Welcome to tyranny.

You also stated you went to college, and at my age, that door is pretty much closed for me. Most Americans have a computer and the internet. It's not all that special of a skill to get online or work with programs.

I didn't go to college for computers. Now, I admit, that college has given me a leg up in my career... so has being a veteran. Neither of those things are terribly relevant. During Bush-41's Recession, I was working in a warehouse... So, no, I really don't want to hear your nonsense about how you can't possibly find a job now.

Hey, be happy for Covid-19, it's another excuse for you.

No, my HUD neighbors were not determined by government doctors to be unable to work. I was. Instead, they had a bunch of kids they could never afford, maybe work a part-time minimum wage job somewhere, and moved into the burbs that they could never afford without taxpayer footing the bill.

Yes, them welfare people, how dare they have kids and a nice house. HOW DARE THEY!!!!

Moving right along.

You are just a reverse racist. You can't stand when honest, law abiding white people are forced to use one of these programs we put money into our entire lives. You want to get rid of it? Go right ahead. Let me see you petition the commies we need to get rid of SS disability. Need help writing the letter, just ask. After all, I know how to type.

Naw, guy, I don't want to get rid of your welfare or their welfare. I just get tired of you pretending you are better.

You're not. You have all the advantages of being white in this society, and at the end of the day, you still ended up on the dole.
I didn't go to college for computers. Now, I admit, that college has given me a leg up in my career... so has being a veteran. Neither of those things are terribly relevant. During Bush-41's Recession, I was working in a warehouse... So, no, I really don't want to hear your nonsense about how you can't possibly find a job now.

Hey, be happy for Covid-19, it's another excuse for you.

You must have went to college for something that involved computers. You made the claim you have earned a living using computers for over 20 years. If you didn't go to school for it, how did you earn a living working computers?

Yes, them welfare people, how dare they have kids and a nice house. HOW DARE THEY!!!!

Moving right along.

I don't care what people have, as long as they earned it themselves. I didn't have children mostly for the reason I didn't want to be stuck trying to afford them if I ran into income problems. They could have done the same. I got into a career where I was always in demand. They could have done the same. I invested my money in real estate, which is now helping me along with this problem, they didn't invest in anything. I have been paying property and income tax for most of my adult life, they might not even be paying into SS or Medicare since you get that back if you don't earn enough in the year. I worked at least one full-time job in my adult life, they could have done the same. I'm not playing the system--they are. I've lived where I could always afford to live. They chose to move up using taxpayer money. The police never needed to come to my property in the 35 years I've lived here. They've been out here at least a dozen times to the HUD house in the two years they've lived here.

If you try to compare me with them, you will fail miserably as you are doing now. HUD doesn't pay your entire rent. They provide you with a voucher. You need to come up with the rest of the cash if your rent is more than the voucher. They could have stayed in their own neighborhood, paying much less in rent, and using the money they work for to get ahead in life. They chose not to. That's why you are going to have to support them the rest of your life.

Naw, guy, I don't want to get rid of your welfare or their welfare.

Then quit bitching about it.
You must have went to college for something that involved computers. You made the claim you have earned a living using computers for over 20 years. If you didn't go to school for it, how did you earn a living working computers?

Mostly self taught.

So Run down the chronology

1980-1985 - College and the National Guard
1986-1992 - Active Duty Army
1992 - 2000 - working in various logistics and inventory control (Pretty much the last time my job involved not being behind a desk.
2000- 2017 - Worked in Purchasing, sitting behind a desk, working on computers.
2017- Present- Running own business, sitting behind a desk, working on computers.

If you try to compare me with them, you will fail miserably as you are doing now. HUD doesn't pay your entire rent. They provide you with a voucher. You need to come up with the rest of the cash if your rent is more than the voucher. They could have stayed in their own neighborhood, paying much less in rent, and using the money they work for to get ahead in life. They chose not to. That's why you are going to have to support them the rest of your life.

Yes, how dare they actually want to live in a slightly less crappier part of Cleveland.

They're playing the system, you're playing the system. Same thing.

Then quit bitching about it.

I will when you do, Welfare Queen.
Yes, how dare they actually want to live in a slightly less crappier part of Cleveland.

They're playing the system, you're playing the system. Same thing.

