Wayne Root's story is impossible to explain if the Vaxx is safe.

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

His numbers are from his passive observations in the last 8 months. He never did any outreach or methodical surveys. So there may be some additional deaths and injuries he didn’t report. He isn’t going to proactively research this.

Wayne estimates 70% of his 200 guests were unvaccinated, but that’s just a guess.

I think he’s overestimating that. Around 25% of America is unvaxxed. All my liberal friends are vaxxed. So the vax rate for conservatives should be around 50% so I’m going to go with that; it’s probably close enough. It’s conservative. It gives the vaccine the best stats.

So we have:

200 guests at Wayne Root’s wedding

  • 100 vaxxed
  • 100 unvaxed
He checked on them 8 months AFTER the wedding and found:

Among the vaxxed:

  • 26 seriously injured
  • 7 dead
Among the unvaxxed:

  • 0 injured
  • 0 dead
That’s pretty extreme, isn’t it?

So what are the chances of that happening by chance if the vaccines are as safe as Pfizer claimed in the clinical trials (they told the FDA it was perfectly safe and that there were fewer serious adverse events than placebo: See page 22)?

If we go with the populations being the same in terms of health, using a Poisson distribution we find that the injuries (26 vs 0) are a 6 sigma event (you’ll only hear a story like this twice in the entire history of human beings) and the deaths (7 vs 0) are a 2.6 sigma event (less than 1% of the stories).

In short, Wayne’s anecdote was very unlikely to be just bad luck.

So if you trust the source of the anecdote (which I do after talking at length with Wayne), it’s virtually certain the vaccines are very unsafe using just this one anecdote alone.

That is how powerful anecdotes are.

A single verifiable anecdote, without any confounders or biases that could otherwise explain the result, can be extremely powerful.

Of course there are always biases and confounders which is why scientists like randomized controlled trials, but these have their own sets of problems because they can be gamed like the Pfizer and Moderna trials. Pfizer even admitted they defrauded the government in Federal court! So we can’t rely on the Phase 3 trial data.
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:abgg2q.jpg: I actually know Wayne Allyn Root. He lives here in Vegas. He's a conspiracy nut. I liked him when he was the VP candidate on the Libertarian Party ticket in 2008, but in recent years he's been going totally off the deep end with his paranoia and conspiracy crap. Can't stand him anymore.
That's fine but always...TRUTH is Truth.

What makes you sure he numbers are true?

Look, sure there have been adverse reactions, etc etc, but that is pretty much true of everything. I knew a man who died in the hospital from an extremely rare reaction to the somewhat common antibiotic Clindamycin administered after a routine surgery. There was simply nothing the doctors could do to stop it once it was in his system and the symptoms started. Basically his vascular system began to collapse until it was fatal.

Science says…

If you have a sufficiently large number of verifiable anecdotes such as this one, science says that the hypothesis that the vaccines are a disaster is much more likely than the alternative hypothesis that the vaccines are perfectly safe.

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