We continue to see some very positive trends in America

You seriously couldn't come up with a better example of "life experience" than "talking trash on a basketball court"? Wow...

It works because of its specificity . Plus I was thinking about that Lebron James story .

It's great that home school kids tend to be good test takers . But no one hires anyone without an interview . Test scores be damned.
But people hire candidates that "talk trash on a basketball court" in your mind? :eusa_doh:

Yep! It's a life skill. It's how trump got to be the GOP nominee .
It's not a "life skill" junior. At all. I think we all see now why you are unemployed. And it's certainly not how Donald Trump got the nominee. That was the result of libtards voting in Republican primaries for the candidates they think will be the easiest for their candidate to beat. Because liberals know that Dumbocrats can't win clean elections. Poetic justice that you people mind end up with him as your president.

I've been raking since I was 15.

You think the dems elected trump ? What are you some kind of home schooled mental case ?
And now that you're 16 you've moved up to shoveling sidewalks? Wow....big jump. Congrats. :eusa_doh:

And yes....liberals were very proud about voting for Trump in exit polls. They were on tv bragging about being liberals and casting votes for Trump. But that's ok. I wouldn't expect you to be informed. You haven't been on any other issue.
It works because of its specificity . Plus I was thinking about that Lebron James story .

It's great that home school kids tend to be good test takers . But no one hires anyone without an interview . Test scores be damned.
But people hire candidates that "talk trash on a basketball court" in your mind? :eusa_doh:

Yep! It's a life skill. It's how trump got to be the GOP nominee .
It's not a "life skill" junior. At all. I think we all see now why you are unemployed. And it's certainly not how Donald Trump got the nominee. That was the result of libtards voting in Republican primaries for the candidates they think will be the easiest for their candidate to beat. Because liberals know that Dumbocrats can't win clean elections. Poetic justice that you people mind end up with him as your president.

I've been raking since I was 15.

You think the dems elected trump ? What are you some kind of home schooled mental case ?
And now that you're 16 you've moved up to shoveling sidewalks? Wow....big jump. Congrats. :eusa_doh:

And yes....liberals were very proud about voting for Trump in exit polls. They were on tv bragging about being liberals and casting votes for Trump. But that's ok. I wouldn't expect you to be informed. You haven't been on any other issue.

Even in closed states ? Dems are switching parties by the thousands just to goof vote for trump ?
Sure. Home schooling is great. There is no reason for a 7 year old girl to know how to recognize all the letters of the alphabet or to count change. After all, she is just going to become a mother at 13, and she will be too busy raising kids and doing laundry to worry about needing any education. Teaching her misunderstood Bible verses and to hate libruls is enough.
When you read a post like this,you know the poster hasn't a clue,what they are yammering about.
Open mouth spread nonsense,thinks its clever.

I have more direct, hands on knowledge about this subject than you will probably ever have.
Your knowledge might be "direct" - but it isn't any good. You were wrong on just about everything you said.

Please point out and doccument what I was wrong about
In post #4 of this thread (on page #1) you ignorantly stated that a homeschooled child (and you - in typical libtard sexist fashion - used the pronoun she) would not be able to "identify letters in an alphabet" or "count change". Had to be an ignorant female right? Couldn't be a male? The Dumbocrat War on Women continues.

I then provided a slew of data about how homeschooled children score higher on SAT's, have higher GPA's, and are more likely to graduate college (among other things).

I have to wonder what kind of sad and pathetic person just makes stuff up. Pathetic. But that's sadly what we've come to expect from your side of the aisle.

That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.
I agree for once. There is a promising trend...
We will have either Hillary Rodham Clinton or one of her chief campaign contributors as President in November.
It looks like the GOP is finally ready to accept reality and prohibit those on the no-fly list from buying as many guns as their ISIS sponsors can afford. It looks like the attempts to defund Obamacare are no longer in fashion; they haven't done that in months. It appears that the GOP isn't going to try to shut down the government again until HRC takes over. She looks primed to appoint 4-5 justices to the Supreme Court thanks to GOP stalling on Obama's nomination. The Democrats are going to take back the Senate and restore some sanity. EPA regulations will be strengthened. Business regs will be strengthened

Anyone notice a difference between my post and Cornhole's post? Anyone?

My post is all things that happened. Cornhole's are all things she wishes. She wishes that Hitlery would be president (incidentally - who the heck calls her "Rodham" any more??? This isn't 1992 - good God). She wishes that the GOP would work to block the right to keep and bear arms. She wishes that Obamacare wouldn't be repealed (even though Congress has voted to repeal it many times already).

It's the difference between reality and liberal idealism.
That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.

First of all - who are you to decide what equals "adequate"? Do you have any idea how arrogant that is? Second, even if you were right, who cares? Why are you so worried about other people's children? Worry about your own children. Mind your own business.

Oh wait. That's right. You're a socialist. You believe that everyone has to be prepared to provide for you. You need a strong workforce so you have someone to mooch off of.
That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.

First of all - who are you to decide what equals "adequate"? Do you have any idea how arrogant that is? Second, even if you were right, who cares? Why are you so worried about other people's children? Worry about your own children. Mind your own business.

