We're All Farmers


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
We, "the stinky tourist", in particular, (though it is a world wide phenomenon). Not all get their hands dirty, or till the soil, but we all sow seeds and reap harvests- as Individuals we will always have the choice of what seeds we sow and take advantage of, (or disregard), the fruit harvested.

I like (and prefer) George Washington's thought that the tree of liberty, when it takes root, is a plant of rapid growth- in that vein, everything I do (for the lasts 15 or so years) has had that in mind. Everything. I started that journey with the words in the Declaration of Independence- all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there are no caveats in all, just as there are no caveats in the 2nd amendment- in fact the only caveat, in the original document, was in the 4th amendment, with "just cause", which is a subjectively ambiguous caveat-

As a sower of seeds I know that time and effort in nurturing are required to help ensure the fruit is sweet. I also know that some, if not many, prefer bitter fruit- that is their choice. I also know that "sweet" is subjective. To me, in this frame of reference, sweet is Liberty-

We each have a choice what seeds we sow- what fruit do you prefer?
I like your sig... It's a great sig. Watered down a bit for my taste... But thumbs up.



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