Welcome to tyranny.

Uh, Bush tried to privatize social security... Did you miss that?

No, Bush tried to allow people the choice (I know you leftists hate that word) to invest a very tiny percentage of THEIR SS contributions into a personal IRA account. GW realized that at some point, SS will run out of money because it was a Ponzi scheme right from the beginning.

You yourself expressed concern whether SS will be there when you retire. It should be privatized, and what GW did was try to get the ball rolling before we have a national disaster on our hands. When people see their money actually grow, they would demand a higher and higher percentage as years progress. Brilliant strategy, until the Democrats stopped it. They don't want the people realizing we don't need so much government in our lives.

My schools are fine... but I live in a nice suburb because I'm not a loser like you. But, um, yeah. There's a reason why white people freaked the fuck out when they wanted to swap out some of their kids for black kids in the schools.

People didn't want their kids going across town ten miles to attend a school. Back then, a lot of women didn't drive. The ones who did belonged to a single car family. If the mother had to tend to a sick child or in an emergency at the school, they didn't want to have to catch several busses to get there.

On the other hand, when those white racists in the Republican party allowed school vouchers, those union supported Democrats sued to try and get it stopped. The hell with the black families that finally had a chance to send their kids to a school of their choice, unions were more important to the Democrats.

Here's the actual study. (Again, this is my business)

You mean the same business where you told me that machines actually sort through resumes, and pick out the best ones for HR to look at? Maybe we have racist machines now????
I think even the danger to “high-risk” individuals is being greatly exaggerated. I'm “high-risk” myself, on at least three points—my age, the fact that I am diabetic, and that my immune system has been greatly weakened as a result of idleness and inactivity since my injury last September.

And where did you get your Medical Degree, Mormon Bob?

People who have MEDICAL DEGREES are telling us, this shit is really dangerous.

That you are more worried that the recession that Covid triggered will sink Trump and probably put you guys in the Political Wilderness for 20 years is what worries you, not any concern for the sick or the poor.
Not all doctors with medical degrees agree with the pandemic restrictions. There are many who believe the restriction hurt more than they help
The fact of the matter is that an employer does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employee that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee. That's why the customers at my former employer were replacing their white employees with black. They made more money by doing that.

That and all the white people in Cleveland who were worth a fuck moved away. I mean, there are only so many people left in the trailer park complaining about fake disabilities.

Please, your city has kids getting shot to death all the time. Thank God I'm not a citizen in Chicago on a holiday weekend.

From this point on, I'm going to refer to you as Doctor Joe. Why? Because you claim to know more about health than actual medical doctors.
No, Bush tried to allow people the choice (I know you leftists hate that word) to invest a very tiny percentage of THEIR SS contributions into a personal IRA account. GW realized that at some point, SS will run out of money because it was a Ponzi scheme right from the beginning.

Everyone realized what a stupid idea that was when the market crashed in 2008, but even before that, the Republicans balked at it.

You yourself expressed concern whether SS will be there when you retire. It should be privatized, and what GW did was try to get the ball rolling before we have a national disaster on our hands. When people see their money actually grow, they would demand a higher and higher percentage as years progress. Brilliant strategy, until the Democrats stopped it. They don't want the people realizing we don't need so much government in our lives.

Letting Wall Street loot more of the economy than they have is just silly. The reason why social security is in trouble is because instead of putting those monies in an account, the Republicans spent it giving tax cuts to the rich.

People didn't want their kids going across town ten miles to attend a school. Back then, a lot of women didn't drive. The ones who did belonged to a single car family. If the mother had to tend to a sick child or in an emergency at the school, they didn't want to have to catch several busses to get there.

What do you think families in rural areas have to do? It has nothing to do with "Driving" and everything to do with not wanting their kids to go to the same shitty schools black kids go to.

On the other hand, when those white racists in the Republican party allowed school vouchers, those union supported Democrats sued to try and get it stopped. The hell with the black families that finally had a chance to send their kids to a school of their choice, unions were more important to the Democrats.

Vouchers would have ended up being more "White People Welfare". The private schools would have raised their prices, been able to reject any kids they didn't want (learning disabilities or disciplinary problems).

