Weakest President in Modern History

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

So Obama then BENEFITTED from TARP Payback making his deficits even worse!

And I agree with you regarding Bush own vast majority of deficit!
Do you remember this event?
I'm sure you don't!

9/18/08 economic attack that caused the TARP expenditure of $620B all has been paid back PLUS a $70B profit.

If they had not done that, their estimation was that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it
How the World Almost Came to an End on September 18, 2008 | Seeking Alpha

Hence THIS budget deficit INCREASE. BUT guess what happened to dummy Obama ? HE spent even more with NO events equal to any that occurred during GWB!
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Oh, and I forgot, you're lying again claiming TARP expenditures were $620 billion. As you were shown with your one link, TARP appropriations were capped at $475 billion and the total amount dispersed was $439 billion.

But you just can't stop lying about that, can you?

Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.
Hey... no more then you are lying about Obama's expenditures exceeded revenue!
I would think you would understand that I'm showing Obama MORE money in revenue and you are arguing against THAT!
OK... NOT a problem. Sure... ONLY $475 Billion paid out. THEN WHY even with then LESS money used by GWB then I'm saying Obama continued to run up
MORE spending?
Hey I have NO problem in reducing TARP expenditures CHARGED against Bush!
This just makes Obama looking even WEAKER! As now he has even less money spent on TARP then I was stating.
So fine... LET's use your figures. $439 billion dispersed under Obama and ALL of it paid back under Obama PLUS $70B in profit!
GEEZ that makes it even worse! Thanks!
You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 11.33.34 AM.png

You're lying again.... quote me saying Obama's expenditures did not exceed revenue or expose you have a reading comprehension problem.

And again, no, TARP did not shell out $475 billion. I just fucking told you, total outlays equaled $439 billion. And that is in your own link. Did you not bother to read your own link or did you not understand it?
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:
Again Obama had NO EVENTS ever equal to what happened during GWB that contributed to the GWB's deficits.
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Ok, we're done. You're simply too fucking insane to converse with. You have to have your head so far up your ass that you can see what you had for lunch to make the mind-numbing claim that Obama had "NO EVENTS" as big as Bush as though the Great Recession either didn't happen or as though it wasn't as big as every other event under George Bush combined.


So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Too fucking demented as always with you.

How the fuck can you deny claiming prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index when you posted this..... ?

So 5,000 people killed in 9/11 and worst hurricane SEASONS equal one minor recession?

So tell me about the "GREAT RECESSION" countering these experts observations!
BREAKING DOWN 'The Great Recession'
The term "Great Recession" is a play on the term "Great Depression."
The latter occurred during the 1930s and featured gross domestic product (GDP) decline in excess of 10% and an unemployment rate that at one point reached 25%.
While no explicit criteria exists to differentiate a depression from just a bad recession,
there is near-consensus among economists that the late-2000s downturn, during which the U.S. GDP declined by 0.3% in 2008 and 2.8% in 2009, and unemployment briefly touched 10%, did not reach depression status.
However, the event being unquestionably the worst economic downturn in the intervening years,
the term accurately conveyed its severity by invoking such a well-known economic calamity.

The Great Recession

BUT no ONE died!
How much property and market value was tossed in
The events that occurred?
Well let's see again the statements by experts:
The Worst Disasters In US History
HMMM... don't see ANYTHING from 2009 to 2016!
BUT no other presidency in HISTORY except GWB had more then 1 event... GWB had the 4th worst and the 8th worst...all in a span of just 7 years!
NO president had ever faced these disaster and YOU laughingly want to consider the phony "great depression" equal???
GEEZ how sad

View attachment 126601
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Too fucking demented as always with you.

How the fuck can you deny claiming prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index when you posted this..... ?


