Wear A Mask? Get A Shot??? Sucker.

The more posts by the OP the more deaths of the ignorant and QAnon voters. Those who believe PC knows more than the CDC and the vast numbers of medical doctors is fear mongering.

I can prove what I said, and, at the same time, what a lying Democrat boot licker you are. Let me know when you are ready.

And try to get that Democrat boot polish off your tongue....it's unbecoming.
It was a concern the early signs of how many droids were still wearing masks.
These frightened non decision makers are 95% democrat, feeding on fear and completely lacking personal initiative or personal decision making
Let's remind everyone of what a Democrat boot licker and scummy liar you are.
You wrote:
"I too think the country is headed in the wrong direction and I place the blame squarely on Trump and his cult."
The Real Tsumani: Applications To The Club post 18

I wrote, eviscerating you: Not a single one of these problems were caused by the Right.

View attachment 729073

Both feet in your mouth, huh?
I'm flattered by your interest but as I recall it, I eviscerated you with:

An old article that is still relevant:​
There's an interesting phenomenon occurring right now in the Political Right all around the world. The conservative movement that traditionally was based on the Thatcher-Reagan optimistic embrace of free markets, hawkish foreign policy, robust defense spending, and tax cuts for "job creators" is splintering under the weight of nationalist populism. But at the same time, conservatism is getting louder, bolder, and even expanding, bringing under its fold many new voters who are disenfranchised by the leftward lurch of many liberal political parties and groups. While it's an interesting and sometimes entertaining spectacle to watch, it's also troubling for a number of reasons.​
Any healthy democracy will have at least two parties with opposing ideologies and different visions for the future. Leadership should change every few years based on the demands of the public. But now the Republican Party in the United States is, in some ways, turning into a joke. It's party officials made numerous mistakes that almost any smart person would've avoided. In the 2000s, the GOP continued to embrace the failed model of "Reaganomics". Instead of growing the economy, as Republicans believed, by cutting taxes for rich "job creators", it increased the national debt and caused the Great Recession. Cutting taxes on the rich placed a huge burden on middle class or poor citizens who aren't able to foot the bill themselves. Our military and infrastructure suffered as a result: the GOP that claims to be patriotic and "support our troops" seems to be fine with cutting benefits for those who serve.​
Another big mistake the GOP made was contradicting itself: on one hand, Republicans opposed big government, or its intervention into the private lives of its citizens. But on the other, government under Republicans was to try to dictate women's reproductive rights, and stop gays from marrying. Even today, when polls show the vast majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality, the GOP continues to advocate for discriminatory laws against the LGBT community, from preventing transgender people from using the bathrooms of the gender they identify as, to "religious liberty" laws that allow people to discriminate against gays. Continuing to defend or even nurture ideas that are deeply unpopular with the American people at large will only turn off Millennials--something that the GOP can't afford. After Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat at the hands of President Obama, the Republican establishment realized that it needed to be more welcoming to women, minorities, and younger people. So it seems hypocritical and disingenuous when establishment elites like Romney condemn Donald Trump for being a bigot, while they themselves holding bigoted views and believing that economic policies that have been proven to fail will strengthen America.​
Any dolt who claims an equivalence between the two parties is either intellectually lazy or as dumb as asphalt.

Soooo......which are you????

So me pointing out facts like "Obama and Trump both lied," makes me a dolt, lazy and dumb? You got politically loyal in a hurry. What happened?
I'm flattered by your interest but as I recall it, I eviscerated you with:

An old article that is still relevant:​
There's an interesting phenomenon occurring right now in the Political Right all around the world. The conservative movement that traditionally was based on the Thatcher-Reagan optimistic embrace of free markets, hawkish foreign policy, robust defense spending, and tax cuts for "job creators" is splintering under the weight of nationalist populism. But at the same time, conservatism is getting louder, bolder, and even expanding, bringing under its fold many new voters who are disenfranchised by the leftward lurch of many liberal political parties and groups. While it's an interesting and sometimes entertaining spectacle to watch, it's also troubling for a number of reasons.​
Any healthy democracy will have at least two parties with opposing ideologies and different visions for the future. Leadership should change every few years based on the demands of the public. But now the Republican Party in the United States is, in some ways, turning into a joke. It's party officials made numerous mistakes that almost any smart person would've avoided. In the 2000s, the GOP continued to embrace the failed model of "Reaganomics". Instead of growing the economy, as Republicans believed, by cutting taxes for rich "job creators", it increased the national debt and caused the Great Recession. Cutting taxes on the rich placed a huge burden on middle class or poor citizens who aren't able to foot the bill themselves. Our military and infrastructure suffered as a result: the GOP that claims to be patriotic and "support our troops" seems to be fine with cutting benefits for those who serve.​
Another big mistake the GOP made was contradicting itself: on one hand, Republicans opposed big government, or its intervention into the private lives of its citizens. But on the other, government under Republicans was to try to dictate women's reproductive rights, and stop gays from marrying. Even today, when polls show the vast majority of Americans are in favor of marriage equality, the GOP continues to advocate for discriminatory laws against the LGBT community, from preventing transgender people from using the bathrooms of the gender they identify as, to "religious liberty" laws that allow people to discriminate against gays. Continuing to defend or even nurture ideas that are deeply unpopular with the American people at large will only turn off Millennials--something that the GOP can't afford. After Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat at the hands of President Obama, the Republican establishment realized that it needed to be more welcoming to women, minorities, and younger people. So it seems hypocritical and disingenuous when establishment elites like Romney condemn Donald Trump for being a bigot, while they themselves holding bigoted views and believing that economic policies that have been proven to fail will strengthen America.​
Liberals attempting to define what we are is hilarious to see unraveled.
So me pointing out facts like "Obama and Trump both lied," makes me a dolt, lazy and dumb? You got politically loyal in a hurry. What happened?

OK....one more time.

There is no equivalence......only the stupid or the lazy cling to that fabrication.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I challenge you to either provide a similar indictment of the other side, or reform yourself and stick to the truth.
OK....one more time.

There is no equivalence......only the stupid or the lazy cling to that fabrication.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I challenge you to either provide a similar indictment of the other side, or reform yourself and stick to the truth.
The Green party must love you appreciate you since you're constantly recycling your trash.
OK....one more time.

There is no equivalence......only the stupid or the lazy cling to that fabrication.

What fabrication? That Trump and Obama both lied? You think that's a fabrication?


The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

I challenge you to either provide a similar indictment of the other side, or reform yourself and stick to the truth.

Ok, so the democrats suck to high heaven. Tell me something I don't know. That's why I don't vote for democrats. But in the same token, the republicans suck too. So I should support those who don't suck as bad? Sorry pun'kin. I ain't about all that.
Too many years and votes I spent on the "lesser of two evils." And I was shocked, SHOCKED to discover I still voted for evil.

75% increase in inflation just since Reagan.
US oil bust cycle once every two term president. (regardless of their party)
Economic downturns, regardless of who the president or who has the majority in the government.
So many different Fed Chairman since Reagan, and you can still buy more stuff in Mexico with $1 than you can 1 Peso.
The wars under both leaderships.
Our military sent to kill people that don't even know, for reasons they're not allowed to know.

That is the short list of what voting for the lesser of two evils gets you.
Trump's miraculous economy???? You mean Obama's economy that Trump crashed into a tree!!!

You're posting of anti-American and anti-democratic propaganda and lies continues unabated. Who's paying your to divide and destroy the USA, Ms. Chic????
Check post #32 you Morin.

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