We all knew it would happen: Trump apparently throws Giuliani into the trash heap.

But yet Trumpers post threads like this:

At least this thread goes to the heart of what kind of person Trump is and how he treats his supporters.
so lets see,,

the current POTUS has a son hooked on drugs working for the chinese government which creates a blackmail threat,,

and an ex POTUS that expects his lawyers to pay their own bills,,,

which of these is the most important??

I will wait while you think about it,,
State’s evidence
When are they going to reveal it and put them all away?

How the heck is Trump supposed to save Giuliani??? Why are lawyers defending Giuliani, were they expecting to recover fees from Trump?!?!?!

That is some really bizarre thinking from people who believe that Trump is guilty of corruption and everything else, and that sane lawyers should be able to detect the misinformation. Otherwise, the misguided lawyers would be inclined to eat their fees.
Trump screwed over Guiliani after Guiliani tried to screw millions of people who voted for Biden on behalf of you guessed it, Trump.

No honor among thieves. Those two dirtbags deserve each other.
Come on man...how many of these stupid stories are we going to get about the internal workings of the friends of Trump?....they all turn out to be totally made up garbage by TDS sufferers...look what's happening to our nation...and you waste our time with this nonsense?....
If only we could throw dumb Don in the trash heap.
I just posted a new thread of a speech from Pompeo that shows how vulnerable we are as a nation....and this thread gets more traffic.....this is what is wrong with America...there are not many adults left at the table and the kids are having a food fight......
“Donald Trump is continuing to rake in the cash from supporters while shrugging his shoulders at the people who failed to secure him a second term.

Despite boasting a war chest of more than $100 million, Trump is reportedly refusing to extend any help to his former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who is now struggling under a mountain of legal fees that could leave the former New York mayor entirely broke. According to The New York Times, Trump raised a whopping $102 million in the first half of 2021. Salon reported last month that he has been relatively frugal in his spending habits, opting to not direct any of the money toward his election conspiracy efforts, including the GOP-backed recounts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, or Arizona.”

Trump continues to take his minions for millions while he throws his biggest supporter under the bus. Giuliani is ostensibly near broke and seeking a helping hand from Trump. Fat chance, Rudy! The Donald needs that money for his own debts.

Of course, any fool knows that Trump only cares for himself. Everyone else is disposable, especially Trump’s own supporters.
Trump doesn't have to campaign.

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