Western governments


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

embrace for all practical purposes what Red China did 34 years ago. Remember Tiananmen Square?

embrace for all practical purposes what Red China did 34 years ago. Remember Tiananmen Square?
With the thirty-fourth anniversary of China's Tiananmen Square Massacre having just passed, it is worth pointing out how that atrocity set the stage for increasing government tyranny across the globe today. The Chinese slaughter of innocents should always be seen as the other side of the coin to the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Iron Curtain.

In Europe, where dedicated freedom fighters spent decades creating a "parallel polis" providing both an escape from and organized resistance to totalitarian regimes, the fall of communism naturally followed the rise of public movements for liberty. In China, where cries for freedom were crushed with tanks and despair for the lost, the one-party communist State's power grew. When the United States and other Western countries chose to ignore China's crimes against humanity in a Faustian exchange for Western companies' lucrative opportunity to replace their own domestic workforces with Chinese slave labor under the communists' control, the West proved that it was more than willing to sell out both moral conviction and political principle for a quick buck.

The Chinese communists learned that Western governments are ultimately corrupt "paper tigers" that pretend to stand for human freedom but instead prostitute their ideals for material greed. Aspiring tyrants around the world learned that it is better to crush popular opposition movements with gruesome violence than to permit calls for individual liberty and free speech to grow into outright rebellions powerful enough to redirect the course of history.

Western politicians celebrate the fall of the Soviet Union and occasionally grumble about Chinese human rights abuses, but make no mistake: the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the Tiananmen Square Massacre remain cautionary tales to those enamored of power. In their minds, they hear only Machiavelli's warning that, if one must choose, it is far "safer to be feared than loved." The COVID police state that still lingers, the "climate change" police state lying up ahead, the abandonment of free speech protections as collateral damage in an imaginary war against "hate," the World Health Organization's push for global government through permanent "emergency" — none of these totalitarian monstrosities would exist today had the West stood courageously for human freedom against State-engineered barbarity.

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Imagine if the United States had acted more resolutely against the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Imagine if the dead bodies of students strewn across an area paradoxically named for "heavenly peace" had become an enduring international symbol of the personal sacrifice humans will make to be free and an enduring indictment against State tyranny. Imagine if the words "Remember Tiananmen Square" had become a common condemnation of all government overreach. What would the world look like today?
It would look like a world that doesn't put profit before everything else. There are a bunch of fiction books written about worlds like that, if you want to seek an escape from reality.
It would look like a world that doesn't put profit before everything else. There are a bunch of fiction books written about worlds like that, if you want to seek an escape from reality.
I will the escape from reality to the looneyl eft.

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