Hey, I'd like to live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood, but that doesn't mean taxpayers should pay for me to live there.

How am I playing the system? I didn't ask to be out of work; figure a way to work the system. Government put me out of work. I had no choice in the matter. It's a government certified doctor that ended my career. I released any and all medical records to the agency. I agreed to see any doctor, and take any test to support my claim.

My life was an open book since I applied. Their determination obviously was that given my age, my medical conditions, my more than willing cooperation, that my claim was genuine. They never asked me to come in for a personal interview, never asked for me to see any of their doctors, never asked me to take any additional tests that I didn't take at the Cleveland Clinic.

They never called my employer, or any of the personal references I provided. They didn't need anything other than what I provided to make that determination. It normally takes 3 to 6 months to get a decision. They approved my claim in almost 3 months to the exact day.

In most cases (as with your sister) they usually deny your claim at first, and then you need to proceed through the court system. They didn't bother in my case. Why? Obviously, their medical personnel studied my records and recommended that I am not suitable for employment. I paid into this system (just like you) my entire life. I didn't sign up for it, I really had no choice. But it's not welfare when you cash in on a government insurance program that you paid into your entire life. Just like it's not welfare when you make a claim for an auto accident, a house fire, a burglary, an expensive medical procedure with your health insurance company.

I'm sure most people on disability can do "something" but you need to do something that you can not only physically do, but be able to make a living at it. But I'll make a deal with you: Find me a job in my area, that pays at least $20.00 per hour, that would be willing to hire me at this age and with my disabilities, I'll take that job tomorrow. Fair enough?

I will when you do, Welfare Queen.

I don't bring this subject up all the time--you do.
Hey, I'd like to live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood, but that doesn't mean taxpayers should pay for me to live there.

How am I playing the system? I didn't ask to be out of work; figure a way to work the system. Government put me out of work. I had no choice in the matter. It's a government certified doctor that ended my career. I released any and all medical records to the agency. I agreed to see any doctor, and take any test to support my claim.

Point is, you knew years ago they were probably going to do this... and you didn't plan for a back up career. Excuses, excuses, but you've had all the advantages of being white and male in this society, and still ended up worse than your HUD neighbors.

Maybe you can get invited to one of their parties,and you can regale them with your stories about how they are like feral raccoons and spoiled milk.

Come to think of it, you are kind of sounding like the Raccoon in your story.

Hey, I'd like to live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood, but that doesn't mean taxpayers should pay for me to live there.

How am I playing the system? I didn't ask to be out of work; figure a way to work the system. Government put me out of work. I had no choice in the matter. It's a government certified doctor that ended my career. I released any and all medical records to the agency. I agreed to see any doctor, and take any test to support my claim.

Point is, you knew years ago they were probably going to do this... and you didn't plan for a back up career. Excuses, excuses, but you've had all the advantages of being white and male in this society, and still ended up worse than your HUD neighbors.

Maybe you can get invited to one of their parties,and you can regale them with your stories about how they are like feral raccoons and spoiled milk.

Come to think of it, you are kind of sounding like the Raccoon in your story.

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Ah, so no offer on my proposal, huh? All talk and no walk. Typical leftist. Like I said Joe, if you disapprove of our disability program, write to your commie representative. Tell them you want an end to the program. It's your right as a voter. But if you don't want an end to these programs, quit bitching when somebody who worked their entire life needs to use them.
Ah, so no offer on my proposal, huh? All talk and no walk. Typical leftist. Like I said Joe, if you disapprove of our disability program, write to your commie representative. Tell them you want an end to the program. It's your right as a voter. But if you don't want an end to these programs, quit bitching when somebody who worked their entire life needs to use them.

I don't want to end the program. I think it is a NEEDED program for people with legit disabilities. I do think it needs to be reformed to keep it from being abused.
Ah, so no offer on my proposal, huh? All talk and no walk. Typical leftist. Like I said Joe, if you disapprove of our disability program, write to your commie representative. Tell them you want an end to the program. It's your right as a voter. But if you don't want an end to these programs, quit bitching when somebody who worked their entire life needs to use them.

I don't want to end the program. I think it is a NEEDED program for people with legit disabilities. I do think it needs to be reformed to keep it from being abused.