Now, I'm a wonderful product of Catholic education. And I'll admit, I got a better education than my Public School peers, even though the resources public education had were actually better. I compare the local public HS, built in the 1960's, to the Catholic School I went to which was built in the late 19th century. The Chemistry lab looked like something out of an old movie. But the reason why I did better was because my parents were spending their own money and they were involved. (They also wanted me indoctrinated into their goofy religion, but it kind of had the opposite effect.)

In fact, school vouchers were tried in Milwaukee. They failed MISERABLY.

You mean the same business where you told me that machines actually sort through resumes, and pick out the best ones for HR to look at? Maybe we have racist machines now????

You are a bit confused... But that's okay, most of my clients have the same confusion.

ATS is a TOOL. It's STILL a human being that looks at the resumes after the machine has sorted them. It's still a human being that programs the keywords into the computer to start with. Now, yes, if you have a grammatical or spelling error, the ATS will throw your resume right out of the stack. But other than that, all an ATS does is sort the resumes by key word relevance.

it doesn't fix the problem that if your resume is on the top of the stack, and a racist is reading it, Jamal gets rejected while Greg gets a callback. And if Greg is a brother and still proudly boasts of his membership in the NAACP, he's likely to get rejected for that, too.
Please, your city has kids getting shot to death all the time. Thank God I'm not a citizen in Chicago on a holiday weekend.

From this point on, I'm going to refer to you as Doctor Joe. Why? Because you claim to know more about health than actual medical doctors.

Did your doctor tell you that you couldn't possibly do any kind of work, ever, or that you just can't drive a truck safely?

As far as which city is more dangerous.


Oh, shit, Cleveland STILL has a higher murder rate than Chicago.
Did your doctor tell you that you couldn't possibly do any kind of work, ever, or that you just can't drive a truck safely?

My doctor didn't tell me anything. A government doctor for SS obviously made that conclusion. Mind you, government doctors are very bias against you when making a claim.

As I said before, I'm sure I can do some kind of work. I'm sure 95% of people on disability could do something. But being able to support yourself is also in play. My particular situation is that my medical conditions preclude me from being able to make a living. I spent a lifetime at my career, so I"m basically an 18 year old fresh out of high school with no experience at anything in a 60 year old body with multiple medical problems that extremely limit what kind of work I could do. Who would hire me for a good paying job when so many better options are available?

SS realizes that, so they still allow us to work, but with limited income until they start deducting your income from your check. If disability were only for people who were bedridden or in a wheelchair, they wouldn't allow that option.

One of my tenants is on total disability. He's been on disability since before he moved here nearly 10 years ago, and he's about seven younger than me. He has a part-time job at a grocery store. Prior to his health deteriorating, he was a motorcycle mechanic for Harley Davidson.

The most perplexing thing is how your minds on the left work. You are all for totally healthy people going on the dole, on welfare, on HUD, on food stamps, with an Obama phone, irresponsibly having children they know taxpayers will have to support, but you are aghast when a working person needs assistance after working and paying taxes their entire lives. It's my hope that in the future, when liberals die off, they go into your brains to see what's screwing things up so badly that makes a person think this way. Because it makes absolutely zero sense.
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As I said before, I'm sure I can do some kind of work. I'm sure 95% of people on disability could do something. But being able to support yourself is also in play.

Blah, blah, blah... Mr. Self-pity. It's actually kind of sad, that you make so many excuses for your own failure, but still want to think you are somehow better than people who've endured generations of racial oppression.

The most perplexing thing is how your minds on the left work. You are all for totally healthy people going on the dole, on welfare, on HUD, on food stamps, with an Obama phone, irresponsibly having children they know taxpayers will have to support, but you are aghast when a working person needs assistance after working and paying taxes their entire lives.

Naw, man, like I said. Everyone has a sad story. The real problem is that most people on welfare are only on welfare for a few years, as opposed to those of you on White People Welfare, who often collect until they push the dirt in over you.

It's my hope that in the future, when liberals die off, they go into your brains to see what's screwing things up so badly that makes a person think this way. Because it makes absolutely zero sense.

