Well, Thanks


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
It's World Gratitude Day! Seems like a preview for Thanksgiving.

I hesitate to see where this goes...
It's World Gratitude Day! Seems like a preview for Thanksgiving.

I hesitate to see where this goes...

Thank you so much for posting this
It shows what a good person you are!

It's World Gratitude Day! Seems like a preview for Thanksgiving.

I hesitate to see where this goes...
Do you think the panhandlers on the street who can make up to $80,000 a year, are going to reach into their pockets and show gratitude? Fuck no, they dont even pay fucking taxes...Just prey on people's charity....
Do you think the panhandlers on the street who can make up to $80,000 a year, are going to reach into their pockets and show gratitude? Fuck no, they dont even pay fucking taxes...Just prey on people's charity....
You never pass up a chance to be a bitter little fuck, do ya?
I missed (((it .;;=-%-+=)()()(*$#=) but, I’m grateful anyway.:26:
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