Wealth Tax: Yeah! Why do Warren Buffett and Bill gates need so much money in their Trust?

hahaha yeah a private bank is committing widespread human rights violations and cracking down on dissent.....geez
Private banks on Wall Street and elsewhere profit from thass killing of civilians on the opposite side of the planet; which Chinese banks earn similar blood money?
Yes, the Chinese profit from war as well.....they make a lot of weapons and sell them....some of their biggest clients have been some of the most oppressive regimes as well....Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, and Myanmar (Thailand is also a major client)

for undisclosed reasons

hahaha yeah a private bank is committing widespread human rights violations and cracking down on dissent.....geez
Private banks on Wall Street and elsewhere profit from thass killing of civilians on the opposite side of the planet; which Chinese banks earn similar blood money?
Yes, the Chinese profit from war as well.....they make a lot of weapons and sell them....some of their biggest clients have been some of the most oppressive regimes as well....Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Pakistan, and Myanmar (Thailand is also a major client)

for undisclosed reasons

Yep the Govt of China benefits from it, not so much the citizens that live there
You're claiming capitalism can't exist without misleading and deceptive contracts. Care to back that up? What about capitalism depends on fraud?
Corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectional ways such as economic gains from the inferior bargaining power of workers and from the superior political influence of those who own the means of production.

Anyone seriously doubting corruption's influence over capitalism should be able to explain why economic inequality continues to grow between owners and workers


"The top 20 percent of the world’s population controls 70 percent of total income while the bottom fifth account for 2 percent.

"Fifty percent of children and youth live below internationally recognized poverty rates.

"The middle income countries are the most unequal: the former Soviet Bloc, and countries in Asia experiencing the greatest increase in income inequality."
You're claiming capitalism can't exist without misleading and deceptive contracts. Care to back that up? What about capitalism depends on fraud?
Corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectional ways such as economic gains from the inferior bargaining power of workers and from the superior political influence of those who own the means of production.

Anyone seriously doubting corruption's influence over capitalism should be able to explain why economic inequality continues to grow between owners and workers


"The top 20 percent of the world’s population controls 70 percent of total income while the bottom fifth account for 2 percent.

"Fifty percent of children and youth live below internationally recognized poverty rates.

"The middle income countries are the most unequal: the former Soviet Bloc, and countries in Asia experiencing the greatest increase in income inequality."

Your post in no way backs up your claim. It's just more of your tedious socialist propaganda.
Nope. But that's the delusion socialism is built on.

Nope. But that's the delusion socialism is built on.

Your responses never address the posts that they quote. Why not?

Like here, for example - you claim capitalism is a zero-sum game. I call you on it and you simply use it as an opportunity to post unrelated propaganda. The above has nothing to do with the claim the capitalism is a zero-sum game.
In real life the other players have jobs and opportunity just like the lead player, but maybe not as fortunate. So they end up relying a little on the big guy, and if the big guy happens to be a good guy, then everybody wins.
If the "big guys" pursue the acquisition of private wealth with abandon, is that automatically "good" for human society?

Opinion | The Delusional Assumptions of Capitalism

"The laissez-faire advocate and novelist Ayn Rand wrote that if one does not support this notion that greed is good and pursuing 'enlightened self-interest,' (as Adam Smith characterized it), is the highest virtue, then one defaults to supporting a centralized oppressive regime that allows no personal freedom and no private wealth whatsoever."
Not much, no. I don't want government favoring anyone's "interests". That's the entire point of "general" welfare. Government should seek what's best for everyone, not just lobbyists. Laws and policies designed to favor special interests are abuse of government.
General Welfare

"General Welfare
The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens.

"Providing for the welfare of the general public is a basic goal of government.

"The preamble to the U.S. Constitution cites promotion of the general welfare as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution.

"Promotion of the general welfare is also a stated purpose in state constitutions and statutes

I don't conflate corporation$ with persons; do you?
That's an abuse of government. People should be free to trade however they want. Forcing the majority's will on them with democracy is just bullying.
Whether you like it or not, government will be used to advance the interests of one element of society over those of another.
Maybe. But I think we should minimize that. Do you?
Big business poses a bigger threat to individual liberties than big government, so I would hesitate to minimize government's role until corporate personhood goes the way of Jim Crow.

Once again, your response is a non-sequitur. I asked if you think we should try to minimize government being used to advance the interests of one element of society over those of another. Do you think that's a good thing? What about equal protection? Why don't you want to answer?
You're claiming capitalism can't exist without misleading and deceptive contracts. Care to back that up? What about capitalism depends on fraud?
Corruption consists of deriving benefit from power over others in morally objectional ways such as economic gains from the inferior bargaining power of workers and from the superior political influence of those who own the means of production.

Anyone seriously doubting corruption's influence over capitalism should be able to explain why economic inequality continues to grow between owners and workers


"The top 20 percent of the world’s population controls 70 percent of total income while the bottom fifth account for 2 percent.

"Fifty percent of children and youth live below internationally recognized poverty rates.

"The middle income countries are the most unequal: the former Soviet Bloc, and countries in Asia experiencing the greatest increase in income inequality."
if you cant afford a baby...why in flucking hell are you making them chairman mao????????????

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