It's my hope after all the old stupid racists die off, we build a society like Europe, and we look back at old bigots like you the way we look back at the idiots who wore Klan Sheets because they lived in mortal fear their daughters might marry an Italian.
Blah, blah, blah... Mr. Self-pity. It's actually kind of sad, that you make so many excuses for your own failure, but still want to think you are somehow better than people who've endured generations of racial oppression.

There are plenty of people of "racial oppression" that are doing quite well today. Oppression has nothing to do with it unless you are 90 years old. Most people alive today have never experienced it, and never had their life impacted by it. It's a cheap leftist excuse is all to keep blacks on the plantation.

Naw, man, like I said. Everyone has a sad story. The real problem is that most people on welfare are only on welfare for a few years, as opposed to those of you on White People Welfare, who often collect until they push the dirt in over you.

Depends on what you consider welfare. A welfare check? Perhaps. But in the form of any government assistance, not true at all.


It's my hope after all the old stupid racists die off, we build a society like Europe, and we look back at old bigots like you the way we look back at the idiots who wore Klan Sheets because they lived in mortal fear their daughters might marry an Italian.

Well, that's the way Democrats were during those years. After we die off and you commies get power, it won't be like Europe, it will morph into a country more like North Korea or Cuba. First eliminate white people who have created the greatest country on earth. Move government to Socialism and eventually Communism. Remove the Constitution that gives government ultimate power over the people, and then the entire country will look like the east side of Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, or a number of liberal hell holes.
So how did you make that determination, that is the exact opposite of several government doctors and the agency itself?

Sure, everybody can do something. But you need to be able to support yourself in the process. Bob will never find a good paying job, although I pray he does. At my age, with experience at one thing the government no longer will let me do, I'm not in that much different position than Bob. No employer (especially one that carries health insurance) wants to hire a guy my age. I'm a liability with my medical conditions and high cost health insurance. You simply have no understanding how industry works.

Again, you can sit on your ass and work on a computer... you can work. And before Trump wrecked the economy, you'd have had no problem finding a job. You just don't want to.

You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times.

What you don't understand (and can't get through your head) is that the more desired a working position is, the less it pays. That's why floor sweepers get paid what they do, and engineers get paid what they do. Anybody can sweep a floor, and few can be engineers. So engineers are paid much more because so many less people can do that job.

A hair stylists is one of the lowest paid professions. Why? Because most women want to style hair. It takes training, a lot of government BS, you need to be informed and educated on the latest styles, but everybody is doing it.

I worked for a company that wanted me to get training in electronics since I was working on medical equipment that involved electronics. I enjoyed it, but the problem was, I was working full time and going to school at night, supporting my girlfriend and her two kids. I was working seven days a week and started to get burned out real quick.

So I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make when I got my degree after the first year? He told me 16K. Then I asked him what about after I get my two year associates degree? He told me 18K. Hell, I was making more than that at the job I currently had.

Electronics is not easy, it's all math. So why did it pay so little? Because everybody and their mother wanted to get a job in electronics. It was the early 80's, and electronics was the new future. Then I looked in the want ads for jobs in electronics, and sure enough, very few around. The one or two ads I seen paid next to nothing.

Trying to make money sitting home behind a computer is a job many people would love to have. That's why if you can find one, it doesn't pay anything. It's a job anybody can do.


"You can't make money sitting behind a computer. Trust me, I've looked plenty of times."

But do you have any computer SKILLS?
I've been making a living through my computers for over 15 years, from my home office.
Build your skills and they will come.
Do Russian trolls have any more skills than the people on here? Some have the about the same command of English as some people on here.
The Russian trolls usually have pretty good English. If anything, it's too good. It's overly formal and kind of stilted. It doesn't flow like a native speaker's English.
There are plenty of people of "racial oppression" that are doing quite well today. Oppression has nothing to do with it unless you are 90 years old. Most people alive today have never experienced it, and never had their life impacted by it. It's a cheap leftist excuse is all to keep blacks on the plantation.

Uh, we have black kids being shot by cops in the middle of the street today. They must have missed the memo.

Depends on what you consider welfare. A welfare check? Perhaps. But in the form of any government assistance, not true at all.

Uh, the heritage foundation? Really? You trust that.

Here's a more accurate chart. It really hasn't gone up that much, even if you count Medicaid.


Well, that's the way Democrats were during those years. After we die off and you commies get power, it won't be like Europe, it will morph into a country more like North Korea or Cuba.