So who's abusing it? It's not like you are totally ignorant of the subject. You claim to have had an immediate family member who applied and was denied. I'm the same race as your sister I'm assuming. We both went through the same agency, filled out the same application. There was no favoritism extended to me.

When I first told you about me applying, you assured me (through personal experience) I would be denied. Guess what? That didn't happen. In fact, based on my medical records, I was accepted much sooner than your family member or anybody you are familiar with. Doesn't that tell you something right there?

Your complaint was that your sister was in such bad shape, she shouldn't have had any resistance whatsoever. But now that it's me, the standards are too weak. You can't have it both ways, so which one is it??

You claim to support these programs, but when somebody who is a political adversary of yours uses one, you are outraged. So WTF is the deal? Are only liberals supposed to be able to use these programs, and Republicans only supposed to help fund them?

If you consider me a welfare queen, then that makes your late sister an attempted welfare queen that failed. So how do you feel about that now???
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So who's abusing it? It's not like you are totally ignorant of the subject. You claim to have had an immediate family member who applied and was denied. I'm the same race as your sister I'm assuming. We both went through the same agency, filled out the same application. There was no favoritism extended to me.

You can do other work. Yes, you are abusing it. When my sister went, she saw (with her remaining good eye) a bunch of clearly able-bodied people malingering. It should be there for people who are outright cripples, blind, etc. Not for someone who can work, but doesn't want to sit in an office being polite to people.

Sorry, man, your generally being an awful person is not a disability- it's a character flaw.

If you consider me a welfare queen, then that makes your late sister an attempted welfare queen that failed. So how do you feel about that now???

You're lucky I like you, or I'd report you for an attack on family. Don't do it again.

My sister was legally blind, meaning she couldn't really drive anywhere, she had a heart condition, where she couldn't do anything strenuous. She still had to fight with these fuckers for years. It wasn't until she lost eyesight in her other eye that they finally agreed that, um, yeah, you really can't work. She eventually had to go to an assisted living facility, before she died.

You. "Ow, my back hurts, I need to go on welfare!!! But I'm still better than you darkies. "
You can do other work. Yes, you are abusing it. When my sister went, she saw (with her remaining good eye) a bunch of clearly able-bodied people malingering. It should be there for people who are outright cripples, blind, etc. Not for someone who can work, but doesn't want to sit in an office being polite to people.

Sorry, man, your generally being an awful person is not a disability- it's a character flaw.

I can do other work and still make a livable wage? I gave you a challenge, and you ignored it. That's because you know damn well that a person my age with limited physical ability and no work experience (other than my profession) has zero chance at landing any kind of reasonable job. I never worked in an office in my life. I have zero experience behind a desk, outside of what I did as a medical equipment repairman when I needed to do paperwork or add up bills.

You're lucky I like you, or I'd report you for an attack on family. Don't do it again.

My sister was legally blind, meaning she couldn't really drive anywhere, she had a heart condition, where she couldn't do anything strenuous. She still had to fight with these fuckers for years. It wasn't until she lost eyesight in her other eye that they finally agreed that, um, yeah, you really can't work. She eventually had to go to an assisted living facility, before she died.

You. "Ow, my back hurts, I need to go on welfare!!! But I'm still better than you darkies. "

I didn't attack anybody. You made the standard--not me. You have no idea what my medical conditions are yet alone the ability to make any evaluation on my situation. I understand you on the left think you know more than anybody in the room, but government doctors (not mine) made the determination on my ability to work. I never even talked to them, so I have no idea who they even are.

You people on the left are so petulant and envious it's sickening. You actually stick up for people who are young, healthy, and capable of working being on HUD and God knows what else, but somebody who worked their entire lives to nearly retirement should rot in the streets because they became too ill to work two fucken years before early retirement. Pathetic.

Yes, them welfare people, how dare they have kids and a nice house. HOW DARE THEY!!!!

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
I can do other work and still make a livable wage? I gave you a challenge, and you ignored it. That's because you know damn well that a person my age with limited physical ability and no work experience (other than my profession) has zero chance at landing any kind of reasonable job. I never worked in an office in my life. I have zero experience behind a desk, outside of what I did as a medical equipment repairman when I needed to do paperwork or add up bills.

again, buddy, you have all sorts of excuses.

