We really need to understand there are differences

Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

Compared to both you, and Ascelpias, I am new on the subject. Posters like yourself and Essen, (I may miss some) may consider this "silly". My serious question concerns George Washington Carver, rascism I saw 15-17 years and revisited after reading Ascelpias posts. My childish disgust concerning James Baldwin not receiving a Nobel Prize means little. He was in the dustbin by virtue of sexual orientation before I knew where he died. I may not have known his race, knew only a far 'right' book purchased at a yard sale advised "DO NOT READ". So I had to read his works, Carver and impacts science, society, race and the future.

Yes, my view of racism cannot encompass more than experience, I saw, and still see it, but the incisive views remain with those who suffered from it. (Edited to relect a response to IM2, not Essen. Writing that requires thought can impact sender name.)

Except G.W. Carver was not the first or only black who has impacted science. I ask what I do because this is what I have seen from whites in 20 years of trying to discuss the impact of racism, racist policy and laws to include slavery, upon blacks and other non white people. I think we must study past policies, recognize the impact hey had, realize he damage they created, understand how long they were in effect, then recognize how long it took before the changes made to such laws or policy were actually followed. Instead we get the "I was not there" excuse and that's not good enough. So to me these are the serious questions whites need to ask or discuss.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

You aren't white. YOu don't know what my life has been like. And you can't know. Poopy head.

How do you like that game now?

Its in the books. Slavery occurred, not just "there", here. The 14th Amendment is still not enforced. Think about what has never been known because of racism, or imagine Americans dying because of a segregated military. The nation cannot "turn back", and learning more about black contributions proves the destruction that awaits if attempted.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

You aren't white. YOu don't know what my life has been like. And you can't know. Poopy head.

How do you like that game now?

Well since I was raised in white culture taught white philosophy, law, religion etc, and have had to navigate my way through white dominated fields to get jobs, I can say that your comment is an example of your idiocy.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

Compared to both you, and Ascelpias, I am new on the subject. Posters like yourself and Essen, (I may miss some) may consider this "silly". My serious question concerns George Washington Carver, rascism I saw 15-17 years and revisited after reading Ascelpias posts. My childish disgust concerning James Baldwin not receiving a Nobel Prize means little. He was in the dustbin by virtue of sexual orientation before I knew where he died. I may not have known his race, knew only a far 'right' book purchased at a yard sale advised "DO NOT READ". So I had to read his works, Carver and impacts science, society, race and the future.

Yes, my view of racism cannot encompass more than experience, I saw, and still see it, but the incisive views remain with those who suffered from it. (Edited to relect a response to IM2, not Essen. Writing that requires thought can impact sender name.)

Except G.W. Carver was not the first or only black who has impacted science. I ask what I do because this is what I have seen from whites in 20 years of trying to discuss the impact of racism, racist policy and laws to include slavery, upon blacks and other non white people. I think we must study past policies, recognize the impact hey had, realize he damage they created, understand how long they were in effect, then recognize how long it took before the changes made to such laws or policy were actually followed. Instead we get the "I was not there" excuse and that's not good enough. So to me these are the serious questions whites need to ask or discuss.

No, I reference GREATEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST. I am beginning to see history has been denied to me, only I can scratch for it now.
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.
I was actually just thinking about this today - that it really hasn't been that long ago that men were fighting for their rights, marching and wearing signs that said, I AM A MAN. It's a shame that some folks had to be convinced that other folks share their humanity. It's also a shame that the sense of superiority in some remains pretty much unchanged even today - regardless of changes made to laws written on paper.

40 years? 50? More?
Thats less than the 400 year head start whites gave themselves while holding back Blacks and other people of color. If the favor was returned whites would fall into the dark ages again.

My "head start" consisted solely of a good upbringing in a stable two parent home.

And nothing is stopping blacks and other people of color from doing that for their children today, or a generation ago, their parent(s).

That's on you and yours.

No that's not what your head start consisted of. I grew up in a very stable 2 parent home. Apparently better than yours since you've been taught some really stupid racist crap.

I've challenged you in the past to support your accusations of racism. You pussied out like the bitch you are.

SO, I'll just laugh at you for that, first of all.


My head start was a good upbringing. That's it.

My child will likely have that, and a significant inheritance. Which is my choice to give. So fuck off all you commies that have a problem with that.

