We cant afford affordable health care


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I lost my AHC coverage a year ago. I am bombarded by (ironically) adds in the MSM about how unaffordable Obama's "Affordable health care act" is. What do they say? "The road to hell is lined with good intentions". Affordable health care? Proof Democrat socialist nonsense that didn't work. Would you Democrats & liberals just STOP voting? Please? Do us all a favor?
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I lost my AHC coverage a year ago. I am bombarded by (ironically) adds in the MSM about how unaffordable Obama's "Affordable health care act" is. What do they say? "The road to hell is lined with good intentions". Affordable health care? Proof Democrat socialist nonsense that didn't work. Would you Democrats & liberals just STOP voting? Please? Do us all a favor?
Why would us not voting matter, since we just use fraud to win anyways? If anything, you should stop voting. Pick up some new hobbies. Stay home on election days. Your vote doesn't matter so just don't use it.
I lost my AHC coverage a year ago. I am bombarded by (ironically) adds in the MSM about how unaffordable Obama's "Affordable health care act" is. What do they say? "The road to hell is lined with good intentions". Affordable health care? Proof Democrat socialist nonsense that didn't work. Would you Democrats & liberals just STOP voting? Please? Do us all a favor?

How much does you Obamacare policy cost per month?
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How much does you Obamacare policy cost per month?
Really, It went from 200$ a month to a 1000$ easy. Affordable? In a year. I am over sixty. So they are trying to foist me onto medicare. Why the jump? I left, I'm done with this bullshit.
I go back and forth on the issue of health care, but, no one that goes to a hospital emergency room or who is admitted to a hospital and upon release, have to empty their bank account, sell their home, or set up a Go-Fund-Me site for that matter, but many people that go to actual hospital emergency rooms to be seen, shouldn't be there in the first place. For the things they go in for, we have "Doc-in-the-Box" locations. A hospital emergency room is really for major issues (life or death, significant trauma, et cetera), not the sniffles, sprained ankles, headaches, or rashes.
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Thing is, if we counter Democrats propaganda, they pin little grey or green or whatever color geometric figures on us and then burn down the constitution because they are "saving lives" or some such bullshit. Covid19 isn't a monumental plague. And, well, I never EVER had to take more than ONE inoculation for ONE illness in less than five years , ever. Not Polio, not measles not anything. Ever. Why covid?
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I lost my AHC coverage a year ago. I am bombarded by (ironically) adds in the MSM about how unaffordable Obama's "Affordable health care act" is. What do they say? "The road to hell is lined with good intentions". Affordable health care? Proof Democrat socialist nonsense that didn't work. Would you Democrats & liberals just STOP voting? Please? Do us all a favor?
Sooner or later the whole health care industry is going to collapse. Too many hands in the pot. Government will have no choice but to take it over when most Americans can no longer afford it.
List of countries having way better health care outcomes than USA. Of course hard nosed republicans will always try to scare people away with the word socialism. They love seeing billionaire health insurers gobble up all those profits and to hell with we the people.
List of countries having way better health care outcomes than USA. Of course hard nosed republicans will always try to scare people away with the word socialism. They love seeing billionaire health insurers gobble up all those profits and to hell with we the people.
I know currently we are way down on the list. I was hoping to see socialized medicine in my lifetime, I've had cancer twice and have another long-term condition which is very costly. At one time I had considerable savings it's all been wiped out. I'm 70 years old and still working part time because I can't afford to live on the social security alone. I don't see any other way out. I'm going to be working till I die. I remember reading somewhere got over six hundred seventy-five thousand Americans declare bankruptcy every year mostly because of medical costs. Our elderly very often lose their homes and lose all their savings during the last years of their lives because of the costs of nursing homes and the care they receive. This doesn't happen anywhere else in the world, just here in what is supposedly called " the richest nation on Earth ". Rich for who ?

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