Weapon of war...the pump action shotgun....should it be banned too? The anti-gunners will eventually say yes....

And the mRNA “vaccines” that have now been proven to be unsafe, ineffective, and unnecessary.
And where did you get your medical degree from.

Gee, who am I going to believe on this issue, my Doctor or some guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear... that's a tough one.

It was not Trump who exploited this absurd hoax for malicious political purposes, seizing and abusing unprecedented illegitimate powers, destroying essential freedoms, sabotaging the economy, and trying to force us to take dangerous experimental drugs.
No, Trump ignored the problem and a million people died. The countries that actually took appropriate action had nowhere near our levels of death.
Really, let's review, shall we.

Data from the 2002 survey indicate that by age 20, 77% of respondents had had sex, 75% had had premarital sex, and 12% had married; by age 44, 95% of respondents (94% of women, 96% of men, and 97% of those who had ever had sex) had had premarital sex.

So, um, yeah, most people are having sex outside of marriage.

The two researchers found that about 21 percent of men and 13 percent of women reported infidelity at some point in their lifetime and that this gender difference has been consistent from 2000 to 2016.

Just over half (53.5 percent) of those reporting extramarital sex said they were unfaithful with someone they knew well, such as a close friend. About a third of affairs are with someone who’s somewhat well-known, such as a neighbor, co-worker or long-term acquaintance (about 29.4 percent). The rest of affairs occur with casual acquaintances.

Sorry, man, Americans just aren't as prude as you want them to be.

Now go wash your Magic Underwear, you are making Baby Be-jeezue cry.
You going to actually sit here and state the factual history of what you liberals caused in this country, otherwise admit to your parties cultural rot aimed at the targeted generation's????? Wow.
And where did you get your medical degree from.

Gee, who am I going to believe on this issue, my Doctor or some guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear... that's a tough one.

No, Trump ignored the problem and a million people died. The countries that actually took appropriate action had nowhere near our levels of death.
Stop your lying already... Trump absolutely didn't ignore the problem, but rather he went into emergency mode therefore securing ventilators, and drug's in order to battle the pandemic.

You people created the false narrative to try and destroy Trump with it, just like the multiple narratives that were kept in reserve encase one thing failed, then y'all could quickly go to another one.
Yup, let's give the virus a racist name... that'll fix the problem.
Wuhan is a racist name?. You delicate flower.

Oh, dear. I've offended your delicate leftist sensibilities.

Please compile a list of allowable attributed names for diseases and any locations that are not allowed to be associated with those diseases.

Further, provide a list of preferred pronouns for diseases so we don't offend those diseases.
It was not Trump who exploited this absurd hoax for malicious political purposes, seizing and abusing unprecedented illegitimate powers, destroying essential freedoms, sabotaging the economy, and trying to force us to take dangerous experimental drugs.

It was your side that did that, all of it.

Yep......the democrats were willing to destroy their own states to bring down the U.S. economy to win the election......that is the level of evil we are facing....
Yup, let's give the virus a racist name... that'll fix the problem.

Yeah...you are so right........what a racist name....it's not like The Spanish Flu.....The German Measles......The Japanese Small Pox outbreak....the Persian Plague, the Russian Typhus empidemic....the New Orleans Yellow Fever outbreak....

You are so poisoned by this world, that you are truly vile.....you should get to church and work real hard at finding God....
You are so poisoned by this world, that you are truly vile.....you should get to church and work real hard at finding God....

Incel Joe has willfully, knowingly rebelled against God. It is a vivid example of what happens when a creature that was once human, drives God out of itself, and allows Satan to fill the resulting void.
You going to actually sit here and state the factual history of what you liberals caused in this country, otherwise admit to your parties cultural rot aimed at the targeted generation's????? Wow.

You mean giving rights to all people, creating the middle class, etc. I mean, yeah, those liberals, what awful people.

Stop your lying already... Trump absolutely didn't ignore the problem, but rather he went into emergency mode therefore securing ventilators, and drug's in order to battle the pandemic.
Trump also said it would be gone by Easter, told people it was no big deal, undermined efforts by governors to contain it, held super spreader events. The list goes on how he made Covid so much worse.

You people created the false narrative to try and destroy Trump with it, just like the multiple narratives that were kept in reserve encase one thing failed, then y'all could quickly go to another one.

Trump was incompetent in his handling of multiple crisis... this is just the one that hit hardest.
Wuhan is a racist name?. You delicate flower.

Oh, dear. I've offended your delicate leftist sensibilities.