What do you base that on? The reason why NK and Cuba are so bad is the rest of the world has waged economic war on them for six decades.

Shit, 8 weeks of a virus, and our economy has fallen apart.

Do you really think the rest of the world is suddenly going to hate us because we got rid of Trump and the GOP? Really?

First eliminate white people who have created the greatest country on earth.

And how is this going to happen? Will there be white people death camps?

Move government to Socialism and eventually Communism.

Oh, noes, not Socialism!!! Uh, guy, the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 90%.

Remove the Constitution that gives government ultimate power over the people, and then the entire country will look like the east side of Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, or a number of liberal hell holes.

Outside of a few rich people enclaves, the country looks like that now. Shit, I've been to the south, son! You want to talk about grinding fucking poverty, that's it.

Wait. Check it out.

The poorest states- All in the south and Red states.

Uh, we have black kids being shot by cops in the middle of the street today. They must have missed the memo.

Yes, that's what happens when a "kid" pulls out a gun on a police officer, or fails to listen to orders so the police don't have to shoot him.

Uh, the heritage foundation? Really? You trust that.

Here's a more accurate chart. It really hasn't gone up that much, even if you count Medicaid.

Look at your chart again. More and more people going on some sort of welfare. And I bet they didn't consider Commie Care as a welfare program which it actually is.

Over 55 years of the great society, and we have just about as many poor people today as a percentage than when it started.

What do you base that on? The reason why NK and Cuba are so bad is the rest of the world has waged economic war on them for six decades.

Countries wage war on each other all the time. It's called global trade. What do I base my prediction on? Ask yourself, did we have more freedom 30 years ago than today? Do we even have the same?

For crying out loud, today, you can get more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife. Many people are afraid of having a few drinks before driving home, and in most places, you can't even have a cigarette in public. My father, who built our house we grew up in from ground up, stated it would be impossible to do today with all the city, state and federal regulations to build one. As a landlord, they demand to inspect my apartments before I rent to each and every new tenant. I watch as one of my tenants struggle to put in those stupid safety seats in her car just so she can go to the store with her children.

Government is taking more and more control of our lives, and that's with a two party government. When it becomes a one-party government, it will accelerate much quicker.

And how is this going to happen? Will there be white people death camps?

Simple: get rid of whites. That's all. Not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

You see, every group outside of whites vote Democrat, or heavily Democrat. What's stopping a total takeover of the Democrat party are us whites, therefore, the only way for success is to get rid of whites.

Middle-Eastern people vote mostly Democrat, Jewish people vote majority Democrat, Asians vote a majority Democrat, Hispanics vote a huge majority Democrat. Blacks, forget about it.

Once other groups outside of whites are near a majority or above, the Republican party will cease to exist. We will be a one-party country from that point on. That will be the beginning of the end of the great experiment.

Dr. Joe, why do you suppose they closed down the government for the longest period in our history over a stupid wall? Why do you suppose they fought to have as many foreigners in this country as they can get? Why do you suppose they shot down Kate's Law, a law that would have imprisoned returning felons for a minimum of five years? Why do you suppose Democrat Mayors alert illegals when ICE is going to conduct raids in their city? Why do you suppose they have sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states? Why do you suppose they let illegals drive, and even complicate the ability to locate fraudulent voters with Motor Voter?

Look for the man behind the curtain.

Oh, noes, not Socialism!!! Uh, guy, the top 1% has more wealth than the bottom 90%.

I don't know how that is when the top 1% only have 38.5% of the wealth. And by your comment, you further the point for a socialist and eventual communist takeover. Go to the US Communist Party website. You'll be hell pressed to find the difference between their agenda and the Democrat party.

Outside of a few rich people enclaves, the country looks like that now. Shit, I've been to the south, son! You want to talk about grinding fucking poverty, that's it.

Wait. Check it out.

The poorest states- All in the south and Red states.

Poorest as rated by national income. However, people in the south have a lot lower cost of living than the blue states. You can buy an identical house here for 200K as you can for 800K in places like your city, Baltimore, New York city, and so on. So the question is, are those people really poor simply because they make less money?