Eventually, the government is going to have to crack down on the malingerers on Disability, because we just spent 4 Trillion dollars bailing out all Trump's corporate pals.

I didn't attack anybody. You made the standard--not me. You have no idea what my medical conditions are yet alone the ability to make any evaluation on my situation.

Actually, you keep going back and forth. On one side, you say you are PERFECTLY CAPABLE of doing the job, but those MEAN OLD GOVERNMENT types won't let you... unless you got your hand out for fucking money, then you are pretty much on Death's Door.

You people on the left are so petulant and envious it's sickening. You actually stick up for people who are young, healthy, and capable of working being on HUD and God knows what else, but somebody who worked their entire lives to nearly retirement should rot in the streets because they became too ill to work two fucken years before early retirement. Pathetic.

Again, those HUD folks are the victims of 400 years of racism. I'd be just as happy to provide them with a job. If it were up to me, everyone would have a job, jobs wouldn't be something handed out by the rich making us beg for scraps.

But don't pretend you are any better than they are. you have a sad story. They have a sad story.
again, buddy, you have all sorts of excuses.

Eventually, the government is going to have to crack down on the malingerers on Disability, because we just spent 4 Trillion dollars bailing out all Trump's corporate pals.

No, it's the last thing they'll ever touch. It would be political suicide. As you know, and as I've already explained repeatedly, they just don't hand disability to anybody. They do extensive research in each and every case, which is why it takes so long. The decision is partly government workers, and partly medical staff.

Actually, you keep going back and forth. On one side, you say you are PERFECTLY CAPABLE of doing the job, but those MEAN OLD GOVERNMENT types won't let you... unless you got your hand out for fucking money, then you are pretty much on Death's Door.

No, what I said is that I could do my previous job, and I can.

Again, those HUD folks are the victims of 400 years of racism. I'd be just as happy to provide them with a job. If it were up to me, everyone would have a job, jobs wouldn't be something handed out by the rich making us beg for scraps.

But don't pretend you are any better than they are. you have a sad story. They have a sad story.

They are not victims of anything but government, laziness, and likely dropping out of school. You are not a victim when you have children you could never afford right from the beginning. You were either careless, or learned how to work the system. I have a sad story because my health failed me. It's not a sad story when you choose not to work, make bad decisions in your life, and you end up right where you expected to be.

I am better than them in every way. They apparently are making a life out of living off of taxpayers. I'm only doing it for two years, but paid into that system my entire life. I have a newer car. I have a home and rental property combined. I've never been in trouble with the law. I've always been a good and considerate neighbor. I don't have garbage strewn across my back and side yards like a bunch of pigs. Nobody has ever had to call the police on me for disturbances. I even have an IRA for when I get much older, or for backup in the event of an emergency.

Just so you know, I'm always one step ahead of you with every post. So this failed attempt of yours to try and inflict guilt on me because of my unfortunate situation is not going to work. Just like your pencil dick comments about me carrying a gun is not going to work either. Remember: you liberals only think you are the smartest people around, but trust me, you aren't. You are as transparent as stretch wrap.
No, it's the last thing they'll ever touch. It would be political suicide. As you know, and as I've already explained repeatedly, they just don't hand disability to anybody. They do extensive research in each and every case, which is why it takes so long. The decision is partly government workers, and partly medical staff.

Oh, they won't outright do it. They'll do what Paul Ryan tried to do for years, make smaller subtle cuts, make small changes in the regulations...

I am better than them in every way. They apparently are making a life out of living off of taxpayers. I'm only doing it for two years, but paid into that system my entire life.

No, you really aren't. You've had more breaks in life because you've had the advantage of being born white and male in a racist/misogynistic society, but you aren't 'better' just because you own a few more things or the police treat you with more courtesy.
Oh, they won't outright do it. They'll do what Paul Ryan tried to do for years, make smaller subtle cuts, make small changes in the regulations...

Okay, let's go with that. I'm going to be 60 next month. My early retirement age is 62. That means these "smaller cuts" won't be obvious, right. Therefore, by the time these so-called cuts are made to the point it's noticeable, I'll be well into retirement age anyway. You lose as always.

No, you really aren't. You've had more breaks in life because you've had the advantage of being born white and male in a racist/misogynistic society, but you aren't 'better' just because you own a few more things or the police treat you with more courtesy.

