Way to Go, Grandpa Joe! Biden's Cannibal Story Has Made Papua New Guinea Academics MAD


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Way to Go, Grandpa Joe!

Biden's Cannibal Story Has Made

Papua New Guinea Academics MAD

19 Apr 2024 ~~ By Amy Curtis

The other day, we told you about Biden lying -- again -- about his uncle Bosey getting eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down during WWII. We also told you about the hilarious hashtag this lie inspired.
But not everyone is laughing. In fact, some academics in Papua New Guinea are offended:

No om;y Biden's perpetual lies. We cxan nowmake yjis a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?
This can be a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?
Dude. It's not a big deal. The rest of the world is quite used to American ignorance. Expects it, to a fair extent.
Wow. . . I knew you were a subversive and a liar, but you have certainly outdone yourself this time.

This response could be used for any of the foolish and outlandish stories about Trump.

Your agenda is transparent. . . .

When you ain't got nothin'
You got nothin' to lose
You're invisible now, you got no secrets
To conceal

Joe and his stories. They can make a Saturday morning cartoon show of his tall tales. Sid and Marty Kroft could produce it. Corn Pop and Uncle boozy, Hunter and others. In reality if Joe was a peasant, he most likely would be in a home for the aged with dementia.
so he got shot down during war time unarmed to defend himself.
biden's talk a lot of #### but I haven't seen or met one that is really capable of doing anything but talk
his uncle probably didn't know which end of the gun the bullet exits from
Joe in his political life has proven he is a chameleon to stay in power. To many people in history have done this. He would kill you if it kept him in power. And he is supposedly on your side.

Way to Go, Grandpa Joe!

Biden's Cannibal Story Has Made

Papua New Guinea Academics MAD

19 Apr 2024 ~~ By Amy Curtis

The other day, we told you about Biden lying -- again -- about his uncle Bosey getting eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down during WWII. We also told you about the hilarious hashtag this lie inspired.
But not everyone is laughing. In fact, some academics in Papua New Guinea are offended:

No om;y Biden's perpetual lies. We cxan nowmake yjis a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?
This can be a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?

Here's a noble idea, don't eat other people and you won't have such stories being spread. The guy says, "they won't just eat any whkte man who falls from.the sky", does that mean they MIGHT eat a particular man who falls from.the sky? The human species...
79,000 American soldiers disappeared in the Pacific Islands. Joe Biden was probably told this story as a child.
I have lived in two cannibal islands in the Pacific, Aotearoa and Fiji. It just isn't that big a deal...
Dude. It's not a big deal. The rest of the world is quite used to American ignorance. Expects it, to a fair extent.
This isn't about "American" ignorance, but liberal ignorance.

And the craziest part of this is that libs consider Biden to be the most intelligent and capable person in their party, and they are probably right about it.
Maybe he got Roo-Rooed.

3 guys get shipwrecked on what appears to be a deserted island. They set up camp on the beach planning to build a fire when all three of them pass out. When they come to, they are hogtied and being carried off by a strange tribe.

Upon arriving at the center of a huge tribe of people, a man that is apparently the chief of the tribe comes up and says to the first man, "For trespassing on my island, you have two choices, Roo Roo or death!"

The first guy is like, "Well I don't know what the hell Roo Roo is but its got to be better than dying so Roo Roo." Chief yells, "Roo Roo!" The whole tribe yells, "Roo Roo!" and the chief takes the man and fucks him up the ass.

He comes back to the next man and says, "For trespassing on my island, you have two choices, Roo Roo or death!" The guy thinks for a minute, "Well, I don't want to get fucked in the ass, but I certainly don't want to die, I guess I'll take Roo Roo?" Chief yells, "Roo Roo!" The whole tribe yells, "Roo Roo!" and the chief takes him and fucks him up the ass.

He comes back to the last man and says, "For trespassing on my island, you have two choices, Roo Roo or death!" This third guy thought about it, "Well I sure as hell don't want to get fucked up the ass, I don't want to die either but at least I will die like a man, Death!" Chief yells, "Death!" The whole tribe yells, "Death!"

Chief turns to the man with a smile and says, "But first a little Roo Roo!"

Way to Go, Grandpa Joe!

Biden's Cannibal Story Has Made

Papua New Guinea Academics MAD

19 Apr 2024 ~~ By Amy Curtis

The other day, we told you about Biden lying -- again -- about his uncle Bosey getting eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down during WWII. We also told you about the hilarious hashtag this lie inspired.
But not everyone is laughing. In fact, some academics in Papua New Guinea are offended:

No om;y Biden's perpetual lies. We cxan nowmake yjis a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?
This can be a daily feature: What Country Will Biden Piss Off Today?

Of course, nothing Trump says is in any way sketchy. :rolleyes-41:

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