We need more babies


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
This isn't just a North Korea thing, it's something needed in many, many countries. Even here in America. We need more American women to have more babies.

---Kim Jong Un openly weeps as he urges North Korean women to have more babies---

Why do you think having more babies is such an emergency?

The US has a population density, nationwide, of around 96 people per square mile. New Jersey has a population density of 1263 people per square mile.

We will be even more crowded and need even more resources to sustain the population growth you want.
Why do you think having more babies is such an emergency?

The US has a population density, nationwide, of around 96 people per square mile. New Jersey has a population density of 1263 people per square mile.

We will be even more crowded and need even more resources to sustain the population growth you want.

Not to worry a new baby boom will appear soon. All those "immigrants" Joey Xi has allowed in will soon be increased two fold in a short while.
This isn't just a North Korea thing, it's something needed in many, many countries. Even here in America. We need more American women to have more babies.

---Kim Jong Un openly weeps as he urges North Korean women to have more babies---

Go out and make as many as you want.
Lost in all this is the education of all those children that will be conceived. We seem to be lowering the IQs in our nation.
In Western Europe, the "natives" long ago stopped reproducing at even a replacement rate, thus endangering the financial viability of their precious Safety Net, especially retirement programs. They (most of them) started programs that incentivized child-bearing with tax credits and even bonuses and monthly stipends for having a kid, with little success.

This is why many of them perversely started accepting hordes of Middle Easterners, in the hope that they would in fairly short order start working and paying taxes. Germany sought to train them quickly to "become good Germans." Not much luck at that.

Now, having opened the floodgates, those governments are being voted out, replaced by more "conservative" politicians who want to get rid of the brown-skinned masses, but with little legal support for doing so.

Here in the U.S., the Democrat party did a slick "one-eighty" on illegal immigration, first railing along with Republicans about the costs of illegal immigration (financial and other), then beginning to subtly welcome the bastards by putting out the word that we would no longer enforce our immigration laws - which is where we are now.

In an attempt to demonize Republicans vociferous concerns, Democrats fabricated a non-existent "Republican Replacement Theory," whereby they claim that Republicans fear that "immigrants" (ignoring the essential difference between legal and illegal immigrants) were going to "replace" American voters - hence Republicans were bigots and, of course, Fascists.

Now it appears that the American people are rejecting the Democrat lies about "no open southern border" and "replacement theory," and demanding that the Federal Government enforce our [fucking] immigration laws, AND send the millions of current illegals back where they came from - or not, just get them the hell out of here.

Only Donald Trump promises to do that. Those of us who know "how things work" know that he won't be able to do that - there is simply too much resistance in the Deep State - but at least he is saying the right thing(s).

One can only hope that the Democrat "full court press" to take Trump out by "legal" means is unsuccessful, and also hope that the Democrats are not able to steal YET ANOTHER Presidential election with "harvested" votes
In Western Europe, the "natives" long ago stopped reproducing at even a replacement rate, thus endangering the financial viability of their precious Safety Net, especially retirement programs. They (most of them) started programs that incentivized child-bearing with tax credits and even bonuses and monthly stipends for having a kid, with little success.

This is why many of them perversely started accepting hordes of Middle Easterners, in the hope that they would in fairly short order start working and paying taxes. Germany sought to train them quickly to "become good Germans." Not much luck at that.

Now, having opened the floodgates, those governments are being voted out, replaced by more "conservative" politicians who want to get rid of the brown-skinned masses, but with little legal support for doing so.

Here in the U.S., the Democrat party did a slick "one-eighty" on illegal immigration, first railing along with Republicans about the costs of illegal immigration (financial and other), then beginning to subtly welcome the bastards by putting out the word that we would no longer enforce our immigration laws - which is where we are now.

In an attempt to demonize Republicans vociferous concerns, Democrats fabricated a non-existent "Republican Replacement Theory," whereby they claim that Republicans fear that "immigrants" (ignoring the essential difference between legal and illegal immigrants) were going to "replace" American voters - hence Republicans were bigots and, of course, Fascists.

Now it appears that the American people are rejecting the Democrat lies about "no open southern border" and "replacement theory," and demanding that the Federal Government enforce our [fucking] immigration laws, AND send the millions of current illegals back where they came from - or not, just get them the hell out of here.

Only Donald Trump promises to do that. Those of us who know "how things work" know that he won't be able to do that - there is simply too much resistance in the Deep State - but at least he is saying the right thing(s).

One can only hope that the Democrat "full court press" to take Trump out by "legal" means is unsuccessful, and also hope that the Democrats are not able to steal YET ANOTHER Presidential election with "harvested" votes
Let's just say for arguments sake that Trump removes millions of immigrants from the US. Why do you think that would raise the birth rate?
This isn't just a North Korea thing, it's something needed in many, many countries. Even here in America. We need more American women to have more babies.

---Kim Jong Un openly weeps as he urges North Korean women to have more babies---

Get crackin' Get pregnant.

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