We are in a 'clash of civilizations'

Yeah. Imagine how backward you have to be to believe your religion is telling you it is okay to kill another person based on scripture. It just speaks ill about everyone who follows any brand of that faith, I tell you!

Now if you will excuse me, I have a lynching to attend down at the Klan rally. Bring that boy Ansar Moo Ho Mud along, why don't you? Heheheheheheh.
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Why is the Obama Administration letting any Muslims at all into the United States. If Bush is to blame too, then I blame him too.

We should have shut down Muslim immigration into this great country immediately after 9/11.

You can't just blame the outright Lunatic Muslims who blow themselves up if they can take a few Americans with them. We are infidels and let our women vote and drive.

The Lunatic Muslims come from a culture...the Muslim Culture...which encourages martydom. Their mothers are thereafter venerated for having produced a murderer who killed himself and some innocent Americans.

Never let another one into this country. They will never adapt.
Why is the Obama Administration letting any Muslims at all into the United States. If Bush is to blame too, then I blame him too.

We should have shut down Muslim immigration into this great country immediately after 9/11.

You can't just blame the outright Lunatic Muslims who blow themselves up if they can take a few Americans with them. We are infidels and let our women vote and drive.

The Lunatic Muslims come from a culture...the Muslim Culture...which encourages martydom. Their mothers are thereafter venerated for having produced a murderer who killed himself and some innocent Americans.

Never let another one into this country. They will never adapt.

They're not all inclined to that.

I agree they should receive extra scrutiny for sure, but I don't cotton to the idea that they're all suspect and should be banned.
Why is the Obama Administration letting any Muslims at all into the United States. If Bush is to blame too, then I blame him too.

We should have shut down Muslim immigration into this great country immediately after 9/11.

You can't just blame the outright Lunatic Muslims who blow themselves up if they can take a few Americans with them. We are infidels and let our women vote and drive.

The Lunatic Muslims come from a culture...the Muslim Culture...which encourages martydom. Their mothers are thereafter venerated for having produced a murderer who killed himself and some innocent Americans.

Never let another one into this country. They will never adapt.

They're not all inclined to that.

I agree they should receive extra scrutiny for sure, but I don't cotton to the idea that they're all suspect and should be banned.


Thank you for a respectful answer...the first in this thread.

Extra Scrutiny is certainly a step in the right direction.
Why is the Obama Administration letting any Muslims at all into the United States. If Bush is to blame too, then I blame him too.

We should have shut down Muslim immigration into this great country immediately after 9/11.

You can't just blame the outright Lunatic Muslims who blow themselves up if they can take a few Americans with them. We are infidels and let our women vote and drive.

The Lunatic Muslims come from a culture...the Muslim Culture...which encourages martydom. Their mothers are thereafter venerated for having produced a murderer who killed himself and some innocent Americans.

Never let another one into this country. They will never adapt.

They're not all inclined to that.

I agree they should receive extra scrutiny for sure, but I don't cotton to the idea that they're all suspect and should be banned.


Thank you for a respectful answer...the first in this thread.

Extra Scrutiny is certainly a step in the right direction.

As long as that direction leads to not letting any in at all! "Never let another one into this country."
We are in a clash of civilizations and we will lose. Who will win isn't clear but America and the West will lose.
Yeah. Imagine how backward you have to be to believe your religion is telling you it is okay to kill another person based on scripture. It just speaks ill about everyone who follows any brand of that faith, I tell you!

Now if you will excuse me, I have a lynching to attend down at the Klan rally. Bring that boy Ansar Moo Ho Mud along, why don't you? Heheheheheheh.

Too bad you still think the 1800s is how the rest of us live.
We are in a 'clash of civilizations' The government, nat, is not John Smith, and you are not Pocadamnhontas. We are never going back to white and male entitlement of the 1950s.
Yeah. Imagine how backward you have to be to believe your religion is telling you it is okay to kill another person based on scripture. It just speaks ill about everyone who follows any brand of that faith, I tell you!

Now if you will excuse me, I have a lynching to attend down at the Klan rally. Bring that boy Ansar Moo Ho Mud along, why don't you? Heheheheheheh.

Too bad you still think the 1800s is how the rest of us live.

the 1950s is how many of you think, and that makes the baby Jesus cry.
Yeah. Imagine how backward you have to be to believe your religion is telling you it is okay to kill another person based on scripture. It just speaks ill about everyone who follows any brand of that faith, I tell you!

Now if you will excuse me, I have a lynching to attend down at the Klan rally. Bring that boy Ansar Moo Ho Mud along, why don't you? Heheheheheheh.

Too bad you still think the 1800s is how the rest of us live.

It's because he still lives in the 1800's.

He likes he idea of blacks being subservient to democrook plantation owners.
Please, we aren't in a clash of civilizations. Both sides would have to be civil before we could have one of those.

We should probably focus on creating a civilization first.

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