Poor to me is having little or no money left after paying all your bills. In a sense, those people in the south likely have more residual income after expenses than many people in those high cost of living cities and states.
Yes, that's what happens when a "kid" pulls out a gun on a police officer, or fails to listen to orders so the police don't have to shoot him.

Or just being black, playing in a park, or maybe being a bit stone... or, fuck, just eating ice cream in his living room.

Look at your chart again. More and more people going on some sort of welfare. And I bet they didn't consider Commie Care as a welfare program which it actually is.

Um,yeah, and our population has also doubled since then... what's your point? Oh, the chart shows that we've gone from 20% living in poverty to a little over 10% in 2018. Not to worry, Trump has totally fixed that problem with Great Depression, Part 2, Electric Bugaloo..

Countries wage war on each other all the time. It's called global trade. What do I base my prediction on? Ask yourself, did we have more freedom 30 years ago than today? Do we even have the same?

Depends on what you define as "Freedom". Global trade isn't war. Trade is actually a GOOD thing because it promotes PEACE. You don't make war if you are making money. Or as the joke goes, we never went to war with a country that has a McDonalds.

And now we get your crazy definitions of freedom...

For crying out loud, today, you can get more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife.

Um, yeah, that's more a cultural things, we like animals more than we like people. You can watch Jason Vorhees slaughter a bunch of horny teenagers in a slasher movie, everyone laughs, but the minute Jason kills a dog, everyone hates him.

More people hated Mitt Romney for torturing his dog than killing Joe Soptic's wife, too.

Many people are afraid of having a few drinks before driving home, and in most places, you can't even have a cigarette in public.

Um, yeah, these are good thing. This goes back to the old "your freedom to wave your arm ends at my face". Both examples have the potential to harm other people, THAT'S why they aren't allowed so much anymore.

My father, who built our house we grew up in from ground up, stated it would be impossible to do today with all the city, state and federal regulations to build one.

Okay. And how many of those things are because they are needed? Frankly, I talk about the cabin my dad built in 1954. MAN, did he half-ass a lot of things, probably because in his late 20's, he was just learning his trade. (He was a sheet metal worker). We are still fixing things to this very day. We just engaged in a major rebuild, and yes, dealing with the county inspectors has been a pain because they actually have building codes now.

As a landlord, they demand to inspect my apartments before I rent to each and every new tenant. I watch as one of my tenants struggle to put in those stupid safety seats in her car just so she can go to the store with her children.

Um, okay... "I miss the freedom to recklessly endanger my child". This is a "Freedom" you miss, buddy?
Simple: get rid of whites. That's all. Not in a genocidal way, but in a political way.

You see, every group outside of whites vote Democrat, or heavily Democrat. What's stopping a total takeover of the Democrat party are us whites, therefore, the only way for success is to get rid of whites.

Middle-Eastern people vote mostly Democrat, Jewish people vote majority Democrat, Asians vote a majority Democrat, Hispanics vote a huge majority Democrat. Blacks, forget about it.

But whose fault is that? The reason why all these minorities vote against the GOP is because the GOP has engaged in massive racism for the last 50 years. The last time the GOP tried to just run on their awful economic ideas was 1964. They lost 44 states, and the only states they won was the Deep South upset LBJ signed the Civil Rights Acts. After that, the GOP has gone full-ass racist getting stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests by playing on your racial, sexual and religous fears. So, wow- non-white and non-Christians aren't buying into that so much.

Dr. Joe, why do you suppose they closed down the government for the longest period in our history over a stupid wall?

Because it was a stupid wall.

Why do you suppose they fought to have as many foreigners in this country as they can get?

Um, because we don't have enough of a labor pool. Actually, immigration has declined since 2010, because this is less awesome of a place to come to.

Why do you suppose they shot down Kate's Law, a law that would have imprisoned returning felons for a minimum of five years?

Because it was a mean-spirited stupid law where they lied about what actually occured. (They painted an accident as murder).

Why do you suppose Democrat Mayors alert illegals when ICE is going to conduct raids in their city?
Because ICE are a bunch of fascist jackboots.

Why do you suppose they have sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states? Why do you suppose they let illegals drive, and even complicate the ability to locate fraudulent voters with Motor Voter?