You've been shown plenty of examples of your racism. Your whiteness was your head start. And that's it.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

Compared to both you, and Ascelpias, I am new on the subject. Posters like yourself and Essen, (I may miss some) may consider this "silly". My serious question concerns George Washington Carver, rascism I saw 15-17 years and revisited after reading Ascelpias posts. My childish disgust concerning James Baldwin not receiving a Nobel Prize means little. He was in the dustbin by virtue of sexual orientation before I knew where he died. I may not have known his race, knew only a far 'right' book purchased at a yard sale advised "DO NOT READ". So I had to read his works, Carver and impacts science, society, race and the future.

Yes, my view of racism cannot encompass more than experience, I saw, and still see it, but the incisive views remain with those who suffered from it. (Edited to relect a response to IM2, not Essen. Writing that requires thought can impact sender name.)

Except G.W. Carver was not the first or only black who has impacted science. I ask what I do because this is what I have seen from whites in 20 years of trying to discuss the impact of racism, racist policy and laws to include slavery, upon blacks and other non white people. I think we must study past policies, recognize the impact hey had, realize he damage they created, understand how long they were in effect, then recognize how long it took before the changes made to such laws or policy were actually followed. Instead we get the "I was not there" excuse and that's not good enough. So to me these are the serious questions whites need to ask or discuss.

No, I reference GREATEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST. I am beginning to see history has been denied to me, only I can scratch for it now.

I won't go that far because we have had people who have done more than Carver. He was no doubt a great scientist, but he did not perform the first open heart surgery. He did not create blood plasma, he did not create a way to fix cataracts. I can keep going. I understand where you are coming from. I am just more interested in discussing how laws and policies created the issues we have now. I respect you for what you are doing, we just have different interests in this regard.
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Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

You aren't white. YOu don't know what my life has been like. And you can't know. Poopy head.

How do you like that game now?

Its in the books. Slavery occurred, not just "there", here. The 14th Amendment is still not enforced. Think about what has never been known because of racism, or imagine Americans dying because of a segregated military. The nation cannot "turn back", and learning more about black contributions proves the destruction that awaits if attempted.

What in the world are you talking about?
40 years? 50? More?
Thats less than the 400 year head start whites gave themselves while holding back Blacks and other people of color. If the favor was returned whites would fall into the dark ages again.

My "head start" consisted solely of a good upbringing in a stable two parent home.

And nothing is stopping blacks and other people of color from doing that for their children today, or a generation ago, their parent(s).

That's on you and yours.

No that's not what your head start consisted of. I grew up in a very stable 2 parent home. Apparently better than yours since you've been taught some really stupid racist crap.

I've challenged you in the past to support your accusations of racism. You pussied out like the bitch you are.

SO, I'll just laugh at you for that, first of all.


My head start was a good upbringing. That's it.

My child will likely have that, and a significant inheritance. Which is my choice to give. So fuck off all you commies that have a problem with that.

You've been shown plenty of examples of your racism. Your whiteness was your head start. And that's it.

Your lies are noted and dismissed.

My whiteness gave me nothing. YOu don't know. YOu ain't got white skin. You CAN'T understand.
Thats less than the 400 year head start whites gave themselves while holding back Blacks and other people of color. If the favor was returned whites would fall into the dark ages again.

My "head start" consisted solely of a good upbringing in a stable two parent home.

And nothing is stopping blacks and other people of color from doing that for their children today, or a generation ago, their parent(s).

That's on you and yours.

No that's not what your head start consisted of. I grew up in a very stable 2 parent home. Apparently better than yours since you've been taught some really stupid racist crap.

I've challenged you in the past to support your accusations of racism. You pussied out like the bitch you are.

SO, I'll just laugh at you for that, first of all.


My head start was a good upbringing. That's it.

My child will likely have that, and a significant inheritance. Which is my choice to give. So fuck off all you commies that have a problem with that.

You've been shown plenty of examples of your racism. Your whiteness was your head start. And that's it.

Your lies are noted and dismissed.

My whiteness gave me nothing. YOu don't know. YOu ain't got white skin. You CAN'T understand.

Laws and policies made show me different. I do know. I do understand.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

You aren't white. YOu don't know what my life has been like. And you can't know. Poopy head.

How do you like that game now?

Its in the books. Slavery occurred, not just "there", here. The 14th Amendment is still not enforced. Think about what has never been known because of racism, or imagine Americans dying because of a segregated military. The nation cannot "turn back", and learning more about black contributions proves the destruction that awaits if attempted.

What in the world are you talking about?

If you don't know, shut up.
My "head start" consisted solely of a good upbringing in a stable two parent home.

And nothing is stopping blacks and other people of color from doing that for their children today, or a generation ago, their parent(s).

