The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I just know all you humans missed me after thinking you had eradicated me and my friends mumps, measles, and polio. Feels like decades since I have been gone.

I can't wait to tour the country visiting your friends, your children, your wife, parents and grandparents.

Things keep going this good, I bet I could get my pal The Bubonic Plague to join me. Talk about good times? That guy knows how to party!

There's no better time in my book than to hang out with fleas, rats, and illegal immigrants living in filth in your city, so I thank you for making me feel so comfortable in your community.

PS: Love your outdoor toilet concept using the streets and sidewalks for human excrement. And the heroin needles scattered all about make for a nice homey touch. It really appeals to me.

See yah real soon

Sincerely, Typhus A Pestilence, Esq.

Los Angeles Is Dealing With A Deadly, Flea-Borne Typhus Outbreak

Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles

Typhus reaches 'epidemic levels' in parts of Los Angeles
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Typhoid Maria.
Seems that I heard once that Typhus and Typhoid Maria got married, and are about to give birth to a new drug resistant disease. He'll be a cute lil fellah, I'm sure.

Maybe that's what the left is talking about when they speak of The Resistance.

There's no cure for the plague to come.
The city offices are infested with fleas, lice and bedbugs. And, don't go to the library if you value your life. There are needles hidden in the books. Someone brilliant thought that giving away free needles was a good idea.
The city offices are infested with fleas, lice and bedbugs. And, don't go to the library if you value your life. There are needles hidden in the books. Someone brilliant thought that giving away free needles was a good idea.

There was a council woman who actually got Typhus from sitting in her office IN CITY HALL due to a flea infestation.

LA City Hall official is the latest struck by TYPHUS in the city's raging epidemic | Daily Mail Online

'It felt like somebody was driving railroad stakes through my eyes': LA City Hall official is the latest struck by TYPHUS epidemic ravaging the county - and she blames fleas in her office
  • Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood revealed she was diagnosed in November
  • She is blaming the fleas in her office at LA's City Hall
  • She won't go back to work until the building is fumigated
Fumigating the building won't help. It will be reinfested immediately. Los Angeles Civic Center is a homeless encampment. Navigating the bodies and filth takes talent and dexterity. Rats share the space with the human flotsam and have free run of the buildings. The rats as well as the garbage people have the fleas.
Fumigating the building won't help. It will be reinfested immediately. Los Angeles Civic Center is a homeless encampment. Navigating the bodies and filth takes talent and dexterity. Rats share the space with the human flotsam and have free run of the buildings. The rats as well as the garbage people have the fleas.

California will be on it's way to being Venezuela and worse very soon so long as The DemNazi's have uncontested control of it.

The fact that they developed a rigged system through "jungle" primaries where your choice is between Democrat A and Democrat B every election might doom California to a Monolithic existence and lead to it's ultimate demise.
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Typhoid Maria.
Typhus isn't the same thing as typhoid. Vax against typhus isn't recommended, but it can by cured with antibiotics.

I guess I'm glad I live someplace where it goes down to zero for months and kills the fleas. You would think L.A. would start hiring extra garbage men, wouldn't you? And fumigating the offices? It's not a big deal. I had to have my house done once, during a very humid August when cat fleas were in ascendancy for some reason. It was a much bigger deal trying to give the cat a flea bath.

I wonder if there is a repellent you can apply that keeps fleas off people. Put flea collars around your ankles?
Typhoid Maria.
Typhus isn't the same thing as typhoid. Vax against typhus isn't recommended, but it can by cured with antibiotics.

I guess I'm glad I live someplace where it goes down to zero for months and kills the fleas. You would think L.A. would start hiring extra garbage men, wouldn't you? And fumigating the offices? It's not a big deal. I had to have my house done once, during a very humid August when cat fleas were in ascendancy for some reason. It was a much bigger deal trying to give the cat a flea bath.

I wonder if there is a repellent you can apply that keeps fleas off people. Put flea collars around your ankles?
The Best Repellent is to BUILD THAT WALL!

But that's racist. Killing fleas is racist, and hiring extra garbage men to clean up after illegal squatters.
Typhoid Maria.
Typhus isn't the same thing as typhoid. Vax against typhus isn't recommended, but it can by cured with antibiotics.

I guess I'm glad I live someplace where it goes down to zero for months and kills the fleas. You would think L.A. would start hiring extra garbage men, wouldn't you? And fumigating the offices? It's not a big deal. I had to have my house done once, during a very humid August when cat fleas were in ascendancy for some reason. It was a much bigger deal trying to give the cat a flea bath.

I wonder if there is a repellent you can apply that keeps fleas off people. Put flea collars around your ankles?
The Best Repellent is to BUILD THAT WALL!

But that's racist. Killing fleas is racist, and hiring extra garbage men to clean up after illegal squatters.
Spanish speaking fleas. All those homeless people living on the L.A. streets are illegals, eh?
I just know all you humans missed me after thinking you had eradicated me and my friends mumps, measles, and polio. Feels like decades since I have been gone.

I can't wait to tour the country visiting your friends, your children, your wife, parents and grandparents.

Things keep going this good, I bet I could get my pal The Bubonic Plague to join me. Talk about good times? That guy knows how to party!

There's no better time in my book than to hang out with fleas, rats, and illegal immigrants living in filth in your city, so I thank you for making me feel so comfortable in your community.

PS: Love your outdoor toilet concept using the streets and sidewalks for human excrement. And the heroin needles scattered all about make for a nice homey touch. It really appeals to me.

See yah real soon

Sincerely, Typhus A Pestilence, Esq.

Los Angeles Is Dealing With A Deadly, Flea-Borne Typhus Outbreak

Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles

Typhus reaches 'epidemic levels' in parts of Los Angeles
I just know all you humans missed me after thinking you had eradicated me and my friends mumps, measles, and polio. Feels like decades since I have been gone.

I can't wait to tour the country visiting your friends, your children, your wife, parents and grandparents.

Things keep going this good, I bet I could get my pal The Bubonic Plague to join me. Talk about good times? That guy knows how to party!

There's no better time in my book than to hang out with fleas, rats, and illegal immigrants living in filth in your city, so I thank you for making me feel so comfortable in your community.

PS: Love your outdoor toilet concept using the streets and sidewalks for human excrement. And the heroin needles scattered all about make for a nice homey touch. It really appeals to me.

See yah real soon

Sincerely, Typhus A Pestilence, Esq.

Los Angeles Is Dealing With A Deadly, Flea-Borne Typhus Outbreak

Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles

Typhus reaches 'epidemic levels' in parts of Los Angeles
The most intelligent thing I have ever heard you say.

My preference would be to wall of California from the rest of the country.

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