We give military aid to israel that kill lebanese children.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Report: Israel requests U.S. expedite delivery of cluster munitions rockets
New York Times reports Israel made the request since it has been unable to suppress Hezbollah attacks.
By Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent
Report: Israel requests U.S. expedite delivery of cluster munitions rockets - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Robert Fisk Reports From Lebanon on the Israeli Bombing of Qana
This is not the first time that Qana has been devastated by Israeli fire. In 1996, more than 106 villagers died after Israel bombed the UN compound where they were seeking refuge. In the aftermath of the strike 10 years ago, reporting by Robert Fisk led to the United Nations condemnation of the attack. Robert Fisk had just returned from Tyre, where the victims from Sunday's Israeli air strike in Qana were taken following the attack.
And, of course, every time I saw the “Qana,” I remember that I was actually in Qana ten years ago when the massacre occurred there then. This is the second massacre in the town whose inhabitants believe that this is the place where Jesus turned water into wine in the Bible, most of whom, 95% of whom, are Christians -- I’m sorry, are Muslims. I think all who died were Muslims. The 5% is Christians who have been there for hundreds of years, their families, because they do believe it is the Biblical Qana. There is a claimant to the rival of Qana in Galilee in northern Israel actually.
The grownups, the adult dead, including twelve women, were taken out later. The children were put in the truck first. Pretty grim. As I said, the children's hair, when you could see the bodies, were matted with dust and mud. And most of them appear to have been bleeding from the nose. I assume that’s because their lungs were crushed by the bomb, and therefore they naturally hemorrhaged as they died.
Robert Fisk Reports From Lebanon on the Israeli Bombing of Qana That Killed 57, Including 37 Children

IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon
Phosphorous and cluster bombs heavily used; unexploded munitions litter wide area of Lebanon.

By Meron Rappaport
"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the war.
In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of said explosive ordinance was fired in the final 10 days of the war.
IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

At least the guns we put into the hand of drug cartels killed other drugs cartels. Except the one border agent. Holder , if he ordered Fast and furious, should be given a medal of honor.
When people hide in schools, you get schools hit. When they hide in churches, the churches get hit. When are people going to learn that if the guy across the street is launching rockets into Isreal, there's a decent change that you would be much better off moving (or letting the authorities know about his exact location.

When you harbor a man doing these things, your house becomes a target. If your church harbors this activies, it becomes a target.

It's a sad thing when civilians are thrust into the roll of human shield, but that is the type of people that terrorism breeds.
Seems like an old report. Cluster munitions have been banned. The Israel War with Hezbollah was a couple of years ago. That being said,we give lots of military aid to many countries who kill. So why single out Israel? I think Foreign Aid in general needs to be reassessed. Time to keep that cash here at home.
We give to Egypt too...they're killing Coptic Christians as we speak. We should phase out all foreign and military aid I say, but why do you single out Israel?
Seems like an old report. Cluster munitions have been banned. The Israel War with Hezbollah was a couple of years ago. That being said,we give lots of military aid to many countries who kill. So why single out Israel? I think Foreign Aid in general needs to be reassessed. Time to keep that cash here at home.

Yea napalm is banned to but we still use it.

With regards to supporting isreals genocide of the palastinians with the help of the USA. Its true, its sad, its horrible, but what can we do about it when our own leadership has walked away from a global agreement to redraw the borders and finally have peace in the middle east? (on 4 occasions now btw)
Talk and Trade with Nations. Alliances with none! End Foreign Aid and Bring All The Troops Home. Sorry Obama - Real Change will always be Ron Paul!
Here's an idea...

How about if Hezzballah & all Palestinians unilaterally stop attacking Isreal. Then if the Isrealis took any military action against them or their people it would be clearly unjustified.

But when Joe is shooting at Andy and Andy is shooting at Joe, I have are hard time either supporting or condemning either.
Seems like an old report. Cluster munitions have been banned. The Israel War with Hezbollah was a couple of years ago. That being said,we give lots of military aid to many countries who kill. So why single out Israel? I think Foreign Aid in general needs to be reassessed. Time to keep that cash here at home.

Cluster munitions have NOT been banned. The USA refused to sign on to the ban.
Talk and Trade with Nations. Alliances with none! End Foreign Aid and Bring All The Troops Home. Sorry Obama - Real Change will always be Ron Paul!

not a rational response to world affairs. but then again, ron paul is an israel hating anti-semite... so i figure his worshippers are too.

It's hard to draw inferences from one sentence regarding foreign policy, but I bet if you were to outline, if you are capable of doing so what you would have liked to seen over the past 10 years... I bet it'd be closer to that sentence than what reality is.
Here's an idea...

How about if Hezzballah & all Palestinians unilaterally stop attacking Isreal. Then if the Isrealis took any military action against them or their people it would be clearly unjustified.

But when Joe is shooting at Andy and Andy is shooting at Joe, I have are hard time either supporting or condemning either.

Yea right. That makes as much since as telling the indians during colonial days that if they would just stop fighting and accept the tyranny it wont happen.

Eventually they did surrender and look where it got them? 3 more generations and there will be no Indians left.

I wanna know, are you a nazi, or just an idiot?
Yea this is an old story. I'm not sure why this OP chose to dredge it up. There's a lot going on in the World and we give military aid to many other countries and this includes Lebanon. So why pick on Israel only?
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Talk and Trade with Nations. Alliances with none! End Foreign Aid and Bring All The Troops Home. Sorry Obama - Real Change will always be Ron Paul!

not a rational response to world affairs. but then again, ron paul is an israel hating anti-semite... so i figure his worshippers are too.

Sorry, Sweet Heart. Study Blowback and the concepts of non-intervention compared to isolationism.

Starving and depriving middle eastern children of medical care and bombings that sometimes kill innocent bystanders for decades while looking in shock why someone would attack us is a rational response to world affairs?

Glad to see you won the intellectual battle from the TV remote think tank!
Talk and Trade with Nations. Alliances with none! End Foreign Aid and Bring All The Troops Home. Sorry Obama - Real Change will always be Ron Paul!

not a rational response to world affairs. but then again, ron paul is an israel hating anti-semite... so i figure his worshippers are too.

Sorry, Sweet Heart. Study Blowback and the concepts of non-intervention compared to isolationism.

Starving and depriving middle eastern children of medical care and bombings that sometimes kill innocent bystanders for decades while looking in shock why someone would attack us is a rational response to world affairs?

Glad to see you won the intellectual battle from the TV remote think tank!

Ah yes "blowback": blame-the-victim under a new name.

This is why Paul will never win any national office.

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