That's on you and yours.

No that's not what your head start consisted of. I grew up in a very stable 2 parent home. Apparently better than yours since you've been taught some really stupid racist crap.

I've challenged you in the past to support your accusations of racism. You pussied out like the bitch you are.

SO, I'll just laugh at you for that, first of all.


My head start was a good upbringing. That's it.

My child will likely have that, and a significant inheritance. Which is my choice to give. So fuck off all you commies that have a problem with that.

You've been shown plenty of examples of your racism. Your whiteness was your head start. And that's it.

Your lies are noted and dismissed.

My whiteness gave me nothing. YOu don't know. YOu ain't got white skin. You CAN'T understand.

Laws and policies made show me different. I do know. I do understand.

You've made it clear that you don' believe that study or learning can lead to understanding what it is to be another color, so don't even try that game.

You're black, by your own rules, understanding what it is to be white, is not something you can do.
Where should a white person post a serious question about rascism on this Board?

Are whites really wanting to ask serious questions about racism or are they going to keep trying to tell us non whites how we are more racist? Are whites really ready to examine the damage and advantages they have gained from racist policies of the past and now or are they going to continue to pretend it never happened?

You aren't white. YOu don't know what my life has been like. And you can't know. Poopy head.

How do you like that game now?

Its in the books. Slavery occurred, not just "there", here. The 14th Amendment is still not enforced. Think about what has never been known because of racism, or imagine Americans dying because of a segregated military. The nation cannot "turn back", and learning more about black contributions proves the destruction that awaits if attempted.

What in the world are you talking about?

If you don't know, shut up.

He or she was trying to say something TO ME, so why don't you be the one to shut up.
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.
America was built on a group mentality. We have constitutional articles deciding what groups represented Americans and who did not for purposes of taxation and representation. So many whites need to go back and learn exactly how things have been done instead of opinions really not based in fact or in reality.

The opinion in the Dred Scott case was not that Dred Scott had no rights Sanford was bound o respect. That would be the implementation of individualism. But the opinion was that blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect. Group rights. The opinion in Plessy v Ferguson did not state that separate facilities were equal for Plessy and for Ferguson, that would be individual rights, instead it was deemed tat separate facilities for blacks and whites as groups were equal. So let us stop lying to ourselves please.

It would have been real nice that if for the last 241 years whites had considered everyone part of the human race. But they didn't. So we must fix the damage that belief created before anything else can be done.

EVERY white person who ever marched hand in hand with blacks for their equal rights and we're talking a VERY LARGE NUMBER, should take note of your thoughtfulness and gratitude..
But if we have done or are doing it for gratitude, then our motives may not be so pure.
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.

Hundreds of thousands of dead whites. They died so you could be free.

Why would Black America not be racist? There is a couple hundred thousands of reasons right there.
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.

Hundreds of thousands of dead whites. They died so you could be free.

Why would Black America not be racist? There is a couple hundred thousands of reasons right there.

Black lives, bodies and children.

Which is what motivated the anti-slavery people like Lincoln to fight such a bloody war.

Does that count for anything in your world?
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.

Hundreds of thousands of dead whites. They died so you could be free.

Why would Black America not be racist? There is a couple hundred thousands of reasons right there.

Millions of dead blacks who really died so I could be free.
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.

Hundreds of thousands of dead whites. They died so you could be free.

Why would Black America not be racist? There is a couple hundred thousands of reasons right there.

Black lives, bodies and children.

Which is what motivated the anti-slavery people like Lincoln to fight such a bloody war.

Does that count for anything in your world?

Here we go with this shit again. Lincoln didn't give a damn about blacks..
Yes, blacks can be racist just as whites can be racist.

This is a silly OP.

Lots more background for white people to latch onto, hundreds of years. Why would Black Americans not be racist? Reading about Nat Turner's violence and anger forced me to remind myself, and look up slave punishments: backs broken, babies tossed with pitchforks, skin flayed..........all on a regular basis to PROPERTY. Yes, many whites were against it........but when did it end? Only with war, and hundreds of thousands dead. Notes of a Native Son, The Fire Next Time, the entire Harlem Reanissance is not enough.

Hundreds of thousands of dead whites. They died so you could be free.

Why would Black America not be racist? There is a couple hundred thousands of reasons right there.

Millions of dead blacks who really died so I could be free.

Nope. THeir deaths were part of the system and contributed nothing towards ending it.

That was white people fighting, the United States army, that freed your ancestors.


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