US and Israel. This organization is sending officials to monitor OUR elections.

When we have people like Putin and Castro and Chavez as cheerleaders for Obama, it makes me wonder what he's promising behind our backs.
When Obama tells Russia that he'll have more "flexibility" after he's elected, it means he intends to do things to this country that he wouldn't get away with if he had to answer to us again.
I wonder what he's offered up that makes them so appreciative. :eusa_shhh:

I know he'll sign the Muslim/UN treaty to regulate our guns.
And the Muslim/UN treaty regulating our free speech to conform to the tender sensibilities of the Muslim Nations.
Open borders and instant entitlements and constitutional coverage to foreigners.

But I'm afraid that is just the tip of the iceberg.
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So this is a necessity? We can't vote without UN watchdogs policing not voters, but certain voters? They get to target us now?
Did we call in the UN when Black Panthers decided they would make their presence known in the last election?
Are we so inept that we NEED intervention from an outside, rather unfriendly source?
If this is allowed, what will prevent them from intervening in other vital United States activity? Or other groups they may want to target?
Afraid somebody's going to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? I would think you'd be happy to have someone confirm the election fraud that's always being talked about. This sort of complaint makes one wonder who's really doing the cheating. Methinks you doth protest too much. From years of running sporting events, I've often found that it's those who complain the most that do the most cheating, either to deflect from their own wrong doing or because they believe "everybody does it".
Afraid somebody's going to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? I would think you'd be happy to have someone confirm the election fraud that's always being talked about. This sort of complaint makes one wonder who's really doing the cheating. Methinks you doth protest too much. From years of running sporting events, I've often found that it's those who complain the most that do the most cheating, either to deflect from their own wrong doing or because they believe "everybody does it".

Not at all, Konrad. The PROBLEM is that the UN and and all those dictatorial assholes in it would do ANYTHING to lessen or take power from the US, and this kind of stupidity is just the kind of thing they can use to further their goals. Most people realize that an Obama 2nd term will push the US much further down the Socialist path that's been laid for us, and a LOT of us would rather not go there.

If you would, more power to you, there are plenty of countries you can choose from to get just the right 'flavor' to suit you. I prefer to keep America the single shining city on a hill that it's always been, you can't afford the price for MY freedom.
Afraid somebody's going to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar? I would think you'd be happy to have someone confirm the election fraud that's always being talked about. This sort of complaint makes one wonder who's really doing the cheating. Methinks you doth protest too much. From years of running sporting events, I've often found that it's those who complain the most that do the most cheating, either to deflect from their own wrong doing or because they believe "everybody does it".

Like Acorn?
This isn't a cheating problem. We have the means necessary to handle fraud, or raucous behavior, don't we? Until now? Foreigners have no business in America's business. We are quite capable of self moderation and keeping the peace, not that that is a problem.

The UN has no business at our polls doing anything. If this is such a huge problem then boy scouts, 2 party monitors, cops, something American.
What if the UN guards decide they've found something? Under what authority do they act? And what justice system? World court?
Why are we inviting this unnecessary encroachment?
The UN's only doing this because the ACLU and NAACP got together and with plenty of bullshit sob stories, convinced a bunch of UN hacks that US elections were unfair.
These aren't foreign exchange students, and they aren't here to ensure an honest election. They will be working on behalf of a specific organization, with a specific request that a certain type of American individual be targeted. That makes them not independent, not unbiased, and not trustworthy. Foreigners should not be permitted to hang out in our polling places, regardless of who requests it.

And here is another gem that Obama will sign us up for if he's re-elected:
The currently proposed, Obama-endorsed, Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) would subordinate U.S. naval and drilling operations beyond 200 miles of our coast to a newly established U.N. bureaucracy . If ratified by Congress, it will grant a Kingston, Jamaica-based International Seabed Authority (ISA) the power to regulate deep-sea oil exploration, seabed mining, and fishing rights. As part of the deal, as much as 7% of U.S. government revenue collected from oil and gas companies operating off our coast will be forked over to ISA for redistribution to poorer, landlocked countries.

Without the caution of re election, Obama is going to eat our constitution alive, redistribute money we borrow from China and stick us with the bill, as he moves merrily on to the global stage 4 years from now.

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