We the People launches


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
And I can't get on the site. Too busy.

We the People is easy to use. Here's how it works:

Create or Sign a Petition: Anyone 13 or older can create or sign a petition on WhiteHouse.gov asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range issues.
Build Support and Gather Signatures for your Petition: It's up to you to build support for a petition. Use email, Facebook, Twitter and word of mouth to tell your friends, family and coworkers about the petitions you care about.
The White House Reviews and Responds: If a petition reaches 5,000 within 30 days, it will be reviewed by a standing group of White House officials, referred to any other relevant policymakers and an official response will be issued.
The idea of petitioning the White House or the government isn't new, but this tool is. The White House has never tried anything like this before, and as a result, we'll probably have to make some adjustments as we go. As we do, we'll keep you posted on the White House blog.

So think about an issue you care about, who you can reach out to join you, and get started:


P.S. Help spread the word about this new tool by forwarding this email to anyone else who would find We the People interesting.
"Our Apologies
This Section of our site is currently undergoing maintenance
We appreciate your patience while we make some improvements
Please check back shortly"

Like everything else with his Presidency.... piss poor planning, piss poor execution, and utter failure

This is my 1st attempt at this type of activity and wish to communicate a flash of thought that has far reaching implications. It's purpose is to solve problems. My proposal is to create a law or rule and put it up for discussion. I believe this 1st rule is a start a process to solve the economy as it pertains to Government in the US.

No person receiving money from the Gov't no matter in what form shall make no more than the current median of income or have a net worth greater than the median net worth of all citizens of the US. This could be implemented in within a certain time period. Penalties should be confiscation of any such assets and placed back into treasury and jail time in proportion of such assets. anybody with said assets currently with said assets would have to be forfitted to stay in the employment of the gov't. the spirit of this rule or law, could be maintained with strictly monitored expense accts etc .
They put up a maintenance sign. I don't think they were expecting the traffic.

Silly White House.

Probably wrong there. Going off of obamas record of appointing people with no experience he probably has a green czar or a propaganda czar neither with any experience setting up a web page.
This will turn out to be just as funny as attackwatch, because alot of people out there who are disgruntled will flood the page with non-issues type of recommendations "Which by the way is the real reason for the site, to track political enemies". In case you have not noticed in the last 3 years, this administration could care less about your opinions, but yet you seem to believe they all of a sudden care now? Better open your eyes and join the rest of us in reality.
They put up a maintenance sign. I don't think they were expecting the traffic.

Silly White House.

Probably wrong there. Going off of obamas record of appointing people with no experience he probably has a green czar or a propaganda czar neither with any experience setting up a web page.
This will turn out to be just as funny as attackwatch, because alot of people out there who are disgruntled will flood the page with non-issues type of recommendations "Which by the way is the real reason for the site, to track political enemies". In case you have not noticed in the last 3 years, this administration could care less about your opinions, but yet you seem to believe they all of a sudden care now? Better open your eyes and join the rest of us in reality.

Hush. Boop threads are official Fact-Free Zones.
So were now going to take ideas and pointers from 13 year olds?

Fucking desperate and disgustingly pathetic.


Signed, President Obama.

P.S.: If you check "no', the IRS will audit you.
Hey, remember when America created it's own ideas? This one's been running around Europe for a while. Guess what? It's failing.

If we are gonna keep copying Europe, I think it would be cool if we copied ideas that actually work.

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