Did I actually say.." The Misery Index consisted of these 4 columns?
NO! I didn't!
YOU assumed which as you know what assume is... I made a ass out of u!
NO where did I even mention that the 4 components made up the the Misery Index.... YOU just assumed...
Again I did this on purpose to show how the MSM takes and puts things together like the above and make people like you jump to conclusions!
"Trump anti-immigrant"... and people think that because the MSM leaves out ONE adjective.... "Trump is anti-illegal-immigrant"!
Just LIKE you did you jumped to conclusions because the MSM leaves out stuff to make Trump out to be the bad guy!
SO too I ADDED two columns BUT I NEVER said..."With these 4 columns you know have the Misery Index"!
YOU jumped to the conclusion!
My whole put I've been making over and over again to idiots like you and it doesn't seem to sink in...
you are considered dumb by the MSM..."Fly over country"... "stupidity of the Voter"..."cling to your guns and religion"... these people like Obama, Hillary,
consider you ignorant and YOU don't even know it!
I'm just pointing out that YOU as the MSM knows you to be, are WONT to jump to conclusions...i.e. that I was including all 4 columns in the "Misery Index"!
Screen Shot 2017-05-15 at 10.11.44 PM.png
Again, you're proven to be too insane to bother with. :cuckoo: Anyone who refers to the Great Recession as a "minor recession" simply isn't playing with a full deck. GDP and unemployment are the two leading indicators of a recession. Since you can't find a non-depression recession which lost more GDP and jobs, you come off as a raving lunatic.

And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Too fucking demented as always with you.

How the fuck can you deny claiming prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index when you posted this..... ?


Did I actually say.." The Misery Index consisted of these 4 columns?
NO! I didn't!
YOU assumed which as you know what assume is... I made a ass out of u!
NO where did I even mention that the 4 components made up the the Misery Index.... YOU just assumed...
Again I did this on purpose to show how the MSM takes and puts things together like the above and make people like you jump to conclusions!
"Trump anti-immigrant"... and people think that because the MSM leaves out ONE adjective.... "Trump is anti-illegal-immigrant"!
Just LIKE you did you jumped to conclusions because the MSM leaves out stuff to make Trump out to be the bad guy!
SO too I ADDED two columns BUT I NEVER said..."With these 4 columns you know have the Misery Index"!
YOU jumped to the conclusion!
My whole put I've been making over and over again to idiots like you and it doesn't seem to sink in...
you are considered dumb by the MSM..."Fly over country"... "stupidity of the Voter"..."cling to your guns and religion"... these people like Obama, Hillary,
consider you ignorant and YOU don't even know it!
I'm just pointing out that YOU as the MSM knows you to be, are WONT to jump to conclusions...i.e. that I was including all 4 columns in the "Misery Index"!
View attachment 126841
You're too insane.

You actually posted "misery index components for U.S. economy," followed by a list of inflation rates, unemployment rates, prime interest rates, and GDP...


And YOU never obviously had to look for a job in the early 70s when Carter was President... which was FAR FAR worse then what happened under Obama!
And again it WAS a minor recession compared to the below issue!
View attachment 126734
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Too fucking demented as always with you.

How the fuck can you deny claiming prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index when you posted this..... ?


Did I actually say.." The Misery Index consisted of these 4 columns?
NO! I didn't!
YOU assumed which as you know what assume is... I made a ass out of u!
NO where did I even mention that the 4 components made up the the Misery Index.... YOU just assumed...
Again I did this on purpose to show how the MSM takes and puts things together like the above and make people like you jump to conclusions!
"Trump anti-immigrant"... and people think that because the MSM leaves out ONE adjective.... "Trump is anti-illegal-immigrant"!
Just LIKE you did you jumped to conclusions because the MSM leaves out stuff to make Trump out to be the bad guy!
SO too I ADDED two columns BUT I NEVER said..."With these 4 columns you know have the Misery Index"!
YOU jumped to the conclusion!
My whole put I've been making over and over again to idiots like you and it doesn't seem to sink in...
you are considered dumb by the MSM..."Fly over country"... "stupidity of the Voter"..."cling to your guns and religion"... these people like Obama, Hillary,
consider you ignorant and YOU don't even know it!
I'm just pointing out that YOU as the MSM knows you to be, are WONT to jump to conclusions...i.e. that I was including all 4 columns in the "Misery Index"!
View attachment 126841
You're too insane.

You actually posted "misery index components for U.S. economy," followed by a list of inflation rates, unemployment rates, prime interest rates, and GDP...



