Gold Member
This is a very important election. We can expect every faction of the Socialist mafia to come out in full force before the election.
They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.
Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now
We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.
Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.
People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.
We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.
The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.
We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.
Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...
... BUT "he needs to tone it down"
...BUT "i wish there was someone else"
...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"
My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.
People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.
Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.
They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.
Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now
We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.
Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.
People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.
We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.
The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.
We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.
Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...
... BUT "he needs to tone it down"
...BUT "i wish there was someone else"
...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"
My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.
People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.
Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.