We need a progressive tax on progressive democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

75% of the top 20 richest people in America support the Democratic party. Even George Soros, a stock market financier, was listed as being a Democrat. In fact, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison (the top 3 wealthiest on the list), and the two Google principals were all associated with the Democratic Party.

  • The 10 poorest states in the US according to average income levels (Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina) by majority, vote and are represented in Congress by Republicans.
  • According to USA Today, Slate.com, and CityData.com, the wealthiest overall geographic locations (counties and states) in the US tend to vote, by majority, Democrat. In other words, these areas had higher overall average incomes compared to locations that voted majority Republican.
And since democrats are all about helping the poor folk, I really believe that we need to tax the poo out of them.

Who is with me?
I think it stands to reason that if democrats continue to vote for those who raise their taxes, like those in California who can't afford to live anymore, then they should be the ones paying the taxes.

Makes perfect sense.

75% of the top 20 richest people in America support the Democratic party. Even George Soros, a stock market financier, was listed as being a Democrat. In fact, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison (the top 3 wealthiest on the list), and the two Google principals were all associated with the Democratic Party.

  • The 10 poorest states in the US according to average income levels (Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, and North Carolina) by majority, vote and are represented in Congress by Republicans.
  • According to USA Today, Slate.com, and CityData.com, the wealthiest overall geographic locations (counties and states) in the US tend to vote, by majority, Democrat. In other words, these areas had higher overall average incomes compared to locations that voted majority Republican.
And since democrats are all about helping the poor folk, I really believe that we need to tax the poo out of them.

Who is with me?
A flat tax for all with a single rate and no deductions or credits solves that problem.
I think it stands to reason that if democrats continue to vote for those who raise their taxes, like those in California who can't afford to live anymore, then they should be the ones paying the taxes.

Makes perfect sense.
I guess it does, if you are a tax and spend Trumper. Conservatives aren't very pro-tax. They were cool. I miss them.
75% of the top 20 richest people in America support the Democratic party. the wealthiest overall geographic locations (counties and states) in the US tend to vote, by majority, Democrat.

It's been my experience that when one group is enjoying much greater benefits than others around them, it isn't due to any brilliance or good luck, but because the wealthy group is taking unfair advantage of the others by gaming the system.
I guess it does, if you are a tax and spend Trumper.

How do you get a tax and spend Trumper when Trump was all about CUTTING taxes and the first thing Joe wanted to do in office was SPEND 5 trillion dollars? That is half of the entire national debt we had in 2009 in one fell swoop. And now Joe is looking to greatly raise taxes!
How do you get a tax and spend Trumper when Trump was all about CUTTING taxes and the first thing Joe wanted to do in office was SPEND 5 trillion dollars? That is half of the entire national debt we had in 2009 in one fell swoop. And now Joe is looking to greatly raise taxes!
Until Covid Hit and Trump was more than happy to throw about 3 trillion dollars in deficit spending at it.
And, you wanted or expected Trump should have done . . . what? And what is this bull about Trump being "more than happy?" It was a global pandemic, remember?
I would have closed the US to all international travel before it ever got here.

Hell he bragged about how much money he was throwing at it.

A million deaths later we know it was the wrong approach.
I would have closed the US to all international travel before it ever got here.
Trump largely did that, but it might not be possible to close ALL travel. Just not practical. Besides, you are operating from perfect 20/20 hindsight vision.

A million deaths later we know it was the wrong approach.
Then it was the wrong approach the world over. Hindsight is always easy, plus it was the approach Biden took, plus many of the deaths happened on his watch. Meantime we know now the CDC lied and perhaps 80% of the covid deaths really didn't die from Covid itself.
Trump largely did that, but it might not be possible to close ALL travel. Just not practical. Besides, you are operating from perfect 20/20 hindsight vision.

Then it was the wrong approach the world over. Hindsight is always easy, plus it was the approach Biden took, plus many of the deaths happened on his watch. Meantime we know now the CDC lied and perhaps 80% of the covid deaths really didn't die from Covid itself.
No he didn't he tried doing it piecemeal which was doomed to fail since people can travel all over the world to find an "open country" to fly then into the US from.

He was pressured for example to keep travel open with the EU even though there was a raging epidemic already spreading in some of them.

I'm not working from hindsight, I'm working off of what actually happened as compared to what people like myself were recommending at the time which was a complete closure to the US of international travel with the limited exemption of allowing Americans and US visa Holders to return and be quarantined for 3 weeks on military bases.

Instead Trump got suckered into the idea that throwing money at the problem would solve it and being Trump he had to throw more money at it than had ever been done before in history, that's just his nature.

As for the 80% claim there's no way to substantiate such a claim.
He was pressured for example to keep travel open
There you have it. He was pressured. That ends your argument. Everyone made mistakes and everyone is STILL making mistakes. Life is never perfect.

I'm not working from hindsight, I'm working off of what actually happened
Of course you are as you couldn't possibly have been working in real time. News and facts come to us days, weeks, months and years after the fact.

Instead Trump got suckered into the idea that throwing money at the problem would solve it
If he did, then it was by the "experts" he depended on like Fauci, Birx and the CDC.

and being Trump he had to throw more money at it than had ever been done before in history, that's just his nature.
What would YOU know of Trump's "nature?"

As for the 80% claim there's no way to substantiate such a claim.
It already WAS substantiated, IN PRINT, right off an official government document page in a thread here long before you joined.
There you have it. He was pressured. That ends your argument. Everyone made mistakes and everyone is STILL making mistakes. Life is never perfect.

Of course you are as you couldn't possibly have been working in real time. News and facts come to us days, weeks, months and years after the fact.

If he did, then it was by the "experts" he depended on like Fauci, Birx and the CDC.

What would YOU know of Trump's "nature?"

It already WAS substantiated, IN PRINT, right off an official government document page in a thread here long before you joined.
Leadership is doing what you believe to be right even in the face of pressure.

Trump is always excessive, ebullient, exuberant, and exaggerates in his speech, that's obvious to anyone who has paid attention to him over the years.

If he's going to do something he's always going too do it bigger, badder, and louder than anyone else.
Leadership is doing what you believe to be right even in the face of pressure.
You just described Donald Trump.

Trump is always excessive, ebullient, exuberant, and exaggerates in his speech
Not only is that bullshit, but you should be glad to have had a president who could actually talk.

If he's going to do something he's always going too do it bigger, badder, and louder than anyone else.
Sounds like the kind of president I want and America needs over the stuttering fuck and hapless bum in office now.
Then you should be able to provide substantiation for it.
I can, if I wanted to actually hunt for the link to it. Obviously, you're too fucking lazy to go find it for yourself or you really don't want to see it, plus I don't know you from shit, you just joined here so, go do it yourself if you want to see it, its not like I care whether you believe me or not.
I can, if I wanted to actually hunt for the link to it. Obviously, you're too fucking lazy to go find it for yourself or you really don't want to see it, plus I don't know you from shit, you just joined here so, go do it yourself if you want to see it, its not like I care whether you believe me or not.
I looked and didn't find it.

It's your claim, so it's up to you to support it, not me.
You looked--- where? Did you do a search of this message board where it was discussed? Maybe if someone here is nice out of pure charity, they will look it up for you then if you ask them real nice.
I did a search of the board and a search through my search engine.

It's your claim, you support it.

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