The police don't treat me any particular way because they have no reason to deal with me. So tell me, where is this phony white privilege you on the left always speak of? Me and my racial counterparts both went to school with the same ability to graduate from high school. Me and my counterparts had the same ability to attend college or a trade school. Me and my counterparts had the same ability to make investments. Me and my counterparts had the same option to have children. Me and my counterparts had the same ability to stay away from violence and illegal activity that could land us in jail. So where is this advantage you speak of?

Now before you say in employment, there are some things I need to point out here: First off is reverse discrimination, also known as affirmative action that gives them a huge advantage over whites. Second is that employers for the last decade or so have been replacing their white crew with blacks because they will work for less money; their cost of living is lower where they live because they run their neighborhoods down so badly. But I'll add even one more thing: Employers are scared to death to layoff or fire people of color. They can fire me or any white person no questions asked.

It seems to me that you have everything backwards. Minorities have more leverage to get ahead than whites, and have for some time now. But you are correct on one white privilege........

More white children grow up in a two-parent household than blacks. However, it has nothing to do with race, it's simply bad and irresponsible choices that individuals make regardless of race. They just happen to make more of these terrible decisions, and that's something only they can control.
Okay, let's go with that. I'm going to be 60 next month. My early retirement age is 62. That means these "smaller cuts" won't be obvious, right. Therefore, by the time these so-called cuts are made to the point it's noticeable, I'll be well into retirement age anyway. You lose as always.

Well, you keep telling yourself that. "Hopefully, my welfare won't be cut before I retire". So your whole premise is hoping the Democrats hold on to power because the Republicans will cut your welfare to give tax cuts to rich people. (Probably right after cutting the malingerers off of Disability, the next thing will be to raise the retirement age to 65, full stop.)

The police don't treat me any particular way because they have no reason to deal with me. So tell me, where is this phony white privilege you on the left always speak of? Me and my racial counterparts both went to school with the same ability to graduate from high school.

Well, no, you probably didn't. They went to a poor school that probably didn't have up to date textbooks, or one textbook to three kids, where the heat didn't work.

Now before you say in employment, there are some things I need to point out here: First off is reverse discrimination, also known as affirmative action that gives them a huge advantage over whites.

No, not really. It's already been established that the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women. At best, HR Departments will hire JUST ENOUGH minorities to remain in compliance and no more. They did a study in 2005 where they sent out thousands of resumes. Have of them had white names like "Emily" and "Greg" and the other half had black names like "Jamal" and 'Lakeisha" Do you want to take a wild guess which resumes got callbacks?

But keep telling us now not fucking racist you are, Ray.
Well, you keep telling yourself that. "Hopefully, my welfare won't be cut before I retire". So your whole premise is hoping the Democrats hold on to power because the Republicans will cut your welfare to give tax cuts to rich people. (Probably right after cutting the malingerers off of Disability, the next thing will be to raise the retirement age to 65, full stop.)

You must not pay attention to politics very closely. We had an all Republican federal government when Trump took over. He never touched it. We had an all Republican federal government during GW's years, he never touched it. In fact, he created the largest government handout since Medicare until Commie Care was passed into law.

So it's not happening because it's political suicide. Politicians know you don't mess with the senior citizens and you don't mess with the disabled. You can mess with the poor, because there is not a lot of empathy for them given the fact most were in control of their fate. Many of us have seen the abuse of food stamps at our stores.

Well, no, you probably didn't. They went to a poor school that probably didn't have up to date textbooks, or one textbook to three kids, where the heat didn't work.

Utter BS. You can take every one of those kids, put them in the best suburban school in your county, and you will see no better results. All that would happen is they would ruin the schools. Schools are supported by your local community. If you feel your schools are substandard, you petition to have a tax increase to make them better.

No, not really. It's already been established that the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women. At best, HR Departments will hire JUST ENOUGH minorities to remain in compliance and no more. They did a study in 2005 where they sent out thousands of resumes. Have of them had white names like "Emily" and "Greg" and the other half had black names like "Jamal" and 'Lakeisha" Do you want to take a wild guess which resumes got callbacks?

But keep telling us now not fucking racist you are, Ray.

