"We have to stand with our N. Korean allies"

Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck.
Only a complete fool would support her. Nice lady but uninformed.

Sure. She was only a State Governor... guess it bothers you that she draws alot of crowds of ordinary folks that think exactly like her...but then folks like you have a name for her and ordianry folks that make this nation run...and that would be unwashed rubes...correct?

I think she nailed alot of things. Seems as you have a problem with being called out and are embarrassed for whatever reason?

Guilt perhaps?

I'm still wondering why you wingnuts on the right are calling her governor. She DID NOT COMPLETE A FULL TERM.

I've got the right to call myself a sailor as well as my rank because I completed 20 years. If I'd quit after my first enlistment, or any time BEFORE I'd retired, I wouldn't have that right.

Palin never completed her full term, and therefore is not entitled to be called governor.

By the way, have you watched her show on TLC? It's readily apparent that she's never done half the outdoors stuff that she claimed.

And no, I don't believe that political Playboy Bunny can field dress a moose. Stupid bitch confuses brown bears with grizzlies when it's convenient for her.
I catch your gist. It's like I hope you guys on the far left wing who dominate the liberal Democrat Parody manage to do nothing but acquiesce in President Obama's efforts to get re-nominated. :thup:

Feel free to root for Obama to get the Democratic nomination.

You can have Palin or whatever candidate you are afraid to endorse

And why would anyone right now be so incipidly stupid to project or even contemplate anyone for POTUS right now just after a beating the Statists just took?

We have larger fish and other aquatic creatures (and mammals) to fry right now...and that is whipping the Congress into shape which Bammy will be hatin' life dealing with since all signs point to that he will not go centrist as Billy-Bob did in the 90's...which will be sauce on any goose you Statists care to nominate.

A little Democratic TOAST with this meal? You bet. Bon appitite.

Simply because this is a Political Discussion Forum..

By this point in the political cycle you should have at least one potential GOP candidate (could be more) whose politics you support. This is the GOP we are talking about. The GOP does not select candidates out of the blue.

The fact that there is not a single Republican potential candidate that you can get excited about proves how slim those pick'ns are
The really scary part for Republicans is that Palin has emerged as the defacto leader of the GOP. The fact that your political future is now subject to her decisions is enough to keep the most die-hard rational Republican awake at night
Feel free to root for Obama to get the Democratic nomination.

You can have Palin or whatever candidate you are afraid to endorse

And why would anyone right now be so incipidly stupid to project or even contemplate anyone for POTUS right now just after a beating the Statists just took?

We have larger fish and other aquatic creatures (and mammals) to fry right now...and that is whipping the Congress into shape which Bammy will be hatin' life dealing with since all signs point to that he will not go centrist as Billy-Bob did in the 90's...which will be sauce on any goose you Statists care to nominate.

A little Democratic TOAST with this meal? You bet. Bon appitite.

Simply because this is a Political Discussion Forum..

By this point in the political cycle you should have at least one potential GOP candidate (could be more) whose politics you support. This is the GOP we are talking about. The GOP does not select candidates out of the blue.

The fact that there is not a single Republican potential candidate that you can get excited about proves how slim those pick'ns are


leftwinger is "excited" about the Democrat Parody options!?

The really scary part for Republicans is that Palin has emerged as the defacto leader of the GOP. The fact that your political future is now subject to her decisions is enough to keep the most die-hard rational Republican awake at night

I would question her if the left wingnuts liked her. The more you fight against her the more it will make people with common sense want to support her. Keep up the good job supporting President Palin the first female American president.
Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck.
Only a complete fool would support her. Nice lady but uninformed.

Sure. She was only a State Governor... guess it bothers you that she draws alot of crowds of ordinary folks that think exactly like her...but then folks like you have a name for her and ordianry folks that make this nation run...and that would be unwashed rubes...correct?

I think she nailed alot of things. Seems as you have a problem with being called out and are embarrassed for whatever reason?

Guilt perhaps?

Why would it bother anyone Sarah Palin "draws a lot of crowds"?
I am very happy she does so.
"folks like you have a name for her and ordianry(?) folks that make this nation run.......and that would be unwashed rubes.....correct"
Well I guess so Mr. T if you say so. I am not sure exactly what you are trying to state but I would like you to roll me one out of your bag so maybe I could see where you are going Moe.
"Seems as you have a problem with being called out and are embarrassed for whatever reason?"
Who called me out?
I got embarrassed in '77 against Pitt. Dorsett ran all over our ass.
"Guilt perhaps?"
Guilty about what? Dorsett ran all over EVERYONE'S ass in college and pro.
The really scary part for Republicans is that Palin has emerged as the defacto leader of the GOP. The fact that your political future is now subject to her decisions is enough to keep the most die-hard rational Republican awake at night

I doubt that the majority of Republicans regard Palin as the party leader. I think she's drawn the most attention from the news media that may give it that appearance. But I think serious voters are looking for more serious candidates.

As for the thread topic, all I'll say is that when I was stationed in Korea, I had to return to the US for a conference. At the airport rental car company, I showed the car rental agent a copy of my military orders and, when she asked me for my address, I explained that I was stationed at Seoul, Korea.

She asked me, "North or South?"

Ahh, public education....

And why would anyone right now be so incipidly stupid to project or even contemplate anyone for POTUS right now just after a beating the Statists just took?

We have larger fish and other aquatic creatures (and mammals) to fry right now...and that is whipping the Congress into shape which Bammy will be hatin' life dealing with since all signs point to that he will not go centrist as Billy-Bob did in the 90's...which will be sauce on any goose you Statists care to nominate.

A little Democratic TOAST with this meal? You bet. Bon appitite.

Simply because this is a Political Discussion Forum..

By this point in the political cycle you should have at least one potential GOP candidate (could be more) whose politics you support. This is the GOP we are talking about. The GOP does not select candidates out of the blue.

The fact that there is not a single Republican potential candidate that you can get excited about proves how slim those pick'ns are


leftwinger is "excited" about the Democrat Parody options!?


Wow..I got BOTH a smiley and a crazy guy. Shows a well thought out response on your side.

Yes..I am perfectly happy with Obama running for a second term. The fact that you cannot name a single potential opponent that you would support speaks volumes. Less than two years out and all you have as credible candidates are Palin and Romney. Not looking good for your home team
Simply because this is a Political Discussion Forum..

By this point in the political cycle you should have at least one potential GOP candidate (could be more) whose politics you support. This is the GOP we are talking about. The GOP does not select candidates out of the blue.

The fact that there is not a single Republican potential candidate that you can get excited about proves how slim those pick'ns are


leftwinger is "excited" about the Democrat Parody options!?


Wow..I got BOTH a smiley and a crazy guy. Shows a well thought out response on your side.

Yes..I am perfectly happy with Obama running for a second term. The fact that you cannot name a single potential opponent that you would support speaks volumes. Less than two years out and all you have as credible candidates are Palin and Romney. Not looking good for your home team

Remember when they were all laughing over the "Anyone but Bush" strategy and how it lacked substance? Maybe they think the "Anyone but Obama" is somehow better?

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