Please compile a list of allowable attributed names for diseases and any locations that are not allowed to be associated with those diseases.
How about just calling it "Covid-19". Calling it the Wuhan Flu, the China Virus, the "Kung Flu" was to attempt to demonize Asian people, and you saw the resulting spike of violence against Asian-Americans that followed.

Yeah...you are so right........what a racist name....it's not like The Spanish Flu.....The German Measles......The Japanese Small Pox outbreak....the Persian Plague, the Russian Typhus empidemic....the New Orleans Yellow Fever outbreak....

You have to go back decades to find these kinds of misattributed names. For instance, the 1918 Flu Epidemic didn't start in Spain. Spain was just the first country to report on it because the other countries were still engaged in WWI, and heavily censored bad news.

ou are so poisoned by this world, that you are truly vile.....you should get to church and work real hard at finding God....

Yes, pointing out Trump's racism is totally against God's plan. God totally sent Donald Trump... because he ran out of Locust, I guess.

has willfully, knowingly rebelled against God. It is a vivid example of what happens when a creature that was once human, drives God out of itself, and allows Satan to fill the resulting void.

Aren't Mormon Jesus and Mormon Satan brothers? Why do you need these silly fairy tales to be a "good person". Of course, a "good person" doesn't want to murder people for petty property crimes or reproductive choices. Maybe you need to find God. You can start by quitting your deranged cult.
How about just calling it "Covid-19". Calling it the Wuhan Flu, the China Virus, the "Kung Flu" was to attempt to demonize Asian people, and you saw the resulting spike of violence against Asian-Americans that followed.

You have to go back decades to find these kinds of misattributed names. For instance, the 1918 Flu Epidemic didn't start in Spain. Spain was just the first country to report on it because the other countries were still engaged in WWI, and heavily censored bad news.

Yes, pointing out Trump's racism is totally against God's plan. God totally sent Donald Trump... because he ran out of Locust, I guess.

Aren't Mormon Jesus and Mormon Satan brothers? Why do you need these silly fairy tales to be a "good person". Of course, a "good person" doesn't want to murder people for petty property crimes or reproductive choices. Maybe you need to find God. You can start by quitting your deranged cult.
How about you woke-afflicted grow up. Let us know what preferred pronouns your virus will require it to be called as opposed to Wuhan virus.
How about you woke-afflicted grow up. Let us know what preferred pronouns your virus will require it to be called as opposed to Wuhan virus.

No one was talking about pronouns.

How about instead of calling it racist names that resulted in violence against Asian-Americans, we call it what the scientists call it. Covid-19.

I mean, I prefer calling it TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), since Trump likes to put his name on stuff, and this was truly his fuckup. But if we are going to be technical, Covid-19 is the technical term.

The Coronavirus disease 2019. You know, the one that Trump was told existed in 2019, but he waited until March 2020 to do anything about it.
No one was talking about pronouns.

How about instead of calling it racist names that resulted in violence against Asian-Americans, we call it what the scientists call it. Covid-19.

I mean, I prefer calling it TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), since Trump likes to put his name on stuff, and this was truly his fuckup. But if we are going to be technical, Covid-19 is the technical term.

The Coronavirus disease 2019. You know, the one that Trump was told existed in 2019, but he waited until March 2020 to do anything about it.
You have really succumbed to the disease woke'ism. Sorry, but I'm not going to embrace your preferred pronouns for either diseases or people.

Your TDS is laughable as you blame Trump for the WUHAN VIRUS 《---- note my use of bold, gargantuan text for that sense of drama and urgency.

Would you prefer They, Them or It as your preferred pronoun for the WUHAN VIRUS
No one was talking about pronouns.

How about instead of calling it racist names that resulted in violence against Asian-Americans, we call it what the scientists call it. Covid-19.

I mean, I prefer calling it TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), since Trump likes to put his name on stuff, and this was truly his fuckup. But if we are going to be technical, Covid-19 is the technical term.

The Coronavirus disease 2019. You know, the one that Trump was told existed in 2019, but he waited until March 2020 to do anything about it.
I call you full of it..
Because clearly, blaming non-white people for Trump's foulups makes you feel better.. check out this guy.

Yup, proving my point about racism... thanks for helping.
Because clearly your confused. Even for your TDS afflicted types, “I Blame Trump” for the Wuhan virus is a bit of a stretch. But don’t let your debilitating disease stop you from enjoying your delusions.

Would you feel better if everyone decided to agree that it was those evil white people, (led by Trump), who developed the Wuhan virus? It’s a loopy conspiracy that every self-loathing leftist could buy in to.

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