What does it have to do with being racist? I didn't say one racist thing. Perhaps you should link to an online dictionary or something so you can learn the definition of the words you use here. Need help, just ask.

Your studies are phony just like those about blacks in prison or getting harsher prison sentences. They are not apples to apples and leave out very pertinent information. They only tell you the half of the story that sells newspapers or books to race baiters such as yourself.

The fact of the matter is that an employer does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employee that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee. That's why the customers at my former employer were replacing their white employees with black. They made more money by doing that.
If you're afraid of getting sick, stay home. But you can't tell me what to do.
You're wrong. Just as society has the right to impose restrictions on behavior that imperils the public's health..............like smoking in public places or driving 100 mph................we have the right to impose rules for behavior during a pandemic.

People like you need to be fined and or thrown in jail. You're a menace to society.
And you are exactly what the framers of the Constitution warned us about.

Why don't you cite that warning from the Constitution? I'll wait right here.
(Love the way illiterates like to throw crap like this around, thinks it makes them look smart.)

"If it's not in the Constitution, it didn't exist!!! Nothing was ever said or done in the Founding except what's in the Constitution, which I don't bother to read as written anyway!!!"
I don't have a solution, but I am trying to understand the problem better.

I'm going to local newspapers online instead of the constant headlines we get from television news.

I've been googling about Georgia since they re-opened a couple of weeks ago.
The local news is stunning and not good, very troubling.
This what happened in Georgia:

""""A week after the Peach State allowed hair salons, barbershops and other businesses to turn on their welcome signs, a staggering 62,440 additional visitors flocked there daily in hopes of patronizing businesses still shuttered in their home states due to the coronavirus.

The data, reported by University of Maryland researchers, reveals that the bulk of out-of-towners came from surrounding states including Florida, Alabama and South Carolina. """


So you're telling me that Americans acting like free adults is "troubling" and "not good"? I mean, just on the face of it, you consider that a bad thing?
You must not pay attention to politics very closely. We had an all Republican federal government when Trump took over. He never touched it. We had an all Republican federal government during GW's years, he never touched it. In fact, he created the largest government handout since Medicare until Commie Care was passed into law.

Uh, Bush tried to privatize social security... Did you miss that?

Utter BS. You can take every one of those kids, put them in the best suburban school in your county, and you will see no better results. All that would happen is they would ruin the schools. Schools are supported by your local community. If you feel your schools are substandard, you petition to have a tax increase to make them better.

My schools are fine... but I live in a nice suburb because I'm not a loser like you. But, um, yeah. There's a reason why white people freaked the fuck out when they wanted to swap out some of their kids for black kids in the schools.

What does it have to do with being racist? I didn't say one racist thing.

Right. YOu haven't said the N-word in days, what
Your studies are phony just like those about blacks in prison or getting harsher prison sentences. They are not apples to apples and leave out very pertinent information. They only tell you the half of the story that sells newspapers or books to race baiters such as yourself.

Here's the actual study. (Again, this is my business)

We study race in the labor market by sending fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perceived race, resumes are randomly assigned African-American- or White-sounding names. White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. Callbacks are also more responsive to resume quality for White names than for African-American ones. The racial gap is uniform across occupation, industry, and employer size. We also find little evidence that employers are inferring social class from the names. Differential treatment by race still appears to still be prominent in the U.S. labor market

The only difference in the resumes was the names. Not the education, experience or field of work. Just the names. Things have not gotten better since 2005 when the study was done.

Minority job applicants are “whitening” their resumes by deleting references to their race with the hope of boosting their shot at jobs, and research shows the strategy is paying off.

In fact, companies are more than twice as likely to call minority applicants for interviews if they submit whitened resumes than candidates who reveal their race—and this discriminatory practice is just as strong for businesses that claim to value diversity as those that don’t.

These research findings should provide a startling wakeup call for business executives: A bias against minorities runs rampant through the resume screening process at companies throughout the United States, says Katherine A. DeCelles, the James M. Collins Visiting Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.
The fact of the matter is that an employer does have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employee that makes the employer the most green is that employers favorite employee. That's why the customers at my former employer were replacing their white employees with black. They made more money by doing that.

That and all the white people in Cleveland who were worth a fuck moved away. I mean, there are only so many people left in the trailer park complaining about fake disabilities.

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