More mythology. Hey, what happened to that Trump Commission that was supposed to prove millions of illegals voted... Oh, wait. He gave up after a few months when it became clear they didn't.

I don't know how that is when the top 1% only have 38.5% of the wealth. And by your comment, you further the point for a socialist and eventual communist takeover. Go to the US Communist Party website. You'll be hell pressed to find the difference between their agenda and the Democrat party.

The Top 1% has 43% of the wealth. It's more than the bottom 90%.


Poorest as rated by national income. However, people in the south have a lot lower cost of living than the blue states. You can buy an identical house here for 200K as you can for 800K in places like your city, Baltimore, New York city, and so on. So the question is, are those people really poor simply because they make less money?

Uh, no, the South IS Dirt as poor. Let's look at Food Stamp Usage.


Or percentages of people using Medicaid.


Oh, look, the places run by republicans have MORE fucking poverty. Imagine that... But someone got to buy a nice house on the cheap, so there's that.

Poor to me is having little or no money left after paying all your bills. In a sense, those people in the south likely have more residual income after expenses than many people in those high cost of living cities and states.

Again, check out the charts above...
But whose fault is that? The reason why all these minorities vote against the GOP is because the GOP has engaged in massive racism for the last 50 years. The last time the GOP tried to just run on their awful economic ideas was 1964. They lost 44 states, and the only states they won was the Deep South upset LBJ signed the Civil Rights Acts. After that, the GOP has gone full-ass racist getting stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests by playing on your racial, sexual and religous fears. So, wow- non-white and non-Christians aren't buying into that so much.

It has nothing to do with that. Since the 60's, the Democrats have been buying votes with government handouts. That's why minorities vote for Democrats. Santa Clause.

Because it was a stupid wall.

What is stupid about something that's been known to work everywhere it's been tried? Democrats know this which is why they are so against the wall. They want to see a continuation of illegal immigrants flooding our country.

Um, because we don't have enough of a labor pool. Actually, immigration has declined since 2010, because this is less awesome of a place to come to.

Yet people want to come here by the tens of millions every year.

Because it was a mean-spirited stupid law where they lied about what actually occured. (They painted an accident as murder).
Because ICE are a bunch of fascist jackboots.

Actually each and every one of these Democrat polices have one thing in common: they make illegals coming here more inviting. That's their motive behind every one of them. As far as Democrats are concerned, the more illegals, the better. Once they can get total control over the federal government, they will grant blanket amnesty and citizenship, which will again, start the decay of the Great Experiment.

We will cease to be a capitalist based society that made us the wealthiest and most desired country in the world in just a little as a few hundred years. Capitalism is a reward system. The more you create, the greater the reward. The less reward, the less desire to create new things, to better yourself through eduction or innovation, or take risks.

Liberal whites are the only group of people in the world that are not only stupid enough to allow their own extinction, but support it as well. It's just like that frog in the pot of water on top of the stove.

he Top 1% has 43% of the wealth. It's more than the bottom 90%.

The only reason they have 43% of the wealth is because they created that 43% of the wealth. If that one percent were not here, neither would their 43% of the wealth. It wouldn't exist.
Uh, no, the South IS Dirt as poor. Let's look at Food Stamp Usage.
Or percentages of people using Medicaid.

People will take whatever the government offers them whether they need it or not. Look at the states where Republican Governors began making food stamp requirements. Most of the people using food stamps dropped out of the program. They never really needed them in the first place. The federal government uses the same standard for those programs in Alabama as they do for New York. If you are making $15.00 an hour in New York, you are either living under a bridge or in the slums if you buddy up with a few other people. If you make $15.00 an hour in the south, you likely own your own home.
No sense in arguing with Joe... in his mind blacks can do no wrong and everything whites do is wrong, never seen a more self hating white person on this board
No sense in arguing with Joe... in his mind blacks can do no wrong and everything whites do is wrong, never seen a more self hating white person on this board

it really makes you wonder how people get that way. But to be fair, Dr. Joe not only hates whites, he hates Jewish people as well. It's not that blacks can do no wrong in his mind, it's they have a legitimate reason to do wrong.

