Welcome Back, '50s...


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
Public mores and social norms tend to follow cyclical historical patterns. Social excesses from one decade tend to fall out of favor with the next. The fast-drinking, Jazz-age image of the flapper in the '20s and '30s gave way to a more conservative '40s and '50s. The conformism of the '50s led to the predicable non-conformism of the '60s.

Going through what appears to be a period of social upheaval as we seem to be, the inevitable pendulum swing to social conservatism is inevitable.

Since, we seem to be destined to re-enter a '50s-like period after people have let out their collective steam ... I would like to suggest a few of the things from the '50s that I'd love to see return.

Overly complicated undergarments


Cars with fins and grills


Optimism regarding the future and technology

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"Going through what appears to be a period of social upheaval as we seem to be, the inevitable pendulum swing to social conservatism is inevitable."


That's true! very true! the pendulum always swing.That's the Law of Life.


....not overly complicated undergarments please! lol not that :laugh:
I love how family was in the 1950s.

I just do.

I have noticed that conservative parents tend to produce liberal kids, and liberal parents tend to produce conservative kids.
The generations seem to flip.
I was a teenager in the 1950s.

It was a relatively peaceful and pleasant time.

1. Everyone looked at the limited number of TV shows. "Everyone" watched Milton Berle and "I Love Lucy."

2. No one seemed to be afraid of crime. I never thought twice about walking on the sidewalk at night.

3. Although there WERE a few signs of restlessness among a certain ethnicity, most people did not pay much attention to the matter.

4. Most American cities were still peaceful and orderly places.

5. Yes, there was pervasive discrimination toward non-Caucasians, but most of them just accepted it. And, of course, the cops had a field day entrapping gays.

6. The worst drug available was tobacco.

7. Only a few (well-dressed) people traveled by air.

All in all, however, I realize that life is much better today than in the 1950s.
I always liked the 1950s rockets--so we could RAIN death on our enemies...I like my secret rocket testing facility--where I develop secret rockets

A few, happily only a very few, would like to go back all the way to the thirties and forties, to a time and place where there was no domestic crime, the trains ran on time, and family and nation and white pride were in vogue, as portrayed here —
Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/e8/e8/a4e8e80dc00cda0da59df51897e7f92e.jpg
or rather differently here —
Google Image Result for https://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/assets/images/500x/aryan-family-neues-volk.jpg
Or here —
Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/236x/13/a0/17/13a017609f1de94c6d4d2845da397d21--nazi-propaganda-ww-posters.jpg
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History is mostly written by the media and the 20th century media never saw a democrat they didn't like. The 50's era is considered quint and dull and President Eisenhower was dull and a golf fan and not much else. Ike kept us relatively safe after the incredible mismanagement of the Korean Conflict by Truman administration and the deaths of about 50,000 (scaled down to 35,000 by Clinton) in three years. Thanks to the pop-media historians Truman comes off as a feisty little president while Ike is generally forgotten.

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