Oh wait. That's right. You're a socialist. You believe that everyone has to be prepared to provide for you. You need a strong workforce so you have someone to mooch off of.

It was my daughters half sisters. I couldn't do anything about it, because they weren't my kids, but as soon as my daughter turned 18, she started custody proceedings, and put them in school.
That was a specific girl that I personally know, not some hypothetical kid. We already discussed how the small amount of home schooled kids who actually took the SAT probably had parents that actually prepared them for college. Most don't do that. Unless they are applying for college, there is no reason or requirement to take that test. I never said no parents were educated enough and concerned enough to see that their child got a good education. Only that many don't. There is nothing to make them educate their children adequately.

First of all - who are you to decide what equals "adequate"? Do you have any idea how arrogant that is? Second, even if you were right, who cares? Why are you so worried about other people's children? Worry about your own children. Mind your own business.

Oh wait. That's right. You're a socialist. You believe that everyone has to be prepared to provide for you. You need a strong workforce so you have someone to mooch off of.

It was my daughters half sisters. I couldn't do anything about it, because they weren't my kids, but as soon as my daughter turned 18, she started custody proceedings, and put them in school.
Bingo! Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding!!! As I previously stated - worry about your own children (and maybe your grandchildren). Stop worrying about other people's children.

That's the entire problem with liberals. They are a bunch of oppressive busy-bodies. Your life will be a lot less stressful if you'd start minding your own business and not trying to force all of society to live their lives how you want them to live it.
Just what we need. A bunch of home schooled freaks that are socially clueless .
Most home schooled kids would outmatch you in a contest of wits

And they would get schooled trying to trash talk in a pickup game on the basketball court.

Somethings you just can't teach out of a textbook.
Yeah because the most successful people aspire to nothing more than trash talking on a basketball court
Even when government is within it's constitutional limits it doens't do it's task very well. I give you the post office.
Oh candycorn....

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Seems even Barack Obama agrees that I need to have every single "military-grade" weapon that the U.S. military has in its arsenal. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!

Another good sign for America (and the result of conservatism as always) - cleaning up the devastating regulatory costs.

In many respects, the need for reform of regulation has never been greater. In the past seven years, the Obama administration has increased annual regulatory costs by $108 billion annually. Decades of command and control regimes have produced massive, ineffective, and unaccountable bureaucracies. And the nation’s primary environmental statutes are woefully outdated.

Now comes “A Better Way,” a series of reform proposals from a task force of House Republicans that incorporates many of the regulatory lessons of the past four decades.

As noted in the chapter on regulatory reform, “What federal agencies need more than anything else is some humility. At the very least, new and existing federal regulations can be modernized to inflict far less economic pain.”

Cleaning Up Environmental Regulation
What a great trend to see in America!!! The youth of this country showing more intellect, more maturity, and more self-control than grown liberals. Despite the liberal agenda to promote promiscuity (especially among youth), our young people are making better decisions than ever before. I can't help but wonder if the huge increase in homeschooling is playing a part in this very positive trend in America...

Teenagers have sex. Deal with it.” That was a dismissive statement by a blogger in 2012 who taught at Yale University’s School of Public Health. Fortunately, teens did deal with it—by not having sex. They seemed to have missed this flippant blog and ignored this careless advice from adults who should know better.

On June 9, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the new 2015 data from the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey, which updates what we know about youth and their engagement in health risk behaviors. The results show that fewer teens are drinking than before, less are involved in physical fighting, and teen smoking hit its lowest level since the government began tracking it in 1991.

But the big news is the dramatic increase in the percentage of teens who have never had sex. Since 1991 (the first year the CDC began tracking youth risk behaviors), the percent of high school students who have never had sex has increased 28 percent. In real numbers, that means that nearly 6 in 10 teens are making the healthiest choice by waiting for sex—the highest percent to date.

Number of Teenagers Having Sex Has Dramatically Declined
What a great thing for the 2nd Amendment and the American people. Over 30,000 AR-15's sold in just one week since the Orland night club shooting...

Gun Shop Sells 30,000 AR-15s in Week Following Orlando Attack
After the great snow blizzard in Ohio in the winter of 77-78 everyone bought snow plows. The great blizzard has not returned and snow plows are a dime a dozen.

edit: psychology experts call that a knee-jerk reaction
I see ZERO positive trends in America. In fact i see the exact opposite. Just look at the two nominees. America has lost its collective mind.
Yes - we have two of the worst candidates in U.S. history. But did you even bother to read any of the links I posted? You really don't think it's a positive trend that America's youth are abstaining from sex in record numbers? If not - I have to ask - what the hell is wrong with you?
What a great thing for the 2nd Amendment and the American people. Over 30,000 AR-15's sold in just one week since the Orland night club shooting...

Gun Shop Sells 30,000 AR-15s in Week Following Orlando Attack
After the great snow blizzard in Ohio in the winter of 77-78 everyone bought snow plows. The great blizzard has not returned and snow plows are a dime a dozen.

edit: psychology experts call that a knee-jerk reaction
Who gives a shit what psychology "experts" call that? I call it an armed populace and a citizenry exercising their Constitutional rights. That's a great thing no matter how one attempts to spin it.

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