Were Some 9-11 Hijackers CIA Agents?

Lies. All lies. You know it too
Yes all lies from YOU and we both know it

The burden is on you to provide evidence gay boy. You made the assertion now back it up with evidence.

You have NEVER posted evidence in all the years I have argued and PROVED you wrong

You are THE lying sack of shit here and EVERYONE knows it

Now post some evidence for once in your ates life
So......how do you explain actual video footage of airliners crashing into the towers? How do you explain all the dead passengers on those planes?
There were no dead passengers found at Shanksville, the Pentagon or WTC. Pictures of airline type aircraft does not mean there were passengers onboard.

The county coroner in Shanksville specifically stated they found no signs passengers or baggage or airliners in that field. Several hours later he changed his story after the tardy FBI team arrived on scene. Typical FBI, they asked him to play along and he complied.
There were no dead passengers found at Shanksville, the Pentagon or WTC. Pictures of airline type aircraft does not mean there were passengers onboard.

The county coroner in Shanksville specifically stated they found no signs passengers or baggage or airliners in that field. Several hours later he changed his story after the tardy FBI team arrived on scene. Typical FBI, they asked him to play along and he complied.
They did indeed find remains. and baggage at all the crash sites

There was no change in story as you claim. We know there were passengers on board those planes.

Your claims are all lies and total failures

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