WHERE in the post DID I clearly state "the misery index for the US economy consists of Inflation, Unemployment, Prime Interest and GDP"?
Please show me where I said that!
YOU jumped to the conclusion with the HEADING I put but I never clearly said those 4 columns made up the Misery Index!
But you keep on proving my point! People like YOU read into what you think and I did this on purpose.
I Showed the Misery Index but NEVER explicitly, clearly stated these 4 columns make up the Misery Index! Show me in my comments where II ever said that!
YOU jumped to the conclusion. I'm not insane nor are you. You just suffer from what most people of your ilk do... you don't question what you read.
You simply want to prove your point and I think I've done a good job of showing how people like you are so suckered by the MSM headlines!
Just in case you still don't understand here's another example of the MSM helping people like you JUMP to conclusions!
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But further down in the article you read:
As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But I'm sure you read that headline and said YUP another crime committed by Trump!
Last edited:
Anyone who claims the Great Recession was mild, is batshit insane. To further prove to the forum you're insane, you claim that prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index...

The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's. It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. It is assumed that both a higher rate of unemployment and a worsening of inflation both create economic and social costs for a country. A combination of rising inflation and more people out of work implies a deterioration in economic performance and a rise in the misery index.

US Misery Index

It matters not what insane folks like you post. :eusa_naughty:

I DIDN"T claim that at ALL!!! Where is there any comment about the components of the Misery Index which I know full well as I was part of that
bullshit under CARTER when the misery index was the highest!
Unlike you that contributes NOTHING I added to the table the GDP and the prime interest rate to show that Nothing during the so called minor recession
compared to when Carter had both the inflation, Unemployment and prime interest all stratospheric!
Borrowing money was insane under Carter. Why you idiot do you think most credit card processing companies moved to South Dakota...Dummy?
Because in the early 80s usury law in South Dakota was the highest! Credit card interest was so high and all that coupled with business borrowings down,
unemployment UP and INFLATION at highest rates... Now that was truly a hard time to find a job, keep a job.
This crap about the "Great Recession" is just that! So little truth put out by the biased MSM.
How Citibank Made South Dakota the Top State in the U.S. for Business

So show me where I put the two together because I lived through it. YOU obviously never even learned about the rough times in the late 70s, gas rationing,high interest rates, inflation in grade school!
Too fucking demented as always with you.

How the fuck can you deny claiming prime interest rates and GDP are components of the misery index when you posted this..... ?


Did I actually say.." The Misery Index consisted of these 4 columns?
NO! I didn't!
YOU assumed which as you know what assume is... I made a ass out of u!
NO where did I even mention that the 4 components made up the the Misery Index.... YOU just assumed...
Again I did this on purpose to show how the MSM takes and puts things together like the above and make people like you jump to conclusions!
"Trump anti-immigrant"... and people think that because the MSM leaves out ONE adjective.... "Trump is anti-illegal-immigrant"!
Just LIKE you did you jumped to conclusions because the MSM leaves out stuff to make Trump out to be the bad guy!
SO too I ADDED two columns BUT I NEVER said..."With these 4 columns you know have the Misery Index"!
YOU jumped to the conclusion!
My whole put I've been making over and over again to idiots like you and it doesn't seem to sink in...
you are considered dumb by the MSM..."Fly over country"... "stupidity of the Voter"..."cling to your guns and religion"... these people like Obama, Hillary,
consider you ignorant and YOU don't even know it!
I'm just pointing out that YOU as the MSM knows you to be, are WONT to jump to conclusions...i.e. that I was including all 4 columns in the "Misery Index"!
View attachment 126841
You're too insane.

You actually posted "misery index components for U.S. economy," followed by a list of inflation rates, unemployment rates, prime interest rates, and GDP...


WHERE in the post DID I clearly state "the misery index for the US economy consists of Inflation, Unemployment, Prime Interest and GDP"?
Please show me where I said that!
YOU jumped to the conclusion with the HEADING I put but I never clearly said those 4 columns made up the Misery Index!
But you keep on proving my point! People like YOU read into what you think and I did this on purpose.
I Showed the Misery Index but NEVER explicitly, clearly stated these 4 columns make up the Misery Index! Show me in my comments where II ever said that!
YOU jumped to the conclusion. I'm not insane nor are you. You just suffer from what most people of your ilk do... you don't question what you read.
You simply want to prove your point and I think I've done a good job of showing how people like you are so suckered by the MSM headlines!
Just in case you still don't understand here's another example of the MSM helping people like you JUMP to conclusions!
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But further down in the article you read:
As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
But I'm sure you read that headline and said YUP another crime committed by Trump!

Did you respond in there somewhere? :cuckoo:

Don't you know how to use the quote feature?

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