Wear A Mask? Get A Shot??? Sucker.

What fabrication? That Trump and Obama both lied? You think that's a fabrication?


Ok, so the democrats suck to high heaven. Tell me something I don't know. That's why I don't vote for democrats. But in the same token, the republicans suck too. So I should support those who don't suck as bad? Sorry pun'kin. I ain't about all that.
Too many years and votes I spent on the "lesser of two evils." And I was shocked, SHOCKED to discover I still voted for evil.

75% increase in inflation just since Reagan.
US oil bust cycle once every two term president. (regardless of their party)
Economic downturns, regardless of who the president or who has the majority in the government.
So many different Fed Chairman since Reagan, and you can still buy more stuff in Mexico with $1 than you can 1 Peso.
The wars under both leaderships.
Our military sent to kill people that don't even know, for reasons they're not allowed to know.

That is the short list of what voting for the lesser of two evils gets you.

I challenged your fabrication of equivlence between the parties....you crashed and burned.

Drop back when your full adult teeth grow in.
I challenged your fabrication of equivlence between the parties....you crashed and burned.

Drop back when your full adult teeth grow in.

You use words like "fabrication" as if it was fact. Obama and Trump both lied. Same as Biden and W. The two party system is more of a uniparty, with the exception of the radicals in each party.
That's also a fact.

Lobbyist own most of our elected officials, so we're going to get about the same results from either party, because those same lobbyist own politicians from both sides of the isle.
You use words like "fabrication" as if it was fact. Obama and Trump both lied. Same as Biden and W. The two party system is more of a uniparty, with the exception of the radicals in each party.
That's also a fact.

Lobbyist own most of our elected officials, so we're going to get about the same results from either party, because those same lobbyist own politicians from both sides of the isle.
Please....get your foot out of your mouth.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

And now you....when given documentation that refutes your post, the same.

Don't be an Elmer.
Please....get your foot out of your mouth.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

And now you....when given documentation that refutes your post, the same.

Don't be an Elmer.

I have no idea about your conversations with this elmer person. I know what I see. The majority of the right and the left have very little differences. There are exceptions, obviously. But in the grand scheme of things, there's not enough difference in the two to make much difference.
I stopped voting for republicans because they're too liberal for me.
I have no idea about your conversations with this elmer person. I know what I see. The majority of the right and the left have very little differences. There are exceptions, obviously. But in the grand scheme of things, there's not enough difference in the two to make much difference.
I stopped voting for republicans because they're too liberal for me.

It's you. You are an Elmer: I proved that there is no equivalence between the Democrats and the Republicans as far as evil is concerned. You claim not to vote Democrat, but every post of yours is an attack on the enemy of the Democrats.

Wake the heck up.
It's you. You are an Elmer: I proved that there is no equivalence between the Democrats and the Republicans as far as evil is concerned. You claim not to vote Democrat, but every post of yours is an attack on the enemy of the Democrats.

Wake the heck up.

You proved nothing. Their voting records prove they're a lot alike.

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