Raiden/Sereena: Gold Rush Academy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Since I've waxed a bit about the social allure of heist parables and folk-tales, here's a sociology vignette about the American fascination with the dioramic California Gold Rush, and this short references two iconic video-game avatars representing modernism dogma...and capitalism data-art! Enjoy,


Raiden and Sereena, two powerful mystical fabled warriors, one man and the other woman, traveled from their magical combat dominion called Outworld to Earth to undersand and analyze human civilization and its capitalism contours. Raiden/Sereena wanted to appreciate the social development of capitalism imagination in America, the world's unofficial Big Brother of commerce and politics. They analyzed how the California Gold Rush of the 1800s in American history represented a fostering of great capitalism imagination in the New World on Earth. Raiden/Sereena were poised to appreciate the symbolism behind mental ambition itself.


RAIDEN: Let's travel to Wake Forest University in North Carolina (America)!
SEREENA: Why Wake Forest, darling?
RAIDEN: Wake Forest boasts both excellent academics and athletics.
SEREENA: So, it's a good symbol of social life and education in American culture!
RAIDEN: Exactly; plus, its campus is idyllic and hence promotes capitalism optimism.


Raiden and Sereena decided to sit in on a special history course at Wake Forest taught by the university history professor Jennifer Connelly, a brilliant young mind in the emerging field of capitalism history studies in America. Dr. Connelly was using the iconic Brands book about the California Gold Rush to teach Wake Forest students about the links between that period in the 1800s and the emergence of capitalism flowery through the modern age of networks and computing-oriented commerce.


DR. CONNELLY: "I want Wake Forest to instill in its students a vital appreciation of the bond between capitalism...and leviathan!"


Of course, Raiden/Sereena read about Dr. Connelly's work with California Gold Rush history and histrionics and became fascinated with her intensive approach at Wake Forest to link capitalism flowery and American history aesthetics. Dr. Connelly explained to her fascinated students in her popular history lectures that the Gold Rush transformed humanity's view of what made capitalism possibly life-oriented in American ethos. It was a time of prospectors, pioneers, profiteers, pirates, poets...and paupers!


RAIDEN: The art capturing that period reflects human intelligence!
SEREENA: Indeed it does, and it does so to re-present social consciousness.
RAIDEN: The Gold Rush was a time of great capitalism nurturing.
SEREENA: It was the infancy of Earthly dogma.


DR. CONNELLY: You two seem fascinated by American fortune!
RAIDEN: We're curious about everything from Fort Knox to Bank of America.
SEREENA: Capitalism is the bed-stone of human/social diarism.
DR. CONNELLY: Excellent.


Raiden and Sereena appreciated how the art of the era and how artists since that era re-captured the magic and adventure of the Gold Rush and re-presented it through the lens of ambition...and dogma. The Gold Rush was the first stage in the human development of capitalism as a way of thinking and a way of life itself to American dreamers. While it wasn't organized or religious in any substantial way, it was a time of immaculate fortune dioramas.


RAIDEN: If we compare the Gold Rush to the Information Age, we see parallels.
SEREENA: Like what, darling?
RAIDEN: We see a shimmering line from capitalism thought to computing power.
SEREENA: You're referring the accessibility of Monopoly (Parker Brothers) video-games?
RAIDEN: Yes, and such thinking informs our analyses of capitalism designs!


DR. CONNELLY: Did you two notice how bank robbery is canonized in American history?
RAIDEN: Yes, Bonnie and Clyde were almost romanticized in the American media!
SEREENA: American capitalism has a strange tendency to flower up daydreams.
DR. CONNELLY: Capitalism is really about...development of disco!


Raiden and Sereena returned to Outworld and left Earth but brought with them a special symbolic souvenir, a special American credit-card called the MasterCard, used by American consumers of all wealth brackets. This credit-card was printed with a special ID holographic image representing each consumer's membership in the labyrinth of consensual federal commerce and shopping! Raiden joked to Sereena that this 'credit card' must represent some form of mental dance. Sereena agreed and kissed him.


RAIDEN: The Gold Rush was about capitalism folklore.
SEREENA: Perhaps capitalism-evolution is all about social diagrams.
RAIDEN: Awesome stuff, darling!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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