Were Humans Genetically Engineered?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
This quick video points out some the more curious anomalies in the human genome, and si.ply poses the question as to how such a thing can be possible. .

Housecats have been selectively breeding humans for countless centuries ... so of course we've been engineered to serve housecats' best interests ... are you afraid of housecats? ... see? ... that fear has been bred out of us ...
Yep - and Garfield is the living proof.
Yep - and Garfield is the living proof.
Declawing can cause paw pain, back pain, infection, tissue necrosis (tissue death) and lameness. Removing claws changes the way a cat's foot meets the ground and can cause pain like wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes. Improperly removed claws can regrow, causing nerve damage and bone spurs.
And now we know the mechanism ... Toxoplasmosis causes depression in rodents ... once we're infected, well, we just don't care anymore ... makes mice easier to catch and humans easier to manipulate ...
And in regards to Toxoplasmosis - Garfield does not eat under-cooked meat, or mice - but Lasagna.
Declawing can cause paw pain, back pain, infection, tissue necrosis (tissue death) and lameness. Removing claws changes the way a cat's foot meets the ground and can cause pain like wearing an uncomfortable pair of shoes. Improperly removed claws can regrow, causing nerve damage and bone spurs.

My cats all have perfect control over their claws ... any scratching is strictly choice ... they can feel your skin with the very tips, and know exactly how deep they can sink in before we object ... if they hurt us is because they want to hurt us ...

I've never had a problem getting a housecat to claw up what I've provided for them to claw up ... be it scratching post or just a bare 2x4 ... if I show them where to "sharpen their claws", they are usually more than happy to use that ... and nothing else ...

Cat claws are their weapons ... they need them for self-defense ... I don't even clip them on my cats ... keeps me in line ...
And in regards to Toxoplasmosis - Garfield does not eat under-cooked meat, or mice - but Lasagna.

It's Jon Arbuckle that's infected with Toxo ... why would Garfield need to keep Garfield in line? ... this is depression strictly in rodents, infection in carnivores is symbiotic and produces more of a opium-like effect ...
I get the feeling that somehow this is going to lead to Trump in some way.
Trump and Oprah are not rich. They are not the Rockafeller's who the aliens genetically modified. Those rich people have been ruling humans for thousands of years. Trump is not a descendant.

Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump, German pronunciation:[fʁi:dʁɪç tʁʊmp]; March 14, 1869 – May 30, 1918) was a German-born American barber and businessman.

Just a barber.

I also have my doubts Trump is related to this guy


Someone else fucked Gramma Trump.
It's Jon Arbuckle that's infected with Toxo ... why would Garfield need to keep Garfield in line? ... this is depression strictly in rodents, infection in carnivores is symbiotic and produces more of a opium-like effect ...
No, Jon IMO couldn't be infected by Garfield - since Garfield only eats Jon's food and Lasagna - therefore himself, likely not being a carrier of Toxoplasmosis.

However I have strong suspicions towards Odie - being the Leftie&Lib in this trio. He changed his name from Spot (traditional conservative) to Odie (kind of lefty&Hype). Was then brought in by Lyman (the name does raise suspicions) a former friend and roommate of Jon. (who suddenly vanished). And Odie is constantly panting with his very large tongue and often drools huge puddles (Bio-chemical hazard, -Toxo..). He also display's LGBTq tendencies - constantly trying to lick everyone, and dances awkwardly. Doesn't really contribute towards anything in Jon's household but always buds into others life and activities.

Dogs - do everything they are being told or ordered to do - cats? nope. As such an alien manipulation - infiltration into humanity - via a dog seems far more sense making then towards a cat. Them aliens might have tried cats first - but it obviously didn't work out.

Think about it! - if you got time that is.
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You lazy fucker!

Can't you even discuss what you watched? Are they saying aliens came down and fucked us or just genetically modified monkeys?

I love the idea that there may be no other planet out there that's just like earth. So humans can only live here. BUT, we might be able to mix our DNA with tardigrades so future humans could live on those planets. Or instead of fucking the monkey's on that planet, maybe we just plant the seeds of life. Seeds that will take a million years for life to develop.

There might be many planets and moons that tardigrades could survive on. There's water so tardigrades can survive there. That's good enough for me.

In fact I'm willing to bet Tardigrades live inside Europa.
Similar to a thread I started over a year ago, based on research I've been doing since the 1990's;
The Geminga Scenario
Here is the shorthand synopsis from post #2 of that thread. The thread has several pages of related supporting material and links going into further details.
Actually, intelligent space faring extra-terrestrials arrived in this Solar System somewhere between 500,000 to 1,000,000 million years ago as part of a larger inter-stellar colonization effort. Initially they were engaged in exploration and survey efforts so it was about 500,000 years or so back in our timeline when the major colonization efforts began here; on Earth, Mars, and other places in this Solar System.

Unfortunately, about 300,000 to 330,000 years ago one of the main stars in the core cluster of Home Worlds/Planets went supernova, creating what we now know as the Geminga Pulsar. This supernova event happened in the direction of what we know as the Orion Constellation. Tens to hundreds of billions of beings had their home worlds/planets destroyed, their lives lost and their karma~reincarnation cycles abruptly shut down.

Like many other colonies on the peripheral sphere, the "Gemingians/Annunaki" here in the Sol/Ki-Terra System found themselves cut-off from not only the prime source of spare parts and new equipment, but also any significant numbers of future colonists. Fortunately, carbon based biology in this part of the Galaxy all is based upon similar RNA and DNA devices, and life on Ki/Terra/Earth was compatible with that where these ET colonists originated from.

Some minor adjustments to a local indigenous and semi-sentient simian species produced a viable and inter-breedable being which these ET colonists could use to regenerate the karma cycle for their brethren whom perished in the supernova. Genesis Chapter six, Versus one to six are a metaphor of what then took place.

The "Gemingans/Annunakis" while they had extensive libraries of knowledge, needed to re-establish civilization and especially industry to recover and that would require a large population base than what they had arrived here with. Hence we humans were jump-started on our evolutionary path to fill that need/gap.

"Religions" were a handy population control and instruction device for the Annunaki colonists to use with their newly developed worker species(humans) which also included special blood(genetic) lines for some of their fellow members lost in the supernova to occupy and continue their soul karma regeneration process.

Of course there were similar efforts happening in other star/planet systems in this area of the Galaxy by other stranded colonial efforts and over time they re-established contact with each other. Sometimes with a bit of friction and conflict involved due to different factions that survived the supernova disaster.

The rest one could say is history, and the future to be made.
BTW, the earliest and most detailed 'history' for this comes from the early Sumerians - supposed cradle of first civilization to appear after end of last Ice Age.

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