Dr. Joe also hates capitalism, he hates guns, he hates the Constitution because it was written by white slave owners. Why he continues to live here baffles the mind.
It has nothing to do with that. Since the 60's, the Democrats have been buying votes with government handouts. That's why minorities vote for Democrats. Santa Clause.

Then why are there more people collecting welfare in the Red States than the Blue States?

What is stupid about something that's been known to work everywhere it's been tried? Democrats know this which is why they are so against the wall. They want to see a continuation of illegal immigrants flooding our country.

Most of the undocumented come here on legitimate visas and overstay them. Walls won't do shit.

Actually each and every one of these Democrat polices have one thing in common: they make illegals coming here more inviting. That's their motive behind every one of them. As far as Democrats are concerned, the more illegals, the better. Once they can get total control over the federal government, they will grant blanket amnesty and citizenship, which will again, start the decay of the Great Experiment.

You keep using that term "Great Experiment", but i don't think you know what an experiment is. We've already proven the "experiment" doesn't work. That was proven in the Great Depression, when government had to essentially bail out the One Percenters. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The experiment works like this. The Republicans let the rich do whatever the fuck they want. They end up crashing the economy. The Democrats come in and fix everything with more government spending. Then after things are good for a while, the One Percenters keep telling really stupid white people (that would be you) that the Hispanic Lesbian wants half your cookie after they've eaten the other 10. They get us into another recession. Wash Rinse Repeat. Okay. We've done the "experiment". The rabbit done died. We get it.

Time to stop.

We will cease to be a capitalist based society that made us the wealthiest and most desired country in the world in just a little as a few hundred years. Capitalism is a reward system. The more you create, the greater the reward. The less reward, the less desire to create new things, to better yourself through eduction or innovation, or take risks.

Again, the top 1% has more than the bottom 90%. Most people work their whole fucking lives and end up on government programs. The FUCKING HILARIOUS thing is if we had the capitalist system you want, you'd be begging in the street right now, because they wouldn't pay you to sit on your ass collecting a disability for malingering.

Liberal whites are the only group of people in the world that are not only stupid enough to allow their own extinction, but support it as well. It's just like that frog in the pot of water on top of the stove.

Naw, liberal white are smart enough to realize that the asshole in the corner office isn't your friend just because he has the same skin tone.

I've never been wronged by a black, a Hispanic or an Asian. Every time I've been screwed over professionally, it's been by another white person.

The only reason they have 43% of the wealth is because they created that 43% of the wealth. If that one percent were not here, neither would their 43% of the wealth. It wouldn't exist.

They did nothing of the sort. If they did, we wouldn't be in a recession right now. They'd be magically creating wealth... not insisting that poor people go back to work and risk catching Covid-19 so they can make money.

People will take whatever the government offers them whether they need it or not. Look at the states where Republican Governors began making food stamp requirements. Most of the people using food stamps dropped out of the program. They never really needed them in the first place.

Again, little Wingnut, you are confused as to why we have food stamps. It isn't to help poor people, it's to help farmers.
it really makes you wonder how people get that way. But to be fair, Dr. Joe not only hates whites, he hates Jewish people as well.

aren't Jewish people white? Of course, I have nothing against Jews, other than their fucked up religion that makes Greed and taking other people's shit okay.

It's not that blacks can do no wrong in his mind, it's they have a legitimate reason to do wrong.

Yes, 400 years of slavery and lynching... I actually admire their restraint.

Dr. Joe also hates capitalism, he hates guns, he hates the Constitution because it was written by white slave owners. Why he continues to live here baffles the mind.

Because this country can STILL be fixed.

We need to get rid of the Second Amendment, because it's been misinterpreted. It was about Militias, not guns.

We need to get rid of the electoral college because it perverts the will of the people. It was meant to keep a guy like Trump from taking power, but it gave us one instead.
No sense in arguing with Joe... in his mind blacks can do no wrong and everything whites do is wrong, never seen a more self hating white person on this board

it really makes you wonder how people get that way. But to be fair, Dr. Joe not only hates whites, he hates Jewish people as well. It's not that blacks can do no wrong in his mind, it's they have a legitimate reason to do wrong.

Dr. Joe also hates capitalism, he hates guns, he hates the Constitution because it was written by white slave owners. Why he continues to live here baffles the mind.
I found a video of Joe...........take a look.

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